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Family - December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

Do you think you will fall in the same path or have they been the example for you not to touch that crap?

2007-12-20 17:14:58 · 3 answers · asked by LA High Rise 5

his dad says it's a bad reputation/influence on his 11 yr. old sister!-then he goes; "if you can use it, then so can she!-& the internet has too much "graffiti" on it!!!" what's funny is the co-worker is 18 yrs. old-(What would you do if you had a father like his?-or what would you comment on this?)

2007-12-20 17:05:59 · 5 answers · asked by strange-artist 7

i moved in with my partner over 2 years ago.we have a home together but at the time i could not get my name on to the mortgage so we put it in his name.if something happened to my partner would i be entitled to half of everything,he has a very greedy daughter and i know she would contest everything,she calls this her dads home even though she knows i have paid as much in to it.once when we had a big row,she interferred and said to her dad,kick her out of your home,she can do nothing about it ,the house is in your name :(
yes she is pleasant,but thing is,she is an adult with her own home and family.i dont really want to get married,would writing a will sort this once and for all

2007-12-20 16:56:59 · 10 answers · asked by Susan J 2

i know that if i'm an only child, i get all the love and i don't need to fight with anybody but i'm still lonely. i sometimes do get why people call me lucky and i sometimes don't.

2007-12-20 16:42:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

well,me and my sister are always arguing about stupid stuff
usually one of us starts crying and then we don't speak until
about 2 days.iam tired of it........ and i don't understand why it
is always about something stupid.......please help!
oh before i forget were girls and all but were never p.m.s-ing
when we fight so thats not the answer

2007-12-20 16:34:48 · 7 answers · asked by jewels 2

I always have Christmas eve at my house with the in laws. Like always my mother in law doesn't care about the kids.She doesn't call for birthdays or show up for the parties. She never brings anything for the two little ones either. OK no big deal well this year we had a death of a newborn(her great grand daughter)she never even called,sent a card or flowers to her grand daughter. She also never showed at the funeral.My husband always defends her thats the way she is. How do you think I should handle this when she shows up like the loving grandmother she is NOT.?I am so mad that she acts likes this. Maybe I should just play it up like we really don't care,but it hurts us and expecially the kids.

2007-12-20 15:33:09 · 42 answers · asked by Lisa 3

Im a piro maniac, i need to have access to fire at all times. Hence a lighter is fine. Im currently on a suspended jail sentence for burning down a building in South Australia.

Iv tried everything... its not funny anymore, from councellors to physcologists to mental centers. If i dont have acces to fire i go insane, literally insane, its like a drug.

I have been this way since i was 8 years old.

3 days ago i accidently lit my boyfriends hair on fire, he was sent to hospital. And i was sent to a watch house,

They let me out this morning..

I need serious advice, this isent a joke. I cant let go of fire, this is a disease i have and it will never go away.

Iv been thinking... is it worth me being around loved ones, when all i do is hurt them, i try SO HARD, IV TRIED EVERYTHING and i cant change this obsession with fire.

Should i just leave... and hopefully there lives can better without me in it.

Advice please? Thanx

2007-12-20 15:09:03 · 1 answers · asked by Slav S 1

2007-12-20 14:54:32 · 13 answers · asked by Lost. at. Sea. 7

moms, hers, sister, etc..

2007-12-20 14:41:30 · 14 answers · asked by D-Wade 1

My grandfather sent me to the hospital. not by what he did physically but bye the words he told me over and over. my grama is dieing snf she thinks that the whle thin was and is my fault. should i tell her it was my fault so she can die in peace? cuz she wont even talk to me or my dad which is her son. and i feel awful about it..what should i do?

2007-12-20 14:39:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My parents did an excellent job raising me, and now I'm a freshman at college. Since I moved out my mom has been a hurricane of emotions. She smothers me with love when I visit, but is convinced the college life has turned me into a rageing alchaholic. I've always been honest with my parents because I thought I had earned their trust? I'm 19 years old and my mom is now watching me closer than ever, how can I get her off my back?!

