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Marriage & Divorce - 18 June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

So she gets part of his paycheck which is in effect, part of a husband. Yet she doesnt provide any wifely duties to him after the divorce.

Isnt that unfair?

2006-06-18 06:28:03 · 10 answers · asked by sean_mchugh6 3

I live in Illinois I have 1 child I only make $6.50 an hour right now not a good job what is the max % of my paycheck do I have to give my ex for child support

2006-06-18 06:24:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

juz a fool question..... !!

2006-06-18 06:17:40 · 17 answers · asked by â?¡Â°Masky Hammy°â?¡ 1

I'm not the one whop commited adultery and I'm not the one who wanted the divorce. so why am I the one who is still getting hurt from what my ex wife did ????????????????????? My god it's been over a year and I'm the one alienated

2006-06-18 05:49:05 · 13 answers · asked by christsluv4u 1

2006-06-18 05:28:14 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex boyfriend is in a relaitonship with a girl who has lied to him constantly and she has cheated. Everyone knows she is a cheat but him. She's sneaky and lazy. He won't accept who she is. He won't believe anything bad anyone tells him about her. They just got married like two weeks ago. He doen't really know her even though they have been together for almost 4 year. She has even told him lies about me to make him not want to talk to me or hang around me. He thinks I'm the crazy one in the situation. She has a way to make people believe whatever she says. I know the truth about everthing going on but that is not good enough for me. I want HIM to know and accept it. I tried telling him but that's how she flipped the wrong doings on me and told him I was trying to break them up. I don't want to accpet them being together because I feel like it won't last. When you marry someone you find out things about them you didn't want to. I feel like i'm waiting to be second best & I know better.

2006-06-18 05:18:22 · 7 answers · asked by LJ 1

2006-06-18 05:15:27 · 15 answers · asked by maylamour 1

We were a perfect couple and love each other, and she was intending to marry me but, after few month she has changed 180 degree total from her side, and I still love her. would any body advice me what to do, should I try to make her love, but how? or should I let her go, but this will be very painful for me. Thank you

2006-06-18 05:11:48 · 15 answers · asked by Tamer S 1

For those trying to get there child support enforced.

2006-06-18 05:00:10 · 5 answers · asked by Tina S 1

My friend says like that from her own life.

2006-06-18 04:52:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

her older sister , there coming to stay the nite and ive booked a hotel so i dont see her sister and dont want ny gf to look at me and find out some way that i find her sis attractive I LOVE MY GF. Do you think i should be talking to the sister by now because im shy from her....

2006-06-18 04:47:56 · 12 answers · asked by loverboy 1

I'm 44 & my ex is 31, & I just can't seem to get him out of my head. He still calls me continually & tells me how now he continually partys, drinks, does drugs, even has sex with strangers & some others from his past. It is all very disturbing to me because I still care for him & I feel as I'm watching him self destruct. I always tell him to be safe. I can't even after 1 year take off my Wedding ring from our Wedding day over 7 years ago. I do see a therapist weekly to try and work through this situation. The day my Ex left me he just took his Wedding ring off in front of me & just stormed out the door with no ryme or reason. I will add that I don't like being alone & would like to be happy again. Any sincere advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank You!

2006-06-18 04:44:44 · 11 answers · asked by soulsurvivor 1

are still speaking to them

2006-06-18 04:31:26 · 12 answers · asked by browneyegirlrosa 1

They want me to be there maid or My wife will dump me. They own the house cars and I am out of work . They are making me into a real submissive so I will not be anymore fooling around . I can see that they are taking full control over my life ........ I am paying Big for chasing outher women!!!!!!

