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Marriage & Divorce - 29 September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

that same day. I'm looking for the ways woman have handled the guild through the day, in the front of husband. I'll give you an example, I called wife during her lunch break, and her phone was actually off for almost 2 hours. When I finally got a hold of her she was entering the office. She told me she had a lunch meeting with a client, but sounded very different, trying to catch her breath a bit...and then asked me if everything was ok with me. I felt a very freaky vibe. And anyone ever encountered that from a wife (attitude) and found it to be the day they cheated on you.

2006-09-29 16:15:24 · 18 answers · asked by sailor28_1998 1

Is marriage the great eye opener?

2006-09-29 16:06:16 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

We met on line..from opposite sides of the continent and fell in love. He ended up coming here and we eventually got married...6 weeks now. He still chats with women from before me and one in particular who he also met on line and he said he was once in love with. I don't like this at all but should I trust him and not say anything? He doesn't mind me having men friends and having a drink with them after work but I never had a "love" relationship with any of them. And he has met them. I don't want to seem like a jealous wife but it does hurt my feelings knowing that he is still in contact with her. What should I do? Tell him to stop? Or trust him to only love me?

2006-09-29 16:04:13 · 30 answers · asked by JANICE D 1

feel she is cheating around when she travels on business. What are the odds of a woman, who plans to have more children with her husband, is the cheating type.

2006-09-29 16:02:46 · 13 answers · asked by sailor28_1998 1

Me and my husband have been growing apart... I have decided I wanted to get a divorce. Actually, I've thought about it a few times but I'm afraid. He can be very mad... and when I think about how he would react when I break the news... he might get very nutty. Is there anything I can do to make things easy for both of us? I still love him, I care for him dearly... like a brother (sadly), but I don't see any future with us together. It took me a few years to realize we aren't for each other... and now I don't know what to do, I'm not inlove with him any longer. Please don't suggest therapy, it won't solve any problem. I just want my life back... I know he doesn't want to get a divorce, niether one of us is doing anything wrong... can I get a divorce without him wanting to do so?

2006-09-29 15:55:43 · 12 answers · asked by xp office 1

Hi, I've been meeting w/ a female co-worker (from another department) on a regular basis lately. She's good looking, a little older; but nonetheless good looking. I kind of have a thing for her; but have played it professional for the obvious reasons. While we have one-on-one meetings in her office, she is friendly, but she has a hard time establishing eye contact with me for more than a few seconds. She'll look all over while speaking, but rarely make eye contact. Is this cause she likes me and is nervous, or cause she thinks I'm an ugly dog and is afraid I'll like her if she looks at me too much??? What does this mean? Only serious answers please.

2006-09-29 15:51:26 · 8 answers · asked by dwitejones 2

how often women orga*m, and it was reported and deleted before I got to read any of the answers.....I'm a little mad about it cause it was an honest question and I've seen much worse crap on here than that....

Anyhow I asked because I'm 34 years old and until my current partner, I never knew that a woman could orga*m EVERY time you have sex or that I could do that multiple times in one session, I was just wondering if my partner is just EXTREMELY blessed or if this is normal in a relationship. Before him, I hardly ever did that?

2006-09-29 15:42:26 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently dated someone and after it didn't work out, we stopped talking for a little while. We finally made contact a month later and I figured we could salvage a friendship out of it. He had recently gotten a new job, but since he just started, he wasn't going to get a paycheck for about three weeks. I helped him out by paying a couple bills (about $300) and now he has disappeared!! I am always there for my friends, and unfortunately he took advantage of my good nature. (I know...live and learn). I can live without my money, but I shouldn't have to. Any ideas for either getting it back or getting revenge? I don't want to do anything horrible, but I just want to put him in his place.
P.S. Don't lecture me about how I shouldn't have let him borrow money. I realize it was a mistake, thanks.

2006-09-29 15:41:19 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am so upset with my husband. We are suppose to be getting our house ready to sell. We are currently in the process of building the new house. My husband is not working on the house itself, but constantly wanting to spend free time doing stuff to the land. The land is not in need of anything specific, he is just wasting time on it. No he is not off doing other things. He goes there with his dad. I have been stuck with the kids and trying to keep our house clean to sell. He has been getting mad at me because I am getting mad at him for not helping out here. It is a revolving circle of just complaining. I feel like I am just constantly nagging, but all I want is help around here. (He does typically help clean and pick up.) There are just things our house needs done to sell it.

