My son, his girlfriend and their son who'll be 1 on the 17th have stopped talking to me. They were sucking us dry for all they could. They were acting helpless and needy, so trying to be a good mom, I gave too much, and then was horribly taken advantage of. I provided them free rent, free childcare, free food and free everything. I tried to have a family meeting to see if we could work things out. They didn't understand that they had to help out, since they didn't make a lot of money at their jobs, it was my job to take care of everything so they could save their money. The final straw for me was when my van was stuck in the snow and I was digging myself out, while my son just stood there and watched me; I asked him why he didn't offer to help me and he said "you didn't help me, so why should I". They seem to be so self-centered and nothing or no-one else matters. His childhood wasn't the greatest, but I'm a good mom, how long do I have to pay for the past?
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