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Marriage & Divorce - 19 June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

I have been married for 9 years and my husband still keeps promising he will change, sometimes i want to believe what he says but is hard. He might change for a while but I'm afraid of dissapointment again.

2006-06-19 07:02:44 · 13 answers · asked by latina lover 3

I'm 22y old girl, engaged to a very good man... But feel depressed about the whole commitment thing. I just miss my old independent life, where no one interferes in my decisions and my life in general. I think I'm not ready yet!
Is it normal to feel like that, or AM I WEIRED?

2006-06-19 06:50:03 · 12 answers · asked by o.s. 4

We're 20 years old, half way done with your college careers, and wouldnt actually get married until after we graduate. Im a fan of long engagements. Really I'm just curious at what age getting engaged becomes acceptable.

2006-06-19 06:46:15 · 16 answers · asked by Tulip 1

with a married or single man,, and it was just for sexuall fullfilment would you do it . both of you knew it was just sex and no-one would be the wiser, husbands or wifes,,,,, would you do it??????,,,,all yes answers ,,,wanna be penpals,,,,lol

2006-06-19 06:38:15 · 12 answers · asked by Rooster 3

2006-06-19 06:35:10 · 34 answers · asked by nicolenewman9952 2

OK ladies what would you think if your husband wanted to make some movies for your eyes only as a couple? Just for fun never to be seen by anyone other than you two.

Guys have you ever talked your wife into this? If so what worked for you?

2006-06-19 06:33:11 · 21 answers · asked by pjthedj247 4

I am having a really difficult time.

You see, my wife and I have been together for over 2 years. We tried to have children early on but she could not coceive. I want children of my own. It was something we agreed on, planned for, and looked forward to.

The problem is that she medically cannot have children.

I would adopt, but I also want my own (related by blood) child. It's something I think most everyone wants.

How do I solve this dilemma?

2006-06-19 06:32:49 · 12 answers · asked by Phil M 7

I have been married for 17 years now and my husband and I have had problems throughout the marriage but now itis getting worse. He lies to me about everything and I can not handles it anymore. I am looking for a job but it is hard because he has 2 full time jobs and we only have 1 vehicle. I am wanting my own car to make it easier so I can get a job and get out. My question is, how long should I wait after we seperate for me to file for a divorce? Is there a number of days that I have to wait? An no, I have already tried to work it out, it is not going to work.

2006-06-19 06:25:42 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should I get married? How do i know it will last? How do I know my mate is true? Should I get married or not-Need help please-Should I propose?Am i making a good decsion?

2006-06-19 06:19:30 · 16 answers · asked by ~*()*~ 2

2006-06-19 06:03:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i try to tell him that i need to walk around and do things so i can get rid of my back pains that i am having and i think its from not being allowed out of the house. can you please give me some advice

2006-06-19 05:58:22 · 16 answers · asked by lisahelpsya 1

I accussed my ex of cheating on the job with one of the secretaries. My husband left me 6/6 asked for a divorce and moved into his own apartment at the complex he and she work and live. We had been fighting but I had no idea he was going to up and move. He didn't call all week. By Sunday he called to aplogize and say he loved me etc.I told him to come over and get the rest of his things because by that time I had accepted that it was over. He came over and started kissing me and we had sex. This week he began calling me every lunch break and every evening asking me to come over, saying bring our daughter over ( 3m/o) I came over once and brought our daughter. He satrted calling me asking for sex again everynight. On Friday night I showed up at his door 1am. We had sex for 3 hours things he had never done before, and we continued all weekend. He is telling me I love you soo much. I love your (p***y) I am thinking was he cheating B4.Why does he love it so much now? Should I stop sex?

2006-06-19 05:46:45 · 19 answers · asked by Negrita 2

I left my best friend for him who loves me so much but I went with another guy who left me suddenly and saying I dunt fulfill his expectations.My best friend wants to marry me ..he really loves me and understands me a lot but somehow I dunt love him .PLZZ HELP ..

2006-06-19 05:46:36 · 6 answers · asked by kolkata_gal 1

I have one son from my ex, and I want to get pregnant again. I'm not married, but I am 34. I can't afford it, but I'm a teacher so job security is not a big issue. I don't have a steady guy, but I could just do my ex and have his child support increased. Serious answers please, what would u do?

And men, what's your opinion of this? I know my ex would jump at a chance to have sex with me and I know he knows I'm not on birth control, should I go for it or would that be a "bad woman thing" to do? I don't want to tell him what I'm planning cause he'll get all into let get back together and I don't want that.

2006-06-19 05:44:08 · 7 answers · asked by letmesurpriseu 4

2006-06-19 05:41:37 · 25 answers · asked by jean4green 1

what if bladder is full when doing sex??

2006-06-19 05:40:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-19 05:38:12 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

he does not see kids now.. his choice, im in Indiana.. he lives in ohio.... does it go by ohio or indiana rules and what is the age they can choose... and would child support stop if court ruled that she does not have to go.... he is not paying now?

2006-06-19 05:36:38 · 5 answers · asked by crimsonmommascarlet 1

I mean I like to watch some porns, the ones that has a blot to it .And he is a truck driver, I no he don't cheat on me out there, because sometimes we have phone sex together, So what do yall think.

2006-06-19 05:32:44 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Alot of times my husband will not pick things up he leaves laying around, like his clothes or used glasses and a paper plate doesn't seem to make it to the trash. He barely even helps me with the clothes.

2006-06-19 05:29:25 · 15 answers · asked by Michelle P 1

2006-06-19 05:12:16 · 14 answers · asked by JENNIFER L 1

Six years since we know each other, two years of serious relationships. But he always insists that this isnt serious for him, even though all his signals show other wise. Except for a fling or two in the past he hasnt seen anyone on a serious level. We have been intimate but no intercourse yet, he always backs out at the last moment leaving me unsatisfies or unfulfilled. Sometimes i feel he is only keeping some gaps in his life filled by being with me. As for me,I have been more than 100% committed. What should I do? Is he serious about me or not? Or is there some past he feels he cant let go off.

2006-06-19 05:03:45 · 28 answers · asked by Kavita A 1

We had a happy marraige, until my husband decides that instead, of putting more money in the bank we should take separate bills, and do away with our joint account. I even found out that he had been cheating on me. When I caught him, he stopped seeing the other woman, but we still have not been able to work together with our bills and money. Sometimes when we argue he brings up divorce. I don't want a divorce, and wish that he would see things differently. Should I persue divorce, or keep trying? We have been to marraige couseling, and plan to continue, however the center is closed right now. We should be going back soon, it seems to have helped a little, but I don't know if he will continue to go. Yet, we still can't see eye to eye when it comes to money, and spending time together, because he keeps up the same patterns. I don't know what to do anymore. Is there a chance in my marriage?

2006-06-19 05:02:35 · 14 answers · asked by richallfam 1

I gave my soon to be ex the benefit of the doubt - he lied to the court about how much money he makes - but we made an agreement the next day for him to pay the childsupport and the daycare! He hasnt - so since we built the business together - I decided to take him to court to put the childsupport where it should be and considering his history of making (or not making) payments I am also going to take as much in value from his as possible. He doesnt visit our child or spend quality time with our little one more than maybe 20 minutes a month! In 6 months he paid less than one month worth of child support and is conctantly late with the daycare!

Had he actually done what he said he would to - I would have left him alone!

2006-06-19 04:52:14 · 17 answers · asked by Bugs_Mom 3

I'm looking for a book with a good plot, tough, too. Not just one of those romance novels.

2006-06-19 04:46:46 · 7 answers · asked by Lindsey W 1

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