Help me. I feel like just walking out. (I wouldn't really do that.) That is just what I feel like. We both have so much pressure and stress, that it is wearing thin.

Give me suggestions.

2006-09-29 15:20:06 · 15 answers · asked by halo 1

anyone going thru same exp or planning to go ahead with inter-rel marriage? would love to hear ur piece of mind on this. In my case,its a hindu-muslim issue,but others are most welcomed.

2006-09-29 15:17:39 · 17 answers · asked by julie 1

no wedding, no court house, something simple and soon that will make us legally married before our baby is born...which is really soon:)

2006-09-29 15:10:32 · 13 answers · asked by girl 2

I am getting married October 21st to a wonderful man. But to my parents their understanding of what I good wife is different from mine, so I was curious to see what other women or mens understanding of a good wife was.

2006-09-29 14:53:00 · 12 answers · asked by Amanda W 1

I have never seen a married couple not get divorced. Every person I have ever known who has gotton married has gotton a divorce. I sometimes wonder if the divorce rate is higher than the 50% that they talk about in the news. Wouldnt it be better if society just did away with marriage and just had people live together?

2006-09-29 14:40:05 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-29 14:37:42 · 25 answers · asked by MaryBeth 7

If you found out everything you heard about one of your parents who you never see, was a lie.
Ex. I was raised to believe my dad was not a nice guy! (Not a bad guy, no jail or ever abusive). Kind of selfish and stupid. Then this weekend after spending time with him and hearing his side of the story, which i have to believe more than the one i was told by my mother, realise that everything my mother told me about my dad was a lie?!
What would you do?

2006-09-29 14:29:07 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-29 14:24:43 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you stop seeing your child if your ex's mother and your ex made it very uncomfortable for you while you were with them?

2006-09-29 14:24:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I started seeing this guy that lives in my neighborhood. He had seperated from his x wife for about 3 mnths so I felt it was safe to at least go out. He ended up going back out with her.He still lives here in the apt complex. He told me he was confused and that he felt guilty. I told him off because he hurt my feelings and he made all these promises that he didn't keep.So be it. I have learned my lesson. He told me to never call him again. I dont. I stopped! I refuse to beg someone or look stupid. I have to drive by his flat on the way out. His door is visible clearly from the road in front. When I am driving around the curve to leave his door is actually facing me. He has a mini camera set up on his door to see whos coming up. I drove by the other day going out & he stepped out of his door and then went back in real quick & shut the door. How dumb. I havent spoke to him in 2wks what is he doing? If I was stalking him or still calling I would get it but what is he trying to prove?

2006-09-29 14:23:52 · 9 answers · asked by princess 1

My husband is of a very free nature. He has always had many friends. And I trust him a lot. But recently there were many rumours about him and a woman...that they have an affair. He says there is nothing to worry. I spoke to her once and told her not to bother us. She calls everyday and i wonder if what others say is true. :( .... i want to trust my husband but my gut does not seem to agree this time. What should i do?? Could there be something going on? I feel sad.

2006-09-29 14:16:58 · 38 answers · asked by megh 2

I have been madly in love with my ex-wife for 3 years and she has done horrible things to me such as cheating on me lying to me running away for a month or so at a time and I have always wanted her back, now however I feel as though i dont want her back and that I never should have been with her and that we are totally incompatable, and there is no way I could love someone who has hurt me this bad. Why then can I not move on why do i long for her to just call me or e-mail me and tell me she is truly sorry and that she wants to work everything out. These feelings make absolutely no sense to me whatsover I am furious with her and I honestly cant stand her with every fiber of my being.Why then can I not move on why does she still haunt my dreams and my feelings why can't I get her out of my life as hard as I try?I am at the point now where i don't care if she or anyone else sees this question or laughs at me or thinks I'm any less of a "man" or whatever I just want to get over it.

