I am 25 years old, I have been working in a law firm of one of my dad's friends for about 6 monthes. I am married, and I have a 3 month old little girl. I am the only woman who works at the firm as an attorney and the youngest there, most of the guys are 30+. During my six monthes there, there have been several parties and social functions connected to the firm. During the last monthes, the wives of the other members have become very mean to me. Most of them are housewives who have never worked a day in thier lives. They totally exclude me, one called me a "bad mother" even though my husband is a stay at home dad and an ausome father! They always knitpick at me, saying nasty remarks about my clothing, look etc. There was a party that one of them held for all of the wives of the firm, and I wasn't even invited, they completely exluded me. I don't get what is going on?? I am always very nice and get a long with all of the guys that I work with very well. Why are these women so mean?
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