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Marriage & Divorce - 8 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

2006-08-08 07:38:39 · 4 answers · asked by mello 1

We began having kids 2 years later. Now, 15 years and 3 kids later she says that she doesn't know who she really is. She thinks something was missing from the start, and if not for the kids, she would have left me years ago. She believes that she has everything a girl could want, but that isn't enough. What if her "soul mate" is out there? How will she really know if I am the one if she doesn't even really know who she is herself. She wants a trial separation with no outside dating. She wants us to date and attend all functions together (a united front). She has never been alone her entire life. She thinks that maybe this separation will be just the kick to get her thinking more clearly.
What do you think?

2006-08-08 07:37:28 · 20 answers · asked by hellsbells 2

my girlfriend and i are engaged, but how do i get rid of my jealousy problem. we work together but i just cant see her talking to other guys. how can i quit my foolish deeds? All this jealousy just destroys our love. Help!

2006-08-08 07:29:18 · 13 answers · asked by robthestud2003 2

2006-08-08 07:20:44 · 12 answers · asked by Hektor 1

do you think they are just silly and old fashioned and not worth honoring? Do you both live up to your wedding vows or just do whatever you like? If you honored your vows, would your relationship be better or not? Why don't more folks honor their wedding vows? Do you even remember any of your vows? What good are the vows?

2006-08-08 07:16:45 · 7 answers · asked by jimrich 7

I moved out to be closer to my boyfriend 5 years ago. 4 years ago he asked me to marry him. For two years everytime I asked when he told me next spring or next fall. I have an 8 yr old daughter. Last year he told me he had planned to take me to vegas but decided that my daughter would be upset that she was not involved so decided against it. This year I told him I needed a date and he told me not to give him ultamatums. That if I did I could go back home. I feel so bad not only for myself but also for my daughter who now also has lost intreast in the concept of us getting married and is now cutting him out of her life (always wanting to spend time with just me). She is even told me that she doesn't even want us to get married. I am 36 and he is 45. I am begingin to give up on life in general and I am begining to say hurtful things to him secretly hoping that he will confess his undying love for me. 6 mo ago I gave him back the ring & wouldn't wear it unless there was a plan.

2006-08-08 07:14:48 · 10 answers · asked by carriesredhorse 1

He called me, and after a nice conversation, asked me if I knew the website we use to pay our gas bill. I didn't know it, so I said so. Then he goes, I didn't expect you to know it right off the top of your head, and asked me if there was a bill in our basket. I said no, I don't think so, but I will check anyway. And then he just told me to forget it, and I could tell it wasn't like, "don't worry about it, honey," it was out of frustration. I tried to tell him I was looking, but he just wanted to get off the phone, so we did. So then I got on the computer to look up the website, and called him to tell him when I found it. He just started in on telling me how he was annoyed at me because I was making it seem like I didn't know what he was talking about, and that he felt like he had to explain to me how to find the website. Then, he started telling me how I act like that pretty often, and that it really is annoying......more below....

2006-08-08 07:13:42 · 6 answers · asked by ShineOnYouCrazyDiamond 4

Thanks for your answers. I'm planning on moving out at the end of the month. Talked to bf about that, he doesn't like the idea. I can't stop the contact with him since we work a the same place. Should I quit? I can't afford not having a job. I know its not right to date while I'm not divorced, but I wasn't looking for it. I was really hurt when I left my husband, he did that a couple of times too. Now he says he's going to change and wants to have babies. He didn't want any before. Thank you very much for your answers. Its helping more that you imagine.

2006-08-08 07:12:40 · 8 answers · asked by Confused 1

What would you do in this situation:
You're a woman, and also the breadwinner in the family. Your husband works (very hard at his job) but doesn't make much money. When it comes to the house and family, he's incredibly lazy, and will not take initiative to do ANYTHING (gathering up dirty laundry, emptying the overflowing kitchen trash, cooking dinner, any type of cleaning, changing the kids' dirty diapers, etc. I mean NOTHING). This has been going on for your entire married life (nearly 3 years) and after asking nicely, reminding nicely, asking not so nicely, then finally getting fed up, and downright nagging/arguing about it, he still won't change. You see that every once in a while, he gets a wild hare up his butt and finally takes some initiative, but these periods of "helping" are brief and fleeting.

