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Marriage & Divorce - 21 July 2006

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she also comes over when he just home she also flirt with him what should i do

2006-07-21 08:20:28 · 40 answers · asked by bimomtanya 2

i was always told that wearing a wedding ring attracts single women... since i've been married, i've had women flirt with me that suggested they were more than just interested in playful banter... however, it was neither an increase or decrease of flirting women compared to when i was single... so is this really true that single women go after married men?

2006-07-21 08:08:36 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-21 08:00:39 · 11 answers · asked by km82977 1

To put your hair in his face. If so dose it anoye you? Are there any other twisted things like this that your spouse may ask of you?

2006-07-21 07:58:13 · 4 answers · asked by kwingfan13 3

call and say he could not make it to watch the baby.I had to call him for him to tell me he was not coming.what does this say to you.To me it states he don't care about my feelings

2006-07-21 07:57:45 · 25 answers · asked by missmadhatter 3

I've lived with my boyfriend for two years now and for whatever reason things are changing. We most likely will get engaged next year and married the year after. It's about that time.

Heres the thing(s)... most relationships go from dating to marriage to kids.. and have a timeline. Sense we are living together we don't really know what to do with ourselves for the next 4 years. We are a unsocial couple.

My boyfriend all of a sudden wants friends and what feels to me like a looser leash. Not to go out alone, but just to socialize more. I dont' agree because we dont have that much time we are so busy, and I enjoy spending our time together.

Then we started fighting over hypothetical situations and it turned into a big mess. I think he resents me, but to me it feels like he wants bachelorhood again but it's not that case. It's confusing... and we don't have money to socialize.

Im not sure... did your relationship go through this kind of period?

2006-07-21 07:50:26 · 11 answers · asked by Poestalker 4

My husband spends more than what he makes. He spens his money in gadgets and thing that we can live without. Im a stay home mom. I have worked in the past and during those times it has been worst because the more money we get the more he spent. Every time i talk to him about it he just keeps quiet. He hides the credit card bills and whatever he orderswhen it comes in the mail.I have told him several times that he needs to stop but he still does it.I have transfer some of his balances from his credit cards to mine since mine have a lower interes rate. This is really creating a gap between us. I want to go back to school but i cant because of this situation. What do i do?

2006-07-21 07:47:15 · 12 answers · asked by xadralix 2

My husband and I don't do that. We will moan a little but not scream and act crazy. Is this normal?

2006-07-21 07:37:32 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am 23 yrs old and am seperated from my husband whom is 32. i recently found out he had been having an affair with a 34 year old woman (an affair that he had been carrying on a month b4 we married). we are now seperated because he wanted to pursue a relationship with this whore (and b/c she said she would'nt be with him anymore unless he seperated from me) and i am devastated. he even had the nerve to call me crying about everything ''he gave up'' when she dumped him to sleep with another guy and hes back with her the next day. i dont get it, this whore is 34 years old, extremely unattractive, sexually promiscuious, is an unfit mother and does drugs, i on the other hand am 11 years younger than her, college educated, very attractive, and have only had sex with one person-him my entire life. what i want to know is why he would leave me for someone so disgusting and why is it after all the hell ive been thru (moving out of my home, getting tested for stds) would i still love him?

2006-07-21 07:35:00 · 21 answers · asked by kt 2

i have a very good friend, she is very confuse and sad please help!! she married last year Nov. she said that her husband change alot since they got marry, his attitudes towards her change (I mean in bad ways) he does not pay attentions to her anymore, they do not go out anymore, he does not like her to go out with her friend (if she did, he will keep call her )

2006-07-21 07:29:31 · 12 answers · asked by xzhou11377 3

Ive been married 12 years, am 31, two kids 11 and 8. I work 40-55 hrs/wk and my husband works 60-70. His 2 days off a week are spent golfing,hunting,fishing, poker tournaments etc. He says we can make marriage work with seeing eachother 15 hrs a week. I say no, Ive done it too many years and he needs to reset his priorities. Ive explained how hurtful it is that his free time is spent with everyone else but me and the kids. He says he loves me more than life, will do anything for me, cant live without me yet cant give up his free time to spend with me. Many years this has gone on. Ive threatened divorce and he begs me not to because he loves me and we can make this work. He doesnt get it. Im at the point of divorcing him because I would rather be alone than married and alone all the time. Im young, do I stay longer or get it over with

2006-07-21 07:26:17 · 29 answers · asked by jenecho 1

We've only been married since June 3, 2006 but it seems like all he wants to do is play his stupid video game, hardly ever pays attention to me and never surprises me with anything or does anything sweet for me. I am depressed about it and to the point where I already know the rest of my life will be like this. I don't know if I should divorce him or stay and just put up with it.

