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Marriage & Divorce - 31 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

My husband of 13 yrs had an affair 2 years ago. He was very far away from home working after hurricane Katrina, he was gone for 10 months, we only saw each other 4 times in that period, we were having extreme financial difficulties(which is why he even took the job away from home to start with), and I was falling into depression. Not any of which are excuses to cheat on your spouse, but in time...it has made me see a little of how it could happen. Things were not as great here as I made them out to be. Anyway, it all came out, we went to therapy and things got a lot better. I would even say the emotional and even physical connection we have now is stronger than ever. But it seems the past couple of months it has just been on my mind constantly, and I find myself throwing verbal jabs before I even realize it. Yes, he screwed up but he has also done everything he could possibly do to make things right again. I have never met or even seen this woman that made it a point after he came home

2007-10-31 03:33:30 · 16 answers · asked by hurtand still in love 2

My wife and I have been married for 3 months. She thought I was going to be working late last night, but I went out with some guys to the casino. I ended up winning $150, but then I blew all that money plus another $300 at a local strip club. She was expecting me home around 8:30 last night, and I didn't get in until after 2:00 AM. I crawled into bed and she immediately awoke yelling and screaming of where have I been and why I reeked like cigarette smoke. She then made me go sleep on the couch.

We didn't talk at all this morning, and I think she is over-reacting. I don't know how I am going to explain about the money... any suggestions?

2007-10-31 03:27:42 · 59 answers · asked by GCG 4

where to find a rich women (financially stable with a bit of extra cash in the pocket) where do they usually hang out? or is there a website like this like sugardaddy.com ?

2007-10-31 03:18:55 · 5 answers · asked by Peter P 1

Ok. My husband really likes a clean house and he helps with it too when he is home. Before we met, I was a slob and a bit of a clutter. However since we have been married and living together, I have curbed my bad habits. When he is here, the house stays clean and we usually spend at least one day a week cleaning and straightening. The laundry always pills up because neither one of us likes to do that. We he gets back from a deployment I usually spend a day giving the house a good scrubbing just so he can come into a nice clean house. My husband just got home from a 90-day deployment. I cleaned the house except I over slept and did not give all the laundry done. Also our Vacuum took a nose dive and broke so only half of the house was vacuumed. Besides those two things the house was clean. It looked nice, it smelled nice, but I told him about it before he got home. I said that I meant to have it all done but I just dropped the ball, especially on the laundry because I over slept.

2007-10-31 03:10:53 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

why is it acceptable for women to seek rich men but its wrong and inappropriate to due to the same for men whom search for rich women?

2007-10-31 03:00:50 · 16 answers · asked by Peter P 1

I am going through a divorce and at the moment there is no one in my life that I am intimate with...I feel that I dont want to be physically intimate with any man. I want to know if there are women out there that have experienced not wanting to have any kind of sex, anyone out there that feels that sex is not an option for you. Someone out there that feels that they are through with men and sex. Please am I alone in this? Is there something wrong with me? I know I like men but when it comes to having a physical relationship with them, I shut them out and I do not want any intimacy.

2007-10-31 02:49:35 · 11 answers · asked by ImWaiting 2

Not according to academic research. Frightening, isn't it?


2007-10-31 02:48:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I told him I AM DONE with the alcohol, pot and gambling. Get treatment or if you are not ready to quit we need to separate until you are ready, if you never get ready, then I guess we ultimately divorce. Basically, I want him OUT OF THIS HOUSE and OUT OF MY SITE, it repulses me to look at him one more day. 2 days went by, I asked if he knew what he was going to do. He said "of course not" "this is a huge decision, and I don't know, I need some time to think about this" I told him, just the fact that he needs time, tells me the answer and he gave his usual passive aggressive answer. Ok, if you know everything....I then asked what he thinks is reasonable, he said a week. What do I do for the week. My son as school so it is not like I can go away for a week, and do you think it is reasonable.

2007-10-31 02:48:18 · 40 answers · asked by Rachel☺ 5

She works from home...
Cleans the house...
Works outside the house 3-4 days a week...
Is always there when I need to talk...
Does a phenominal job with our six month old...
Kiss every morning when I leave for work...
Doesn't just tell me but shows me that she loves me...
Supports everything I do, stupid or not...

If thats not a description of a perfect woman then I dont know what is!!!

Wouldn't you agree????

2007-10-31 02:48:08 · 13 answers · asked by Tony G 3

I have a crush on my sexy next door neighbor! So I’m going as a sexy devil tonight when I trick or treat at his house. So I’m thinking of saying “trick or ME!” when he answers the door, and that’s when I jump him in my dainty red lace devil outfit (with horns!). There is NO WAY he can resist me b/c I am SOOO hot in that outfit.

The part I can’t figure out is how to distract his wife and kids long enough to do the deed? Help??

