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Family - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

she fights sleep til the very end

2006-08-07 18:28:10 · 8 answers · asked by kim m 1

as an adult. I never had a personal relationship with my aunts and uncles after i was 15 or so, All communication went thru my mother including wedding invitations when I was an adult living in my own home. I have never called then or received a call from them. I am now in my 60's. any comment on this? Should I have done something years ago or should they have contacted me as an individual. is it too late my uncle is 90 and my aunt just died

2006-08-07 18:18:15 · 3 answers · asked by nora7142@verizon.net 6

my g-pa just died how can i make myself cheer up

2006-08-07 18:14:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-07 18:13:19 · 17 answers · asked by Professor Armitage 7

I kinda screwed up big time. No it wasnt anything illegal, but to them it might as well have been. My parents left for the weekend for my dad's 20th high school reunion and I was left home alone with my sister, brother and cousin. My cousin asked if I wanted to go ATV'ing with him and being a thrill seeking teenager I gladly accepted (besides, it was the last weekend of summer) When we rented to ATV's he asked me not to tell my parents because he would tell them at an appropriate time. Well we were trying to find a spot and so I called my dad to ask if he knew how to get to my old racetrack. He told me and said "Just look around and then go back home" I said okay. Anyway we went out and had some fun with them and when my paernts got back they asked me about my sunburn. I told them that I was outside all day playing. Then my mom says "BS I know you were out ATV'ing" and then asked me as to why I had lied about it. Anyway they are all but thrilled and I am so devestated that I messed up.

2006-08-07 17:59:53 · 10 answers · asked by amshamah 3

…don’t have any room to talk. Ok, here is my point. I grew up in poverty. My whole family makes its living by living off disability. They can harly make thier basic expenses.

I served in the first Gulf War, so I had money to work my way though college. I hold a white collar job. Nobody in my family has ever worked a job that required more thought than running over their own foot with a forklift (sarcasm, but you got the point).

I own a house, swimming pool, and two new cars. Nobody, in my family, has ever owned a new car that was not repossessed by the bank. Nobody, in my family, has ever owned a house. Nobody in my family has ever finished high school. To this day, I have been 100% drug free. I can't say that for much of my family.

So where do they get the right to call me stupid, and tell other people they know, about thier "stupid son"?

2006-08-07 17:53:21 · 9 answers · asked by Marvin 7

She has started dressing in skimpy outfits made of gold and silk. She lounges around her room all day and has hired a bunch of handsome. middle eastern servants to fan her with ostrich feathers and carry her everywhere in a sedan chair.
She says she is Queen Cleopatra and has started demanding that I kneel whenever I enter her presence and adress her as "your majesty". She says that if I don't comply she'll have to throw me to the crocodiles even if I am her own brother. She while a go she actually got a pet crocodile and is keeping it in my dad's trout pond. Needless to say, the trout are gone and the croc is getting hungry. I'm worried he might attack one of the Jewish neighbor kids. They're in our yard a lot because she's paying them to build a pyramid in the back yard.
Now she wants to get a pet tiger.
I'm also a little worried that she might be getting romantic feelings for our half brother.

2006-08-07 17:37:03 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

Either my brother or his friends stole about 50 bucks from me while I was gone for four days, I know it's either one of them but they keep denying it. How do I get them to tell the truth? How can I prove he's lying?

2006-08-07 17:32:09 · 23 answers · asked by Charlotte Sometimes 2

My husband is the one that made the choice to keep his kids away from the house. He loves my kids with all his heart and it killed him when he saw what they were capable of doing to a small child. The entire family including their mother knows about what happened with my daughter they just all say it wa a misunderstanding he is a good kid and wouldn't do that, but after a threat with court the mother did put him in counceling but we didn't call the law to protect my daughter as didn't want her drug through that. These kids were not this way when we were dating or even when we first got married. I feel so sorry for my kids and my husband because they deserve so much better and are being destroyed by his kids and family. I felt so helpless to see a 43 year old man crying uncontrolably telling me to leave him so my kids wouldn't be hurt. He goes once a month to see them as they live half a state away and this is more than he was seeing them before. But thanks at least some agree

2006-08-07 17:31:47 · 1 answers · asked by Martha S 4

My 10 year old daughters best friend is a boy and has been since they started pre-k. We are very close friends with his parents and we attend the same church. They have always spent the night with each other and always been best buddies. All of sudden my husband thinks they are too old to be staying all night with each other. They do not sleep together or anything like that and I do not see a problem in it because I know they are well supervised. Neither of them are at the point where they care about having a boyfriend/girlfriend! They look at each other as best friends. Please Help!!!!!!

2006-08-07 17:22:07 · 109 answers · asked by concerned 2

it is so annoying. she's always moody and stuff.

