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Marriage & Divorce - 5 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

im living with my korean fiance right now, we want to get married but unfortunately his parents said after his graduation, that will be take 4 years, we want to get married without our parents consent, im 25 and he is 23 (yes he's 2 years younger than me)

2006-08-05 04:36:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don`t know why i believe that i`ll never find a good partner to marry for myself,anyone can help me? dr_bilingual@yahoo.com is my yahoo id.

2006-08-05 04:35:27 · 5 answers · asked by Mojtaba Askari 1

We don't use condoms ...what does this mean? what do I say to him?

2006-08-05 04:30:25 · 26 answers · asked by Ani 2

He's always calling names like lazy bit@! and things like this what should I do? I'm not lazy just bipolar.

2006-08-05 04:25:36 · 19 answers · asked by tushpush1966 3

ok here is the thing... i had to go turn myself in to the county jail and while i was in jail my husband stayed home alone with my lil cousin who btw is a lil hot butt... anyways i called collect while i was in jail and she answered MY house phone and told me she had cooked for him and he was eating and she hung up on me... when i got out they are like really close now... and she is always at my house when my husband is off of work and i am at work... what do i do... i really cant get over this and its hurting my marriage a lot and i dont know how to get over this???? please help me!!!!!

2006-08-05 04:05:52 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband has 3 mistress. Should I dump him or move back, pray for him. Save him from going to hell.

2006-08-05 03:56:06 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well... this isn't about my husband, it's my boyfriend... but we're common law so...

We're seperated right now due to his excessive partying. I told him I'd come back when he got his priorities straight and he seemed to be doing better and we were just working things out and he's been partying again. I don't mean a drink with friends here or there, I'm talking about getting loaded and staying out all night without so much as a phonecall.

I tried to talk to him about this yesterday but he refused to come see me and talk because he knew he was in trouble. So he just avoided me completly and instead invited me to a party with him.... I told him I wasn't up to partying but I really needed to talk to him and he'd know where to find me. He never came by.

I'm 6 months pregnant with our first child, and I have no idea how I'm going to do this alone, but at the same time I don't know if I want my child around someone so irresponsible.

what do you think?

2006-08-05 03:55:29 · 10 answers · asked by h0ckeyl0ver 2

how do I ease the pain of a seperation from my wife. How do I live with it. I love her so much and I screwed up. I did not cheat on her just some other issues. I do I get rid of the uncertaintity of if we will ever get back together. I feel lost and depesperate. I ahve had thoughts of ending it all but did not react on them. What do I do

2006-08-05 03:37:05 · 20 answers · asked by Ron f 1

This is only the second night in a row this has happened but should I read into it? I know she is depressed and I just wish there was something I could do but it seems like anything coming from me is not welcome or not sincere. I can say stupid things to make her mad but I do appauligize and try to correct my misusage of words to express myself , you know how guys are good at putting there foot in mouth. I just want her to have closier with things and be able to throw things away that need no attention. I try but she runs, She doesn't trust me. What should I do?

2006-08-05 03:35:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-05 03:31:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not me having the affair!!! But I know someone who is. The man is married with kids, and shes got kids similar age in a defacto. I know she is not happy with her man, (obviously!) and he claims unhappiness also. He says if it wasnt for his kids theyd be together and she'd walk out at the drop of a hat! They think there in love with each other but what is the reality of this working???

2006-08-05 03:11:19 · 10 answers · asked by opal 2

I am established in my career.. or atleast that's the reason I give my husband for not wanting to change my last name. I love my husband dearly, but I've had my name all my life and don't wanna give it up. He's not happy about that.
My question is: Will keeping my maiden name create problems later?? with children?

2006-08-05 03:10:33 · 17 answers · asked by Ask me anything 2


Husband wants a divorce but won't file because he doesn't want to look like a villain. He has the money to do it. I have no problems with initiating it, but I don't have the money saved up. He won't give me the money either. If he's so miserable, why won't he just get things rolling? Why is he prolonging this? What are my options? I have nowhere to go, and I want a good attorney. I really don't want to consider legal aid. Is this the route I should go? I don't see the sense in dragging this out simply because he wants to be an *** about this!!

2006-08-05 03:09:38 · 10 answers · asked by MaknMeCrzy 2

I realized what they did was bad and all, but even if you won't have a marriage or that kind of relationship, don't you think a friendship would still be okay?

2006-08-05 02:54:00 · 20 answers · asked by healthnut 1

My husband is really talented in IT... he left his job (and moved 700 miles) to marry me two years ago.. and he hasn't found another job. He has been very supportive of me and my career and I know that it has been harder for him than he admits to ... to have left his family, friends and job. It's hard to not be employed!!
I wanna help... but how do you find a computer programmin job??? He's already tried all the on-line job search engines and newspapers.
(my last question made me realize this more)

2006-08-05 02:50:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

my friend is 21 and she is involved with this married guy ( he's 36) and no matter how much anyone talks to her she does not listen her mom found out and asked her to end it she even asked the guy because he is a friend of the family. My friend has left home and is stayin with one of our other friends she has stopped talking to me because she told someone i was jealous of her relationship. the thing is i am friends with the guys wife too should i tell her or just leave it as it is?

2006-08-05 02:42:08 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just because my husband and I are going through rough times doesn't mean I can't ask about his whereabouts, does it? As long as we are married and under the same roof, I have a right to know where's he's been. He gets very defensive and tells me to stop questioning him like everything's peachy between us.

The more and more I think about it, the more I want to take my kids and leave.

2006-08-05 02:38:38 · 13 answers · asked by MaknMeCrzy 2

2006-08-05 02:38:09 · 13 answers · asked by nanette p 1

2006-08-05 02:33:03 · 19 answers · asked by forplay_afterplay 3

find other women for her husband to have sex with because she can't for a while? remember, offers!

2006-08-05 02:32:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

They email each other at least once a day and sometimes three to four times a day. My wife says she is not falling in Love but His wife does not know they chat and that they have met in person 5 times while we both are at work. My wife tells me when they have met because he came to my house but him not telling his wife makes me feel like he is up to no good besides the fact that he has yet to come around when I am home. Makes me feel like he is a weasel. I will be honest and say that there are issues in my marriage from the past (like 9 years ago) that have not been dealt with properly. We have been Married for 7 years and I Love my wife very much. Just don't know how to handle this situation without coming out the loser.

2006-08-05 02:31:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love my husband alot and that's why I'm concerned. He's got a nervous habit where he twirls a little stick or a paper roll between his fingers.. all day!!! I know that there are bigger problems in the world and I'm grateful to have a great marriage. And, sure, it doesn't cause any serious harm... but it is such a nuisance! He used to do it only when he was stressed or working hard (he's a programmer) but now he does it all the time. I realize that the purpose of nervous habits is to reduce nervous tension (and perhaps provide some degree of self-stimulation, like nail biting, or when girls twirl their hair) ... but it looks horrible and it's very distracting!! He's a brilliant, young, wonderful person and having this stupid habit just doesn't suit him. HOW DO I GET HIM TO STOP?? I've asked him about it and his response is what a typical man would say... leave me alone. Or, it makes me feel good so none of your business.

2006-08-05 02:30:06 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-05 02:29:43 · 12 answers · asked by healthnut 1

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