2007-12-20 14:30:15 · 5 answers · asked by el_matto89 1

2007-12-20 14:23:04 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I own a trailer that we rent out to my husbands cousin. He has lived there about 6 months and always pays rent on time and we never have any problems with him. We told him he can buy it from us whenever he comes up with the money. (We are still paying it off)

Today, my husbands aunt called us and asked us if she could buy our trailer and she has the money now. But if she did, our cousin would have to be out by the first of the month. We are close to him, but he is not finacially stable, and he says he can buy it with his tax money in February but he is notorious for not following through on his promises. And my husband and I are behind on our bills, with Chrismas and everything, and could really use the money now.

Sooo....do we hold out for the cousin to buy it (hopefully) in Feb., like we had agreed to OR take the money now and he would just have to deal?? We have no legal contract with him, by the way.

2007-12-20 14:07:38 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

When my mom is mean i ask her she says i am not she always want get mad at me I try to be nice to her but she doesn't care and makes me cry (i don't know what to do help

2007-12-20 13:51:57 · 7 answers · asked by none 2

i dont know where to buy it from....i was thinking about ebay

2007-12-20 13:43:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mother is married to someone, but has primary custody, and father has visitation, mother gets into trouble and has to serve jail sentence, does father automatically get kids when mother is convicted

2007-12-20 13:40:35 · 25 answers · asked by shairycan 1

My family is somewhat dysfunctional and is not very connected. During the holidays, it is not uncommon for us not to get together. This really saddens me because I would like to have a close family like I see that others have. I am the oldest of 4 kids and my parents are not the most assertive, so if anything were to happen, it would be my doing. Anyone else dealing with this situation? If so, any advice?

2007-12-20 13:33:56 · 3 answers · asked by TwinkaTee 6

My mom is telling me that I'm ruining our family and that I'm the reason my dad is an alcoholic and it's making me upset. I'm 14. Who do I call that they can tell my mom to knock it off?

2007-12-20 13:32:18 · 52 answers · asked by I <3 Bella 4

My gf and I just had a boy 12 days ago. I think she is going to leave. She had a gril thats almost 5 She lived with her Grandma for the last 2 years. She does not listen. Her grandma has a 3 bdr home. ! for her and hubby, 1 for her daughter, and the third is a playrm. She sleeps with the grandma in her bed. My gf just babysits her every once in a while and never overnight. I make enough for my own roof and everything me and him need. She doesnt. She gave her daughter up cuz she "couldnt afford it" . The girl also does not know how to wipe herself, still wets herself (and nothing is done about it) and just does whatever she wants. There is absolutely NO discipline. School is paid for at 200/month but they take her when she wants to go, not when scheduled. She is constantly back and forth between mom and gma house. She is rude and hateful. Mom wont make her do anything. Will not make her stay where she doesnt want to. Do I stand a chance or am I fighting a losing battle?

2007-12-20 11:56:46 · 7 answers · asked by Big Boy 2

My Grandmother doesn't get along with her siblings and has done everything she can to try to keep all of her family out of contact with them. We have just found out that my Mom's uncle died months ago and my Grandmother NEVER TOLD HER! We are all so hurt by this. She is always doing/saying something to hurt my Mom or my Mom's kids. Every time we think things are getting better, she does something worse. If we try to talk to her about how she makes us feel she just gets angry and nasty towards us for long periods of time. Any suggestions on how to make her understand how hurtful she is being? She is elderly and very stubborn and set in her ways.

2007-12-20 11:44:11 · 4 answers · asked by quitequiet 2

The movie about a family of 2 kids.And there father is woring for a lady and they get two dogs that talk to eachother.ItZ a really cute movie.=]

2007-12-20 10:47:11 · 10 answers · asked by cecilia rIos 1

Talk about me behind my back constantly.

I just heard them talking about me upstairs and laughing.
And now i'm crying.

My older sister tends to always talk about me with my younger brother. and she's 21 and he's 13.
They always laugh and talk about it.
and i'm feeling depressed now.

