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Family - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

hi guys..
im a 17 years old girl,which immagrate here 8 monthns ago. i bloody love a boy in my country ,and my parents forced me to stay here. and they kick me as hard as u believe...! i alawys have pain...during nights..and i cant sleep... any way.! my by friend decieded to send money for me.and i go there(iran) i want to know can i go out of the country without their permitoin?! can i buy a ticket by my self?! plz....! if no! show me a way...!im tiered of all the things...!

2007-03-13 16:17:52 · 5 answers · asked by oo lalala 1

my son has known my husband since before he turned one. he is now four and my husband and i have two children together. my question is--has anyone noticed any difference in treatment by grandparents or one or both parents? i have noticed that my inlaws treat my son differently than their own grandson. not horribly, just different. they treat him as their own grandchild but i can see the subtle difference. and my husband says stuff like his son wont act like how my son does. but he accepts him as his son while sometimes throwing in my face that he is not able to adopt him because his deadbeat boilogical father has visitation rights; but doesn't pay child support hence deadbeat. my husband says i am imagining the difference in treatment. i just wanted some opinions and personal experiences. thanks.

2007-03-13 16:16:50 · 5 answers · asked by pwrgrlmanda 5

2007-03-13 15:57:55 · 20 answers · asked by cutiepieee♥ 1

watching me so i stay up later. i want to do some thing fun but i am tired and dont no what to do.

2007-03-13 15:47:52 · 8 answers · asked by pixiegurl96 1

why not take classes to have more knowledge and add to his experience? what would you say?

2007-03-13 15:40:56 · 2 answers · asked by Mrs.M 1

Me and my brother are pretty close, this june he wants to go to Bonnaroo(a music festival) and then a road trip. Only problem is, if he goes on this road trip, he'll miss my graduation from high school. It really hurts me that he made these plans without even thinking about the fact that I was graduating. I really want him to be there, and plus, I've gone to two graduations and a white coat ceremony for him. It's almost as if he owes me this. He keeps saying we'll work it out, but the only way I can see it working out, is if he is there. Is there any way I can get him to be at my graduation.

Keep in mind he can still go to Bonnaroo, he just can't go anywhere else after.

2007-03-13 15:33:26 · 9 answers · asked by Mimi149 6

I try to get along with my dad and forgive him...even though I can't stand him...
I ask him something really polite and in calm voice. He flippin goes nuts, he shouts "STOPS YELLING" and he is like oh great now we are going to fight.. I wasn't even that mad, but he has to say things in a rude voice, and i have so many other things stressing me out, I really don't need him doing this to me.
I try talking to him...but really he won't change, he will never understand or even take the time to listen. I am literaly going insane because this is happening every flippin day!!!!

2007-03-13 15:29:25 · 2 answers · asked by Megan G 1

2007-03-13 15:24:06 · 7 answers · asked by baseball 1

my father left my mother and I when I was very young, and as a result, I am extremely attached to my mother (she was the one consistent person in my life). I have the typical daughter issue of needing my mother's approval, and lately I am noticing I've taken it farther than I feel I should. I talk to her before I do anything to get her opinion. I won't even date someone she doesn't like - even if I really do like them. and if she is upset, I automatically feel depressed. I know this is a problem and I have struggled with it for quite some time. thing is, I know she doesn't WANT me to be like this. she is not a controling mother and she does not want to rule my life. she has said so, and demonstrated so, all throughout my life.

aside from this, I am a surprisingly independent woman. I am at a loss for what to do, so I'm hoping some blunt advice from strangers could knock some sense into me... or at least start me on the right path.

please tell me, how can I let go?

2007-03-13 15:23:02 · 2 answers · asked by roe 1

my friends son has run away from home and is living with his substance using father. he bouces from house to house and wants nothing to do with he. she had given up on him, but now the school district calls her to let her know he hasen't attended school and where we live the parents an be fined and placed in jail for the kids not going to school. any 1 have some helpful websites/programs

2007-03-13 15:12:49 · 4 answers · asked by Erika 2

i would like to know this and i would put any answers in my story that he dose 4 hundered and 90 times i think

2007-03-13 14:53:16 · 9 answers · asked by betsywilcox_40371 2

My wife just turned 40 and she went out and got a nose piercing, belly button piercing and a tattoowithout me knowing we are very close and tell each other everything do I need to be worried about her?

2007-03-13 14:45:54 · 14 answers · asked by jeffrey T 1

my MIL has a gift for putting me on a guilt trip. nothing is good enough as shes very dominating. i moved in from a family of 4 into a home 10ppl living here. and they r well off but all of them always in my room. i dealt with it well and took it in my stride. but i feel i get no appreciation for it. she does everything to suit herself.she didnt give me a bday gift even though on their bdays it was expected from me. its like they believe its their birth right without returning sentiments. basically if she says sit i must sit and if shes says go i should go. point is i dont mind makin her happy but ineed some appreciation. im done pleasing all the ppl. they r all insecure and refuse to let me become a part of the house. my husband is good and has tried in his own ways to help but i need to fight some of it myself. HELP!!!feel like im drowning. she suits herself for everything and rules change as per her wish. im in boarding school all over again!!