What would you do? Try to talk with him about it yet again? Seek counseling? Threaten divorce? Is this common? Are ALL (or most) men like this? What to do?

2006-08-08 07:11:30 · 9 answers · asked by brevejunkie 7

Heard from my friends and neighbours who saw him at another girls house at odd hours that my husband has been with this particular girl he has been spending much time with too. I investigated and I saw him at this girls housethere looking at a movie. He admits he is often there just talking altho I know better. he saw me & so did his woman. I just left them and went home. He did not come after me. He admits having an affair with her. I cant live with this For the past 3 years I have been trying to work things out. It seems to me like he is not interested in me anymore. I want to tell him I am unhappy and I need a divorce and that I cant live my life like this. Yes he says he quit the affair but I dont believe him. Since he is still secretive, & is afraid for me to go through his cell phone. I dont want to be even his friend anymore. I resent him because of all the hurt he has put me thru. I want to end the relationship today. I need advise as to how to go about doing this

2006-08-08 07:09:44 · 10 answers · asked by nikkismart 1

2006-08-08 07:06:22 · 9 answers · asked by Fleur de Lis 7

he only thing my girlfriend and I do is argue on the phone, is there anyway for us to stop arguing, and we only argue on the phone.

2006-08-08 07:06:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know this sounds a little crazy, after recently marrying my wife (Its been three weeks now) i am just now realizing the extent of her college debts that she had accrued before we were married, as it appears that I am feeling she is holding this over my head as a threat that if she were to ever decide to divorce me.i would be responsible for some of her college debts- that she has never made payments on and become due in two years? Currently she is avoiding working to pay off the debts, and is accrueing huge amounts of interest - her loans are in forbearanceto the tune of $5000 every three months is pure interest. I told her that if she was ablt to consolodate her loans and to work only an additional three hours a day at $12.50 an hour, she would be able to make payments towards her principle and avoid the $5000 per three month forbearance / interest charge. To this idea She got mad at me and started calling me names and seemed reluctant. I need advice?

2006-08-08 07:02:03 · 20 answers · asked by Graduated from college, now what 1

I have never been a "spender" type woman. And, I feel a little insulted at being excluded from his new accounts. What would you do?

2006-08-08 07:01:36 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend is 23, her husband is 26. They have been married for a year.

She met this guy and got engaged in 2 months.

They married after knowing each other for 9 months.

She immediately regretted marrying him.

She says she was NEVER in love with him.

She said she didn’t even know him when they married and realizes “they weren’t meant to be”.

She is very unhappy and has been to counseling for a year.

She says he tries to make her love him but she doesn’t and never will.

He asked her to stay for another 6 months to see if it works and he prays that it will work out.

She asked me, “How long do I have to try to make it work until he realizes its never going to work?”

Is her marriage hopeless?

2006-08-08 06:58:02 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

These are a few Signs of when you know to End a Relationship!
1.) When you rather (Men) Be Playing Video Games or (Women) Be Eating a BIG BOWL of your favorite Ice Cream than Having Sex with your Spouse or Mate!
2.) When you Seek Voluntary Services to do rather than come home to your Spouse or Mate.

3.) When you always prefer "Doggy-Style" in order not to see the face of your Spouse or Mate.

4.) When someone's name you are attracted to becomes known as "FRIEND" when stated in front of your Spouse or Mate.

5.) When you stop reminiscing of the "Night Before" , while away at Work or while driving on the way Home!

6.) When your Spouse's or Mate's Underwear/ Panties starts to look like Para-Chutes or Glad -Lock Trash Bags!

7.) When your Spouse or Mate Tells you "I see Darkness!"

8.) When your Spouse or Mate Tells you " I've been thinking alot lateley...."

2006-08-08 06:50:34 · 7 answers · asked by ? 3

Any woman who has ever washed a man's underwear know men need pantiliners too. Actually they need 2 of them! One in the front and one in the back!