What should i do?

2007-12-20 10:35:26 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i love my mu dearly but not all the time she thinks that iam like the bad egg of the family i am hardly bad the only thing i d o wrong is keep my room messy i am 15 and i never sneak out or anything and i am quet good she just has this thing that my brother would never do anything wrong and its always me as well as her boyfriend he gets in arguments with me and screams and laughs when i talk and if i copy him by laughing once he goes mental and mum will be like why did u do that and yea he will go mental at me over nothing and i dont say it to him but you know what right does he have just beacuse hes older he has no relation to me and he shouldnt get involed aye?

she just doesnt see she has this big thing that i am so bad and they not if anything goes wrong its me anything happens me and i am so sick of it

i cant really explain
i mean she can be so nice and lovely and that but other time god she annoys me what can i do? and so does the boyfriend?

2007-12-20 10:30:46 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I are currently living with his parents, and I am having huge problems with my mother-in-law. Before my husband and I got married, I adored his mother and thought she would make a wonderful mother-in-law, but as soon as we decided we were going to get married, everything changed and she became the mother-in-law from hell. It started off with her trying to dictate every aspect of our wedding, but I won't go into detail about that or the multitude of other problems I've had with her because this will just end up being way too long. Instead, I'm going to ask for advice on a few of the most recent problems I have been experiencing with her. Before I do though, I think it's important to note my husband is an only child, and what I consider to be a momma's boy. Anyway, I'm 5'2'' and have always been skinny, around 100 lbs most of the life, but as with most people's weight, it fluctuates. My mother-in-law would constantly tell me how skinny I was and that I needed to gain some weight. I didn't really have a problem with my weight because I've always been petite and had a hard time gaining weight, but I wouldn't have minded gaining some because I felt I would look better if I did. Just recently, I managed to gain 10 lbs, so I now weigh 110 lbs, and now ALL I hear from my mother-in-law, every SINGLE time I see her (no exaggeration) is how much weight I have gained, and now, according to her, I have a ''belly'' and maybe I should go to the gym and work out because apparentely now I weigh too much. (I should mention she weighs a lot more than I do, and is overweight for her height) I'm so sick of being criticized by her! It's like I'm never good enough. Before I gained the weight I was too skinny and unhealthy looking, and now I weigh too much! There is no pleasing her. I honestly had no issue with gaining the weight, people have commented on how much better I look now, including my husband, but with her constant criticism I have developed somewhat of a complex about it. What really gets to me is the fact that when she makes these comments in front of my husband, he says nothing! He makes absolutely no attempt to defend me or tell her he thinks I look a lot better now. It's really hurtful and I feel so vulnerable when she makes mean remarks about the way I look because I'm too polite and respectful towards her to say anything back in my defense. I really wish my husband would get a backbone and say something to her. Whenever I make comments to him about her rude remarks, he just tells me I look good the way I am and don't need to lose any weight whatsoever. Why can't he tell his mother that? I really feel it's his place to say something. Another issue for her, is the paleness of my skin! I'm very pale and she constantly tells me I need to get a tan. I actually used to tan in tanning beds all the time, until I realized just how bad for your skin it actually is, so I stopped. I don't want to end up all leathery and wrinkled. And besides, my husband PREFERS pale skin so I don't need to tan to appease him anyway. My mother-in-law goes to extreme lengths, telling other people in the family to talk my husband into ''letting me tan'' first of all, my husband and I don't control one another, if I wanted to tan I would, but I don't want to destroy my skin or end up with skin cancer as a result of tanning, and I'm just lucky my husband happens to prefer pale skin over tanned. I just don't know how to approach this issue either. In this case, my husband does tell her he likes my skin the colour it is, but she still persists! It's none of her business and I wish she would realize that and stop interfering. This is getting pretty long, so I'm just going to ask advice for one final problem, even though I could go on for days. The other day, I had just got out of the shower and I was getting ready so we could go out. I was running behind so to save a little time I asked my husband if he would bring me a drink, and he agreed. When he returned with my drink, he sort of laughed to himself and said ''my mom said you need to start getting your own stuff, she said she always see's me getting drinks and things for you and you need to start getting it yourself'' First of all, it's none of her business what my husband and I do for each other! I don't interfere with what she and her husband do for each other, or anyother aspect of their relationship for that matter, so what gives her the right? Second of all, he doesn't get everything for me, I get things for myself most of the time even though I feel uncomfortable doing so since it's not my own home, and I also bring him things when he asks me to, so it's not like I'm lazy or that this is all one-sided, I simply asked him to bring me a drink because I was running late and didn't want to take extra time to do that, it's not like he was doing anything. It was this simple, little thing and she turned it into a huge issue. Usually I wouldn't have said anything in response to her comment he relayed to me, but this time I just exploded on my husband and said, ''I don't think that's any of her business! No one has the right to interfere in our relationship. What we do for each other is between us.'' He just kept quiet and didn't say anything, so I didn't talk to him again for several hours. She's constantly causing problems in our relationship and I just can't take it anymore. Please don't advise me to sit down with my mother-in-law and talk about how I'm feeling because there is no talking to this woman. She is impossible and I know for certain it would be a waste of time and just cause more problems and friction since I live with her. I'd be more inclined to say something and stand up for myself if we didn't live with her because I wouldn't be so worried about causing annimosity between us. And please don't advise my husband and I to move out because it simply isn't an option at this time. Believe me, if it was, we would be gone already. Please give any words of advice you may have on how to deal with this situation in regard to my mother-in-law and my husband, and anything else you feel may be helpful. Any words of advice/support will be highly appreciated. I hope these problems don't seem completely pety, they're just intensified for me because I have been dealing with her constant controlling, condescending, rude, patronizing ways for a year now. There have been many more major problems than this in my relationship with her, such as her trying to force me to convert to her religion, but I just picked a recent few that I don't know how to deal with. I'm losing my mind and I'm getting to the point where I'm just going to explode if I don't figure out how to handle this. Thanks!