2006-06-18 04:22:06 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm looking for something similar to the one by Les and Leslie Parrot or the ones used in pre-marital couselling. I'm looking for something my husband and I can do simultaneously and that would help us understand one another better. The expectations we have of one another are just...well, we could use some fine tuning, put it that way. THANKS!! (married 13 1/2 months, by the way)

2006-06-18 03:54:40 · 7 answers · asked by Sleek 7

2006-06-18 03:53:30 · 27 answers · asked by deemark 3

OK here is the deal my husband wants a divorce but he doesn't want to come file for it so I am. He is living in GA with his grandparents and works 6 days a week. We have a 3 year old together and I am pregnant again. If I file for the custody and everything how will everything go because my little girl does not want to be with her daddy. please help me!!!!!!!!!

2006-06-18 03:50:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

And if she was to get married but didn't want to hyphenate her maiden name with her married name and just add her new last name (Jamie Lynn Marie Smith Taylor) what would be the middle name there?

2006-06-18 03:32:00 · 23 answers · asked by JA 1

I think my fiance is chatting with a guy inappropriately. He has even asked her to meet him. I know this cause i have seen the message. I dont know what they talked about before but he asked if they were both single would she do what she said. We also have a baby and it makes it harder.

2006-06-18 03:26:08 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is this actually something that can be done when you marry? He wants my name, but I've only ever known it the other way around.

2006-06-18 03:24:38 · 13 answers · asked by kissshot85 3

President Bush, fundamentalist Christians, and many other folks use the Bible to say that gay marriage is wrong. They want the U.S. Constitution to be ammended to say that only one man and one woman may legally marry. More than 35 states have already added this to their State Constitutions. On the other hand, there are many theologians who say that when the Bible was written, the references to homosexuallity were very different than acts of love and committment between two consenting adults. Research that has been done objectively has found over and over again, that there are no negative consequences to children who are raised by gay or lesbian parents.
I say if a person's religious beliefs forbid gay marriage, than they should go to a church that preaches the same. "Church-state separation does not mean hostility toward religion. Rather, it means that the government will remain neutral on religious questions, leaving decisions about God and faith in the hands of its citizens."

2006-06-18 03:20:33 · 16 answers · asked by AddieJN 2

My Husband has been abusing me for awhile. I reported this to the police when a neighbor called them during a fight. My husband was charged but wasn't taken to jail because he left right before the police got to the house. The counselor and prosecuter called me last week to find out if the abuse was still going on. It is, in fact it's gotten worse. I told them about 1 of the 10 incidents that have happened in the last month (he choked me until there were bruises around my throat). Before I told the prosecuter about the choking all my H had to do was go in for a book and release, now they are going to hold him on a 50,000 dollar bail when he goes in tomorrow. He doesn't know this yet. The problem is that he has been really nice all week, and I'm feeling guilty. What kind of wife does this secretly? I am leaving him, but I'm scared to leave while he's here. I'm planning on going to a shelter while he's being booked, then filing for divorce. Why do I feel so guilty?

2006-06-18 02:52:35 · 40 answers · asked by Jessica 1

We have been married less than five years. No kids. Very little joint property together

2006-06-18 02:07:59 · 16 answers · asked by joe f 1

if two people been married for 13or 14yrs and they both cheatted on each other do u think this marriage can be saved? which the male he had cheatted for 6yrs and the wife he don`t truely know how long she cheatted she didn`t tell him the truth how long she had cheatted

2006-06-18 01:58:20 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

The woman whom I love is getting married, but the bridegroom is not me. What should I do?

2006-06-18 01:38:06 · 17 answers · asked by Chinarose 1

Could a woman answer this please.

2006-06-18 01:35:20 · 8 answers · asked by eakelslc 1

hi im 26, married for 18 months with him for 5 years. any type of commitment scares the hell out of me. jobs, settling in one place, buying a house or even marriage. what can i do to stop being afraid?

myhusband was the only bloke i have met not to run off and leave me, even though i love him i am panicking about the thought of forever.

i feel the need to pack a bag and run off from everything. im always like this.

what can i do to stop being afraid of commitment?

2006-06-18 01:06:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-18 00:58:36 · 9 answers · asked by Abdelkarim 1

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