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Marriage & Divorce - 4 October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

would like to know.

2006-10-04 09:19:47 · 11 answers · asked by BALLER 1

who do women in the beginning of a relationship screw like porn stars, u know no holds anything goes sex, then after the man commits the say that they were just doing this to show him a good time and that is not who she really is and if he loves her he will be willing to get an occasional screw and nothing else. i do all the romantic stuff like flowers, cards, dinners and i do help around the house. I enjoy going down on her and i will give her anything she wants. i am 46 she is 52 and has already went through the change. i workout of town and she works 9-5 m-f and we have no kids at home. is she a liar or just confused

2006-10-04 09:12:22 · 18 answers · asked by keithy 3

She's been giving me a bunch of grief about my "behavior" and whatnot, how can I convince her to just shut up & deal with me the way I am?

2006-10-04 09:10:24 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well in my youth I worked at a farm and there was this sheep she was soo cute well we hit it off and well you know one thing led to another. But I broke it off with her,Got married its been many years since I last saw her. My wife and I went out to eat yesterday and there she was all dressed up and covered in mint jelly and that brought up all those feeling for her again. My question is should I go back and get another helping or settle for a steak ?

2006-10-04 09:10:06 · 11 answers · asked by Wondering If ? 1

2006-10-04 09:09:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is in reference to my N husband from earlier question. He is over 50. I always was fine with his music until he made that his priority above his family and home. He does not help around the house,never fixes anything, sleeps late, has breakfast about 1pm and stays on the computer all day. Yes I agree what is wrong with me. I believe in commitment so I guess that is why I have hung on. I am ready to give up. He turns his nose up at counseling.

2006-10-04 09:09:26 · 9 answers · asked by waitingtoexhale 1

I had my life all together, nice cars, excellent job,.... living it up until I met her, two years later married her, then divorced her and lost everything through the courts. I have now recovered thanks to my survival instincts.............its sad that she is now on welfair. Whats your story ?

2006-10-04 08:59:09 · 17 answers · asked by Hammer 2

...that I'm sensitive about her. she don't want to hear me at all! Do you have any way in mind to make her stay at home!? I think the only way i didn't experience is punishing her. please don't tell me that I'm wrong.because it's something about our culture. even physically punishments are routine here. I don't want other people laugh at me because i'm not able to control my wife and I don't want to be agressive,too. If I were in your countries ,I wouldn't ask her something like that. so plz show me a new practical way.

2006-10-04 08:58:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-04 08:55:01 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

In March I caught my boyfriend cheating on me. I decided to come out and tell him the truth, I had been cheating on him all along. Well time has passed and we worked through our problems and we are still together. Things are going well and I dont think or feel like he is cheating . Lets call the guy I cheated with Ron. Well I cant seem to get Ron off of my mind. We last saw each other in February, and we have emailed very few times since then. I keep thinking about him, I havent felt so good and pleased sexually since I was last with him. I want so bad to sleep with him again, but I dont want to risk losing my family. I've been fighting the temptation for so long. But I am growing weaker and weaker as the days go on. Ron is married, but seperated. I dont want a relationship with him, I just want to have sex with him and be friends. I dream about Ron and even the thought of him gets me all aroused. All I can think about is the dirty things I want to do with him. Happened to you??

2006-10-04 08:54:48 · 15 answers · asked by ? 3

My boyfriend told me he was hurt because his friend who is a girl, lied, cheated, and stole from him. I thought he was upset over his sons choosing to stay with their mom, but then he let me know it was because his "friend" hurt him. Do I have reasons to be angry or should I feel bad because I got mad?

2006-10-04 08:54:36 · 16 answers · asked by angel_fire_2149 2

My BF is asking for me to pay part of the rent which I have no problem doing as I am living there. I pay the cable bill, both cell phone bills, pay for my own gas in my car and 3 -4 times a week buy the odds and ends at the grocery store IE something for dinner, dog food/cat food, laundry detergent. This I don't mind. The thing that's bothering me now is that he wants receipts for everything I buy down to coffee in the morning on the way to work etc. So he can see where my money is going. I'm a grown woman and I don't think I should have to do this. Is he trying to control me?

2006-10-04 08:54:03 · 16 answers · asked by MCS 2

If you had to choose between a good job and a good woman, what would you choose?