2006-07-21 07:24:12 · 25 answers · asked by Courtney T 2

I was just asking a question my husband dont do that but I was asking for other women out there that really does go through stuff like that.

2006-07-21 07:15:11 · 7 answers · asked by free4eva45 2

Married for 34 years and there has been violence. There had been none for several years and 4 weeks ago he threw stuff at me and ever since have had flashbacks on things in past and all I want is to leave but would that be wrong after all these years together. Should I be more forgiving? He says will never happen again but I can't bring myself to belief him. HELP

2006-07-21 07:07:19 · 18 answers · asked by nmheart 1

I can understand masturbating when I am not home for days. I just don't know why he would do that, knowing that I love being with him sexually. We went to a family therapy and she told us that sounds like he has an addiction. He even admit that. it makes me worthless when he does that, I feel like I am not attractive to him anymore. I know he is not cheating because he work and comes home, he never go out with friends or anything like that.Please I need some advice, this is driving me crazy...

2006-07-21 07:06:48 · 66 answers · asked by Porsche 1

He also says that she will split the bills 50/50 and
they can share everything,but later he says that it is all something he made up.Do men really make up things like this in order to make their wives jealous or could this be a sign he wants out?I own my own home.There is no rent to pay,
only bills.But he constantly bitches that he's broke and can't handle paying them.I am 49 and
he is alot younger but he constantly tries to force me to work but I just don't have the confidence to work.I am used to being a house wife.

2006-07-21 06:56:06 · 13 answers · asked by jenn 3

Well for starters he isn't that type of person that is violent or anything but he doesn't like me wearing anything that's too revealing or even going to places alone, he's told me he really doesn't want anything bad happening to me but I don't understand why he doesn't trust me, I mean I feel that he behaves that way because there's not enough trust from him towards me? What can I do? I've spoke to him about it but he continues behaving that way on the other side I trust him enough to let him go to other places and I trust him enough to let him wear what he wants!

2006-07-21 06:55:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

What would you think if your husband didn't come home when he was suppose to and you ask him where he has been and he tells you that its none of your business or just totally ignores you, what would you think? Be honest please

2006-07-21 06:50:25 · 29 answers · asked by free4eva45 2

What is the secret to keeping a marriage strong after all that time?

2006-07-21 06:30:36 · 12 answers · asked by WJW 2

Ok. My husband and I have fought over and over about how my sex drive has died down since our child was born (hubby thinks once a week is too low). My OBGYN told me that maybe if we planned it, it would be something we could both look forward to and make an effort at. We have tried being spontaneous before and have had our kid walk in (luckily we weren't too involved) or yell for us (plus I am getting older...my body just doesn't respond to wham bam anymore, while trying to hurry while our kid is playing, watching a movie, etc. Preschoolers are very needy at times). So I thought after our child went to bed it would be a good time to do anything if he wanted to (I making the effort, period). Then he tells me he misses the spontaneity too much and that planning ruins his mood. ???? What the ....??? I have no idea what to do now. Any guys out there with kids that would be so horrified by planning sex that you wouldn't want it?

2006-07-21 06:28:11 · 11 answers · asked by Veryconfused 2

2006-07-21 06:21:59 · 27 answers · asked by rohit k 1

but if they look after the kids they say how hard and tiring it is but when we do it it's easy why are women expected top do a 24 hour job day in day out but men think when they clock off thats their day done how about helping us out for a while so we can both relax
sorry i'm ranting but men so annoy me edpecially mine who just said "i've been at work all day" no you went at 8 am and came back at 2pm now help get the kids ready for bed

2006-07-21 06:12:54 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-21 06:09:27 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous


me and hubby havent had good sex in 2 weeks he says nothings wrong i love him and know he loves me. i know he works in 100 degree heat all day and is tired but were to young to go this long been married 11 years.

2006-07-21 06:08:06 · 7 answers · asked by robin w 2

2006-07-21 05:55:11 · 11 answers · asked by disco ball 4

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