President Bush, fundamentalist Christians, and many other folks use the Bible to say that gay marriage is wrong. They want the U.S. Constitution to be ammended to say that only one man and one woman may legally marry. More than 35 states have already added this to their State Constitutions. On the other hand, there are many theologians who say that when the Bible was written, the references to homosexuallity were very different than acts of love and committment between two consenting adults. Research that has been done objectively has found over and over again, that there are no negative consequences to children who are raised by gay or lesbian parents.
I say if a person's religious beliefs forbid gay marriage, than they should go to a church that preaches the same. "Church-state separation does not mean hostility toward religion. Rather, it means that the government will remain neutral on religious questions, leaving decisions about God and faith in the hands of its citizens."
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