2007-10-31 02:35:14 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-10-31 02:34:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

What can you learn from that time?
Can you do anything to recreate that level of happiness?

2007-10-31 02:31:04 · 10 answers · asked by Fancy You 6

Me and my husband have been married for 13 yrs we have 3 children. It has been a good marriage except for 1 seperation. I have always been th one who has took care of the bills, household, and the children. but 4 months ago he moved to a town 2 hrs away because of his job me and the kids still live in the old town because of them already being in school and my job. well we got a little behind on our bills because of the job change and a couple of poor checks and just last month he took his check out of direct deposit from our joint account and open one in his name with his mother and is paying the bills from it and if I need something for the house or kids I have to ask her. I asked for halloween costumes for the kids and she said can't you find something for them to wear? I feel that I am the outsider in their marriage and i'm at the end of my rope. I want to save my marriage because I love my husband but i know i can't live like this. It's like im a child again. please help.

2007-10-31 02:25:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My wife is biploar. She is controlled by her mother and recently filed for divorce. Her mother is clinically depressed. Her sister also lives there and is bipolar. I recently found out my wife left our baby on the bed and she fell off. In addition, her sister is posting nude photos of herself online in the same restroom shared by my wife/daughter. I love both of them yet while she is pregnant with our second child, she is unable to take her meds. In addition, I am desperate to find an attorney. I have been contacting Texas Legal Aid as well as trying desperatley to find a pro bono lawyer as I am very limited on funds due to all of this. I need help to either try to get court appointed marriage counseling and/or to win custody (or at least partial) for my two girls. As of right now, she has kept my daughter away from me for 3 months. They are pushing for only 2 supervised hours per week for me. They won't even know thier father with such limited time. What can I do?!?

2007-10-31 02:23:02 · 9 answers · asked by cjsimmons269 1

My GF suffers bad PMS. I am a supportive & understanding guy and I cut her a lot of slack at that time every month. This month things were really bad. She has been irritated, rude, blunt, & unaffectionate over a 48hr period but I still continued to reach out and be understanding. In bed last night, she asked me if I was ok. I told her that the ear infection I had was bothering me and that there was also something else. I said, "I love you with all my heart and I really understand that your PMS has been difficult for you this month but as much as I have tried to be understanding, the way you have been talking to me has affected me and is making me feel a little deflated. Things will be fine, but I just needed to vent how I am feeling to you". She took this to heart and was really cold and unloving toward me. She layed there giving me no affection even though I opened my heart to her and had a horrible ear ache. This kind of thing is hard to deal with. What did I do wrong?

2007-10-31 02:17:44 · 15 answers · asked by Andy8875 2

My hubby and his best friend talked and plan to swap me for a night to his best friend's wife. His best friend and his wife are long long time family friends who lived in the other country. They are here for vacation for a 2 weeks. They had already agreed and arranged the meeting to be held somewhere outside our city few days from now. I felt nervous about this plan. I feel to enjoy anticipating what will happen after. We have open in regards to our sex life. We have both shared our fantasies that add spice-up our sex. But we have never been into swapping. What shall I do, Do I need to refuse or accept? I am confused and please serious advise is urgently appreciated.

2007-10-31 01:47:50 · 59 answers · asked by Anonymous

A guy that grew up with me in the Kingdom Hall was forced by his parents to get married to a girl (a non- witness), he got pregnant. If she didn't get pregnant then marraige wouldn't have been an issue. Right?
I know as Christians we try to follow principles set out for us by Jehovah. We all want our children to be born into wedlock. But he already got himself into problems by having pre-marital sex, getting the girl pregnant, why then force him to get married to her?
I mean it's not like he wouldn't have supported his child. They haven't been married for a good year, now he has to deal with legal seperation, paying a loan to the bank that he took for the wedding, including paying for a vehicle that his wife is driving.
Why couldn't his parents leave them to make their own dicision on weather they should get married or not?
I've seen similar situations so many times inside Jehovah's organization and Outside. Why force someone to get married because of Christian beleifs?

2007-10-31 01:11:44 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm married for almost 4 years but i was never happy in my marriage most of the time. my husband is verbally abusive, calling me names, and always yells all the time. i came to a point wherein i just ignore him because i hate to argue. i told him that we need marriage counseling but he told me that im the one who's got a problem. he doesn't like my kids either and didn't bother to speak to my mother when she came over for a visit. i need help what should i do?

2007-10-31 00:33:54 · 18 answers · asked by azbabe37 1

if not, do you feel you should have talked about the "ONE THING" that made you mad, but you didn't discuss it. And, now the perverbial straws have pile up and almost to the point of breaking the camels back??

we always here " I don't why they left" or I didin't "see" it coming. But if we truly go back and think of the thing that bugged us that we "didn't" tlak about we could have avoided the 20-30 year unhappy marriga? your comments

2007-10-31 00:18:23 · 9 answers · asked by Fugitive Peices 5

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