2007-03-13 14:38:40 · 13 answers · asked by limitedpatience 1

My son was born while I was separated from his Dad. For excellent personal reasons, I did no put the Dad's name on the Birth Certificate. Still, he knows he is his son and the son knows he is his Dad.

Other than Child Pension Money, can someone tell me the advantages and disadvantages to have or not Dad on the Birth Certificate?

We have 2 sons. The oldest has his name and mine together. Our baby's middle name is Dad's family name, last name is only mine.

2007-03-13 14:35:39 · 5 answers · asked by Shaana 5

Ok, I live in colorado and I'm visiting my sister up in montana. Anyway, my sister has to work and so I'm hanging out with my husband and her husband. Now, they are having a mens bible study that I can't be in because I'm female. I think it's kind of insensitive. I'm now secluded in the guest room with my laptop because I'm not male. This bible study usually last literally 3 hours. Am I overreacting? I'm just mad because I'm forced into the guest room with practically nothing to do for 3 hours straight. I can't leave because I don't know my way around town...

2007-03-13 14:27:42 · 21 answers · asked by Violation Notice 6

is letting your breast hang the new thing

2007-03-13 13:58:22 · 8 answers · asked by Alison H 1

Okay I'm 12 going on 13 and a boy in my class I should let him do it to me . What should I do?

2007-03-13 13:54:33 · 6 answers · asked by Princess_Breyana 1

how do i tell my parents though? We have animals and my mom was cooking chicken and I told her " Why don't we just fry up (parrot name) That's the same as eating chicken." She looked at me
and said good point but didn't say anything after that. We barely ever have food in our house when my mum gets any money she spends it on shoes and cigarettes instead of buying milk or something,
and that is because she barely eats and she thinks that if she doesn't want to eat, nobody should. My parents would rather save a dollar on buying fast food every day instead of buying groceries & when me and my
brother say we're hungry they tell us to go find something, even though there is nothing, and meanwhile they go and buy a bunch of crap for themselfs. I want to eat healthy and better but it's like they just won't allow it.
So what I'm asking is how to do I tell my mom I don't want to eat meat and that instead of buying hamburgers every day, to go to the store and buy some freaking groceries??

2007-03-13 13:22:14 · 13 answers · asked by ___² 4

my sister was born with 6 fingers on her left hand icluding her thumb ,shes since had it removed but has a little stump were it was it just looks like a wart now , was just wondering if any body else knows anybody that was born with an extra finger its very rare that you would hear of that now.

2007-03-13 13:16:35 · 20 answers · asked by fafandloo 5

2007-03-13 13:10:28 · 9 answers · asked by marshon a 1

If you are at someones home for a large gathering like say a birthday party with a buch of kids and toddlers around and a kid runs or walks past you with the unmistakable odor of loaded britches, do you say something funny or in a joking manner or just keep quiet and let someone else figure it out?

2007-03-13 13:08:02 · 9 answers · asked by Asker 1

My father and I are as close as any parent and child can be. He is my best friend and I can tell him 99.9% of anything. However, my father also has a short fuse and sometimes some things will happen and he will go flying. My mother is a chronic liar... For eleven years I lived with her and saw my father on weekends. He worked far away so it was hard to see him alot. Anyway, he finally got a better job which paid more $$ and so we sold our house and bought a new one where we now have our horses here... The other day, my father was not home and I was very busy and it was my turn to give the horses hay, but I did not have time. WHen he asked me if I did it i swore up and down I did. I didn't want to tell him no because it is one of the things he will get extremely upset about, when he got back he realized that I didnt, and now is telling me that I am just like my mother, and that he gave me everything and that I gave him nothing in return but a signal to say that he is a moron. He is now

2007-03-13 13:07:37 · 7 answers · asked by Horselover 2

but more and more i find myself not being able to control my anger or my voice i dont hit them but i scream until my throat hurts i dont want the cycle to continue!!!!!

Any suggestions?

2007-03-13 13:06:40 · 4 answers · asked by ppetss 2

I have nice breasts, not big at all though... and i keep noticing guys stare at them when they talk to,....why do they do it?

2007-03-13 13:04:50 · 5 answers · asked by WhatAnIdiotIam 1

I already tried to talk to my parents

2007-03-13 12:25:05 · 13 answers · asked by nomarsdude5 1

Unless it's picture day, no stranger can tell me what to do.

2007-03-13 12:23:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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