Since the day my husband asked me to be his girlfriend, his ex-wife has given us such hell! She's let us see Cindy (their daughter) four times in this year. I had to get a anti- harrasment order on her because... long story, he tried to modify there parenting plan because she was always deinying her to him or comming over unanounsed and taking her from us. Our order has expired, I saw her at the mall on Holloween, as I walked up to them and she recognized me she ran! I've gone to her house and called her phone, but she don't answer. Yesturday she called me back and told me to butt out of her business, that it's not my place and that I have no right to do what I'm doing!! problem
He's my husband, we have a child together, he's been violent to her and he's had problems w/ drug use, a couple more reasons why she say's she'll make sure we never see her, because he's a looser and don't deserve to see or hear his daughter... who the hell is she to make that dicision?!
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