2006-09-29 14:15:44 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

my fiance thinks im yelling for the hell of it,im trying to tell her that the kids dont need to have candy and stuff when they get home from school,they get into there stuff that is for there lunch,they have snacks for after dinner,by wed we have to buy more stuff for there lunch.shes on diability,and im off work due to lack of work,its a money thing,let alone a health thing.
then i did something really stupid like ask the kids to help do simple chores around the house before they go out and play didnt happen,im doing it all,is because they are not my kids or everybody just dont care cause ill do it.she has a 6 year old that screams at the top of her lungs when she dont get her way,even outside were the neighbors are even looking.THIS IS REALLY TEARING OUR RELATIONSHIP UP TO WERE I WANT TO LEAVE HER AND BE ON MY OWN.any ideas?caus etalking to her isnt helping.

2006-09-29 14:10:41 · 9 answers · asked by albert s 1

I just read a question earlier that made me think of this and now I am really curious...Why is it okay for a man to go to a strip club but if his wife wants to go look at hot sweaty half naked guys he's all of a sudden not okay with it? I am speaking from my own experience with my husbands bachelor party and my bachelorette party...he was all set to have strippers at his party until I said that I was going to too and then he freaked out and said I couldn't. Same thing happened to a friend of mine who likes to look at naughty videos, her fiance got mad about it even though he is guilty too. Funny how guys are so defensive about being able to fantasize about naked women but when the real women in lives want to think about hotter, more in shape, sexier guys they get the same insecurities woman do. Any thoughts on why there is such a stupid double standard?

2006-09-29 14:07:54 · 10 answers · asked by hideemosquito 2

today was a great day, i walked out on my g/f and my wife and i feel fantastic, it all began when my g/f came to the house and annonced she is pregnant, hell that woman could be carrying anyone s kid. my wife was a little shocked, but like i care, she is fat and ugly and like a typical woman she doesn't understand a womans place is in the kitchen and looking after our 6 kids, i barely know then nor care. she just doesn't do it anymore for me. when i left my g/f even had the audacity to refuse to have a 3some on the spot. my wife said that she knew i was ****ing other women all along... well duh.... was it the many women i have brought back to the house after partying all night, or the hickys i have on my body, or the fact i told her so many times that i was ****ing her sister too.... let me see.... it could be that she did know all along. what do you think, while your thinking about that i'm going to get drunk and laid. it's so easy women are just like beaches, uou know what i mean.

2006-09-29 14:05:59 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-29 14:05:31 · 9 answers · asked by Young Mothers Network Services 1

They have been emailing back and forth about it. He actually said Thanks baby.. at the end of on email... On the other hand he forwards all emails to me...

2006-09-29 14:00:43 · 9 answers · asked by aniahart 1

Yes or no?

2006-09-29 14:00:20 · 11 answers · asked by Bill C 1

So he can drive tractor trailers, his first year he will be on the road alot home only on weekends, except for 1 weekend a month. Therer is alot of money to be made in this career and I wouldn't have to work, however Im not sure I want him to do it. I know If I tell him that I dont want him to to do it he wouldn't but I also know that it will totaly break his heart becuase this is something that he's always wanted to do. I suppose Im being selfish, but were going to be getting married and I would like his attention... Any suggestions! Please!

2006-09-29 13:56:58 · 11 answers · asked by lilmizzerica 2

we are just not communicating? He says that he needs to have fun? well his fun ended in a dui, maybe a fling, and now he acts like he is mad at me. I came to live 1100miles away cause i knew he would mess up and i didn't want our kids around that. I still want to work things out but he don't want to even talk. A week ago he was telling me he loved me now he acts like he hates me. I am stupid for wanting to still be with him and i am obsessed with calling and wanting to know where he is at all times and now he won't talk. basically I am asking if i should just move on and get over it??? let him decide?? then if he doesn't want to be with me that scares me to be alone to raise my 4 kids. what do i do???

2006-09-29 13:51:39 · 13 answers · asked by djc 1

do you defenely want sex, or is there a chance you would just play around without going all the way (no finish).

2006-09-29 13:48:56 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-29 13:45:33 · 11 answers · asked by havingfun 4

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