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Family - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

my mom constantly is asking me to fix her something to eat , to iron her work clothes and wipe off her shoes, she has gone maddddd, i can't take it anymore, i'm not her slave and i just cry sometimes beacuse it upsets me and they have restricted my bedtime to 9:00 and i'm in high school, what is this. i can't even close my bedroom door unless i'm about to get undressed . , i'm on the verge of packing my bags and moving to a shelter, what should i do?

2006-08-26 16:11:51 · 25 answers · asked by MisscOOlio 2

Last Thursday at lunch at school, I was sitting on my boyfriend's lap. It's not a big deal. I am 15 and do it all the time.

However, the Principal came over and told me to get off of his lap and sit properly. I told him he was overreacting and he was like well maybe he should call my dad to see if he agrees and said he would if he ever sees me doing it again.

I think my dad would be "p***** off" and I am already in trouble for something else. What is the big deal about sitting on a boy's lap?

2006-08-26 16:06:28 · 38 answers · asked by Lori 5

I'm writing an editorial on "Old People". I'm in the "Sandwich Generation". I'm helping my aging mother (80yrs) try to be independant as long as possible while I raise my children. It can be hard at times but I believe that one must keep a sense of humor. I'd like to hear some stories/experiences.

2006-08-26 15:54:27 · 3 answers · asked by maryquast 3

I want my daughter to behave more like the little adult that she is. I think she has come a long way b/c she is being very polite and is really good at doing tea parties, treating her dolls like they were her own children, etc. but sometimes she gets these "urges" to go out and play in the neighbor's sandbox and get all dirty. This is unbecoming of a young woman and I'm not sure what to do about it. Is there a finishing school for young women anywhere near northern Georgia? What should I do?

2006-08-26 15:41:23 · 126 answers · asked by Lucky L 1

what is a douche bag???

2006-08-26 15:40:52 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

well me and my friend chance where at my house for the last day of summer ...we played base ball, and shot paint balls at cars...but i had to leave for like 1 hour.chance he said he didnt mind and would stay at my place and hang out....my sister was there too...me and chance are 13...
she is 17....well when i got back all the doors were locked..i was angry but i came in through my window...
when i walked in the living room they were making out half naked....its not like my sister coundnt get game she was hot...she had like the coolest bf in school....and she did this!
with a 13 year old! does this make her...a phedohile?
and should i tell mom? she gave me 250 so i woudnot

2006-08-26 15:29:36 · 57 answers · asked by Anonymous

How dare I think I can be something. I come from a unwed teenage mother on welfare. Had no mentor or direction and college just happened somehow. Then I got pregnant, and I struggled but finished college. I have a degree and workd then moved to a whole new state and guess what, i had to leave it to come back home to care for my sick mother. Now I have nothing, I am nothing, I came from nothing and never felt diserving of my degree, never felt confident in my career. Now I have no job, no insurance nothing, I have a child and a recovering sick mother. How dare I think I could do better than my mother or even do anything with my life, Its always 10 steps backwards and a fight to just make one step foward. can see a shrink, no money remember

2006-08-26 15:26:16 · 20 answers · asked by 3doorsdowner 1

this was not me.

2006-08-26 15:24:13 · 21 answers · asked by honiebyrd 4

my brother and his girlfriend have been going out for about 6 months now, and i look up to her like she is a big sister, but she doesnt seem to be getting close to anyone in the family except for my brother (her bf). what can i do to make her feel more welcome?

2006-08-26 15:18:47 · 17 answers · asked by ezzaphill 3

my sister does this all the time

2006-08-26 15:14:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My question is how and what should I say to my mom to tell her I'm moving out. But please read details before you answer.

I am 17 years old, I have a boyfriend whom my mother is not too fond of, she dosn't hate him, but she thinks he may be abusive (he's not) and that he is unreliable and immatture (he can be.) I am moving in with him a.s.a.p. My mom lives about 30min away from my boyfriend. I already stay with him often, usually for a week or 2 sometimes longer. (I take online high school and college level courses if your wondering how this is possible.) She is the one who drives me back and forth. I have just gotten hired for a job right down the street from my boyfriends apt. so I can walk to and from work. The reason why I am moving is mainly because I have reasons to fear for my moms, mine, and my pets safety at the house she lives in. This is because her boyfriend murdered 2 of our pets and has been physically abusive to her multiple times and once to me.

2006-08-26 14:46:15 · 9 answers · asked by Brookelynn 2

2006-08-26 14:44:50 · 7 answers · asked by nalaredneb 7

I think things should be taken on a case by case basis,not spanking the kid over every single thing.