2007-12-20 10:15:56 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mother in law has been a source of trouble for my husband, his father and brothers his entire life. She has always been nice to me until now, when I called her out on something. My sister in law had the same trouble with her a year ago. (she called her out on something too) My Mother in law volunteered to help babysit if we needed her and when we needed her she threw a fit (as a 49 year old woman) Grrr. She has health issues but not bad enough to not babysit. My husband and father in law said she is better than she used to be. This makes me nervous for our future, as soon as I can afford a babysitter I am going to because she seems unstable. My husband and I are both starting new jobs and needed help with getting our daughter watched. I just needed to vent.. Any Advice? Words of wisdom?

2007-12-20 10:15:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous Mommy 4

ok so me and my girlfriend have been going out since 9th grade. were were prom king and queen. she was a cheerleader i was the captain of vasity soccer. ok so she has always wanted to see wicked so tomorrow im suprising her and were going to see wicked. were going out to dinner also. after that i was planning on proposing on the rockefeller center ice rink in the center. do u think this is a good idea? we are 24 years old now. oh and i asked her dad for permission and he said yes. the rockefeller center ice rink was also where we had our first date.

http://hungary.usembassy.gov/uploads/ima... this is the ice rink for those who dont know. it is always surrounded by hundreds of people.

2007-12-20 09:45:41 · 9 answers · asked by . 2

I just found out today that I am 8 weeks pregnant. I am 24, not livig at home and in a serious relationship. This will be the first grandchild in the family. Any suggestions on how to spread the happy news to my family?

2007-12-20 09:45:41 · 16 answers · asked by Leo_Woman 2

I love my grandmother so much. But I've cried once, I don't know why I'm not a mess like other people are.

Has it not sunk in yet?
Is this weird?
Have you experienced this before?

The calling hours, (no funeral, she's being cremeated) are Saturday AM... will I experience it then?

2007-12-20 09:30:19 · 9 answers · asked by Jake 3

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