2006-10-04 08:51:34 · 24 answers · asked by §чﺀﺀчβчﻯ†a 5

My husband and Ihave beenhaving problems. He is depressed and finally realized it is serious enough that he is going to go fo rhelp. We fight endlessly when he is here and when he goes away it is less stresfull here.

BUT I get angry that I have two small children to look after and our family busines while he takes off visiting friends and basically going on vacation while i handle everything.

He starts with the psychiatrist tomorrow. Should i tell him to go and sort things out or let him stay home?

2006-10-04 08:44:51 · 16 answers · asked by Sandra C 2

A pill of some sort possibly?

2006-10-04 08:41:22 · 25 answers · asked by Sharon 5

2006-10-04 08:40:10 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is something nice to do for your husband for a one year anniversary? please give detail.

2006-10-04 08:36:20 · 12 answers · asked by carissa t 2

Can you trust your intuition on this?

2006-10-04 08:36:16 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

since I have known him he has had a drinking problem. when our daughter was born he stopped and Had been sober for 11 yrs. He has an addictive personality but I've always stood by him and helped him. since we've been seperated he started to drink again and he has been at bars and doing who knows what. Anyway he was driving home and flipped the car and got a dui. Reality is setting in for him and he says he needs time. also he has a problem cause I was friends with this guy that I worked with and me him and another girl talked like everyday and he feels that I betryed him. I didn't. the guy I was friends with was like my brother no interest what so ever and Yes i did tell him alot but He was easy to talk to. I have since not talked to him cause given the choice I choose my husband and If my friendship was causing I problem I don't want that. I would like to tell my husband all this but he hardly returns my calls or he says he needs time. Please help me. I want my family

2006-10-04 08:32:06 · 6 answers · asked by djc 1

My husband and I decided last night to call our marriage quits (on very peaceful terms). We have two young children (2 and 3 wks). My chest literally hurts, like I can feel my heart breaking. I just want to cry all the time. Will I ever not hurt anymore?

2006-10-04 08:30:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

...that I'm sensitive about her. she don't want to hear me at all! Do you have any way in mind to make her stay at home!? I think the only way i didn't experience is punishing her. help me plz...

2006-10-04 08:28:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just started to follow up on news because I am taking Civics and obviously need to be aware of our nation's news in order to effectively pass this course. However, I cannot remember if the law about letting two men get married to one another was approved and passed and whether or not there has been any marriages of such yet. Would anyone just give me a brief 411 on this? Thank you so much!

2006-10-04 08:26:41 · 8 answers · asked by Lina 4

He goes outside or in the bathroom when she calls, or if he is at work when she calls, he deletes it so i cant see it. He never tells me what is going on or what is said. Today i found a picture of him and her in his pick-up. what do i do? Things have been a little rocky here lately.........only been married for 2 and half months and i have been sleeping on the couch for three weeks. There is no sex cause he is always tired or just has no excuse. what is the problem.

2006-10-04 08:25:34 · 13 answers · asked by marriedonlyamonth&wondering 1

I am seperated for a couple of months after 11yrs of marriage 15yrs together. We are going through alot of bs right now. He is in a bit of trouble and I have moved 1100miles away so my family can help mw with my kids. He says he needs to figure things out emotionally, physically and financially. I need him now and I want my family back. I am willing to do whatever it takes. My kids want him with us to. And honestly him moving here would do some good for him to get away from all the trouble where he is at. I tell him all the time that I am here for him and will help him in what ever way I can and To forget anything that has happened on the last couple of months. It would be a fresh start. How can I convince him???? Help me please.

2006-10-04 08:18:42 · 12 answers · asked by djc 1

My best friend is cheating on his wife. His wife caught him chatting online with another woman & said that it was me with a different screen name. His wife said that he said that we were just role playing an affair (that sounds gay!) but I set her straight that it wasn't me. I have been friends with him for half my life (well, 2 months before my 18th birthday). What should I do?

2006-10-04 08:13:28 · 18 answers · asked by slikk pikka 2

that I was preggo and said it was her's but she don't beleive me what am I to do? she asked how it happened and I told her it happened on our annversary and she stated She never used the strap on so it couldn't be hers and then she left mumbling something about going back behind the 7-11 for more beer. What do I do now please help

2006-10-04 08:09:13 · 23 answers · asked by Wondering If ? 1

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