2006-08-26 14:44:42 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

she is being a complete *** wipe. im a 20 year old full time student that is lucky enough to be living at home and only paying 200 in rent but my mom is such an annoying !#$%^&. i cant stand her all she does is yell and scream about everything. she yells at me for things that i have no comtrol over like "its too hot!" or every five seconds she is screamng for me to do something like all throughout the day i hear screaming coming from variouse rooms in the house and then she calls me to come do something for her like unstick the cellophane oropen a bag of something or un tie a knot in something or im trying to get ready for school and she makes me late because i have to look for her keys or her sunglasses. its really driving me crazy. every two seconds there is screaming! i can never relax or do anything like right now she is screaming about something and she is going to come in here in a rage if i dont hurry up and run in there and see what she wants oh #%$#% shes coming.

2006-08-26 14:41:56 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

Did you ever ask yourself?

"Will I have a child I cannot handle?"

How did you reason with this question?

2006-08-26 14:41:21 · 10 answers · asked by nalaredneb 7

2006-08-26 14:15:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-26 14:14:11 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok...while my brother was off on a job he called me right b4 he came home and said when i get home i want to hang out wit you cuz i have alot on my mind...an i was like ok whatever...but hes home now and we havent hung out cuz his girlfriend wont let us hang out...and he is fixen 2 have 2 leave again...and he wont be back for along time...shes really getting on my nerves cuz its like she wants him all 4 herself and wont let his own family hang out wit him.so plz plz plz tell me what i should do!?!?!?!?!

2006-08-26 14:04:56 · 13 answers · asked by hipper 1

here's my problem that I'm having with my 14yr old son and see if anybody can help me with it. I'd deeply appericate. My son is 14yrs old and when he is told to do something he snaps back harshly with a mean tone and then says what's the point! honistly I'm not his real parent, Me and my other half have full gardianship of him when he was 9yrs old it's her Nephew, if this helps alittle, on back-ground anyways He has a low low self esteem we've been working with him trying to get him to up his outlook on life but he says exact words what's the point! we are getting him help, and he's on meds but his whole out-look towards life family everything is awful..Sometimes I wonder what really goes through his mind. He get's mean at times and dosen't stop and think who he hurts verbally..if anyone has suggestions please drop them by..thanks..

2006-08-26 13:59:37 · 27 answers · asked by sxytigg2000 2

several times the oldest has been grounded by his stepmom. she informs me of her decision when she drops him off to me. then she insists that i not allow him to do certain things while he is in my home due to the fact that she has grounded him. i do not feel it is fair for her to overinvolve me in her disclipinary problems. nor do i always see eye to eye with her for the reasons she grounds him. who would? she would not walk into a daycare and tell them that her child is grounded and cannot participate in class.... would she?

2006-08-26 13:57:09 · 12 answers · asked by honiebyrd 4

2006-08-26 13:44:53 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

could be hazeldine,we spell our names different,trying to find distant family

2006-08-26 13:44:49 · 5 answers · asked by stokies 6

Some of you have read about my long lost daughter of 8 years and her bf coming to live with me. After 2 weeks it is not working, so I wanted them out also. Now my son and 2 daughters hate me. I just wanted my house back and was unwilling to house my daughters bf who had been in prison and broke parole to come to my house. Now the bf has gone back to Oklahoma on a bus to get his truck to drive back here to get my daughter. I feel like I have failed my daughter, because I wanted to help her straigten her life out since she has been on drugs with her bf in the past.
Was I wrong to do this? Am I driving her to go back to drugs?

2006-08-26 13:44:44 · 22 answers · asked by JJ 2

2006-08-26 13:43:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

and steal from other places too?

2006-08-26 13:42:18 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just need where it came from. Not the meaning. It's for a school project.

2006-08-26 13:29:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-26 13:26:30 · 9 answers · asked by kellie h 1

He's a big black guy and i think alot of people are intimidated by him. I remember once me and my boyfriend was talking in my house and the door knocked(my bf went to get it)and it was my sister's hubby(Errol),my bf just asked him who he was and then Errol started swearing at him and threatened to beat him up. I was so humiliated by this incident and upset because my bf didnt do anything. I also remember about a year ago an arguement started and he started yelling at me and lunged at my sister when she tried to stick up for me,he came very close to hitting her. He has a very short fuse and hits his kids too,they are terrified of him. I've asked my sister before if he has ever hit her,she says no but she could easily be lying. I'm sick of his nastiness and he has made me look small infront of people many times,i want revenge but then i think he must be mentally ill or something(i know his mom use to beat him),what should i do?

2006-08-26 13:12:22 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

my real name is Ahmad
some of my friends called me mad .. the last 3 letters of my name..
I don't know do u have any other nicknames ??

2006-08-26 13:03:41 · 14 answers · asked by pharoh 1

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