2006-08-08 06:40:22 · 6 answers · asked by parkdad73 1

When we were in high school I hung out with this girl my now wife didnt like. That girl and I kissed and I never told her. My wife and I have been married a year and together 3 years this happened about 3 1/2 yrs ago. I dont want to lose her I love her very much but shes the type to get pissed and hold a gruge for a long time should I tell her the truth?

2006-08-08 06:38:13 · 22 answers · asked by blacktec 1

to raise a glass and toast good health and happiness to everyone who got married today.Can you do that?

2006-08-08 06:37:41 · 17 answers · asked by pig m 3

Why is it that most people can not get that there is a difference between having sex and having love. While in college I had several times where sex was just sex with no love attached. I've also had love where no sex was involved so why all the fuss. Just because you love a man, does that mean that you never want another one..... I don't believe that and if more women were honest they would admit to it as well. What are your thoughts on this?

2006-08-08 06:37:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

PLease lets me know what difficulties you had to endure at some point and how did you overcome them?

2006-08-08 06:33:05 · 7 answers · asked by sweetchic117 2

Lots of men complain about lack of sex in their marriage....I feel like the only woman in the world that has that issue. He's always too tired, rather watch TV, has a headache (seriously!). I've been told by several men that I'm attractive, so I don't think that's the issue. I make very effort to get him interested, and despite what he says to the contrary, I make the first move 90% of the time. We are only in our 30's, but his lack of interest and passion makes me feel like we are an couple in our 70's. We have had fights about this; I have tried to tell him that I feel like I'm unattractive, rejected...he thinks I'm nuts. I love him very much, but I sorely miss the passion that was once in our relationship. He is a great husband and father, so I guess I should try to look beyond this....but, to me, sexual expression is a important part of a relationship. As we get older, I imagine the problem will get worse. I'm sick of being the one that always makes the effort...

2006-08-08 06:31:33 · 19 answers · asked by Steelergirl 1

my wife got angry at me today when i asked for us to plan a date night and schedule it on the same day each week so our older children could arrange to stay home with our younger children. she seemed upset by that.

ultimately though the real reason she was upset is i said i would help her with lunch today and when i suggested bringing home pizza, she said no. i laid out hamburger for lunch and then realized that if i came home for my lunch hour and fixed the burgers, i really can't take another hour and stay home and eat with the family...so i just let it go.

she's on her period and very irritable and feels she needs rest and pampering from her 2 hour a day job.

i dozed off last night at the ktichen table for about 20 mintues and then left the room while she and the other kids were having their "time" and as soon as i hit a sofa in the other room i slept for another 40 minutes.

she was very upset and felt sleeping was selfish.

what can i do?

2006-08-08 06:29:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am seperated from my wife since mid december, the reason she gave is that she didnt love me any more and i didnt show her affection, since then we are getting on brillently we still sleep together occasionaly we go shopping, out to the cinema etc she has said she never wants a divorce we were together for 14 years married for 3.5 of them, she says she fancies me, she enjoys the sex side of things and enjoys the trips out but says she couldnt love me, i love her to bits and have tried to break away but havnt found the strength to do it, is it worth me carrying on as we are hoping we will get back together as man and wife or try to forget her and move away(which i dont know if i could do)

2006-08-08 06:21:59 · 50 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I were seperated for 1 1/2 month, but we got back together and everything was going fine. Couple of months now Im feeling like if something is missing. I mean i love to be with him, hes affectionate and treats me great, we have great sex but i still feel like I need something more. I havent forgotten what he did but im trying. I think I love him but its not the same way I did before, but then sometimes I think that we should go our own ways and be be seperated or have some time alone to think about what we really feel for eachother, but I cant do it. Do you think that I feel this way because i cant forget him or because those are my true feelings deep down inside? Please I cant take it anymore!!!

2006-08-08 06:13:14 · 15 answers · asked by deva 1

2006-08-08 06:11:46 · 15 answers · asked by Talent 3

he's tired and not in the mood and if i'm the one whos not on the mood when he like to make love with me i cant do anything if i'm the who wants it he will says he's tired and sleepy not in the mood...

2006-08-08 06:11:33 · 8 answers · asked by ning_vern 1

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