why would this make you angry? you should be proud... Sheesh
2007-03-13 12:46:11
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes and no....
sounds to me like you need to get him to understand what it is he should value in himself....there are all kinds of STDs out there and him losing against the odds...most anything can happen. I'd have a sit down talk with him and let him know that its good that he can get girlfriends, but is it good for him to be a player? You need to set some harsher examples and hopefully it'll be before he lets a girl get pregnant....or also it'll be a habit he won't be able to control...there is such thing as sexual addiction....even after he gets married.
2007-03-13 12:48:42
answer #2
answered by Rmprrmbouncer 5
Ok first off, immaturity!! WOW, you mean you arent the least bit concerned about him getting a girl knocked up, him catching an STD, and possibly dying??I work in an ER and see some bad $h*T with men and women and STD's and unwanted pregnancies, its an aweful thing, you need to talk to him and be concerned about his lifestyle...this is rediculous, you are an adult, take care of him!!!
2007-03-16 11:41:31
answer #3
answered by lizzieRN13 2
one would think a loving father would want his son to do better than he did even if it's scoring with the girls. Maybe you just going through a mid-life crisis.
2007-03-13 12:46:27
answer #4
answered by luminous 7
I have noticed this same jealousy in other fathers, plus the general feeling that they do not want their son to excel in life more than they do (higher education, better life style, nicer car etc.). I have often wondered 'what's up" with such a man. Too much testosterone? too competitive? unable to bond with his own flesh and blood? It definitely seems like a negative personality trait too me.
2007-03-13 12:51:44
answer #5
answered by lily 6
Thats the wrong reason to be angry.The real reason to be angry would be that you realized how stupid and reckless you were at that age and dont allow him to do any more chix.He could get a disease.An easy girl gets around ALOT now even at his age.What happens when he comes home and says"one (or more) of my girls told me they were pregnant and its mine what do i do?"Or worse, they get pregnant and he gets a disease.Use thehead on your shoulder to think with, not the other one.
2007-03-13 12:47:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You are some piece of work mister. You will never get back your youth. How do you what you son is doing sexually, unless you 2 sit and jaw about the good old days. You should be talking to him about protection against disease, and condoms.
2007-03-13 12:46:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Yes! Your anger toward your son is based on jealousy and envy. Your only concerns should be your son’s welfare. Is he emotionally equipped to handle this type of behavior? Is he being safe while 'scoring' with these girls? etc. etc. etc.
2007-03-13 12:44:21
answer #8
answered by ? 3
you shouldn't be angry. The times have changed, girls are more flirty and they go out at a younger age they did before.
2007-03-13 12:45:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
sounds juvenile... u need to tell ur son to always wear a condom and tell him there is always a chance that the comdom will break and if he is ready to be some babys father.... yes its wrong to compete with ur son.... yet its nothing to be proud of either....
2007-03-13 12:48:20
answer #10
answered by gina B 3
Yes, but you should be angry with him for not having any respect for girls instead.
2007-03-13 12:45:56
answer #11
answered by Bad Kitty! 7