2006-08-07 17:16:05 · 45 answers · asked by Roby 1

Im looking for more caves, because i like to study all caves. Or somewhere where people can easily hide. Can anyone help me?

2006-08-07 17:07:15 · 3 answers · asked by Osama Bin Laden 1

This summer while my husbands kids were here for the summer break we had a lot of issues with them being rude, disrespectful and abusive toward my children. Their dad talked to them, punished them everything and nothing worked so most of the summer my kids spent with their father so we could at least have some peace. These kids are cruel, selfish, spoiled and very manipulative and when they would get in trouble would call my hubbies parents crying and begging them to come get them we were being to hard on them. Yes it was a wonderful time. The end of June my ex called and said he had to bring the kids back as he had to go out of town to work a few days so we thought great maybe they have all had enough time apart and can at least attempt to get along WRONG within a day my son had a black-eye(he is 7) from his 13 year old step brother, my 15 year old step daughter had destroyed my oldest daughters cd collection and ruined her stereo and kept telling her she was a stuck up little

2006-08-07 17:06:21 · 43 answers · asked by Martha S 4

rub off on me, so I don't see them that much, but I'm nice whenever I do see them. Is it okay for me to just keep my distance?

2006-08-07 17:04:04 · 11 answers · asked by Laila 1

okay, so i just turned 13 and i have 4 siblings: 3 brothers and 1 sister who has down syndrum. my family came from pakastan where girls learned to cook and clean at early ages. but i was raised here and have learned that women can do whatever men can. i love sports and show it a lot. my brothers are addicted to computers(im lucky to get a chance on right now). my mother was raised in pakastan and had a hard life of cooking and cleaning since she was the oldest girl between her siblings. now she wants me to start doing work. she expects me to know everything there is to cooking and cleaning as if was born with the abilities. for example: i read a book while my brothers r being there nerdy selves on the computer. she picks me to do all the laundry. my father could care less. all he does is eat sleep and work. i try to talk to my mom about this but she usually changes the subject or says thats why god made women. what should i do?

2006-08-07 17:01:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My relationship w/ my parents has been kinda bad for more than a year. I was 13, made mistakes, they were too harsh, humiliated me and this destroyed our relationship completely. I could never get over. I dont make such mistakes any more, dont join bad crowds. Just the contrary,today I am what my parents wanted me to be. But I still hold a grudge. They tried to make up with me, even forced me to go to family counseling, but nothing worked. I'm respectful, dont fight, just keep distant and avoid talking. When necessary I talk with them politely, like an attendant in a store. They hate, but this is my undeniable right, so I feel. They can't force me to love them, Anyway, they keep saying they are proud of me, cause I'm an honor student and do things like taking part in social services. Sometimes this makes me resentful, sometimes angry. It's like they are making fun of my feelings. Despite our bad relationship my good actions make them happy , like they say u cant hurt us, ure defeated!

2006-08-07 16:59:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

She's 5 years older than I am and when I was in high school and still a virgin, she took three of my boyfriends. She also came on to two others. I actually walked in on one of my boyfriends while he was with her but they were sleeping and didn't know I was there. He was supposed to pick me up from school and didn't show up so I caught a cab home and walked into her bedroom to borrow something from her and there they were half dressed and sleeping. I didn't wake them, just got what I was looking for and went to work. Another boyfriend dated her for about 6 years after he left me and the third called me and told me he'd slept with her. I wasn't hurt over any of these guys cause I was too young to be in love but my sister hurt me tremendously. She tried to come on to another boyfriend and he called and told me immediately after it happened. I ended up marrying that guy and we have been married for 2 years now but I can't get over what my sister has done. Should I tell her that I know?

2006-08-07 16:49:04 · 18 answers · asked by SmartyPants 5

Does anyone know anything about autisam. Please help if you can.

2006-08-07 16:40:26 · 12 answers · asked by grizz_mike 1

he dont listen,hangs out,states that he is not going to go to school
and disrespcts everyone in household for literally no reason.my
family spoiled him since little.now he is out of control and is a gang member

2006-08-07 16:39:09 · 37 answers · asked by BRANDIN B 1

my sister always picks on me and hits me when shes bored. she's 19 and i'm 13 and she justs gets on my nerve's. how do i get her to stop bulling me??

2006-08-07 16:38:38 · 28 answers · asked by Charnelle W 3

My parents have never been there for me i have never heard im proud of you or i love you from my parents and i really dont know how to forgive them for this.. This past year my parents kicked me out of the house for no reason at all they threw me to the curb with no where to live no money no nothing and i got back right back up on my feet. Then they tried to turn all my family agaisnt me my brother my sister even my grandparents i live with my b.f now hes been there for me more than my parents have . I went to my grandparents house and they were like why are you here and blah blah i didn really know what to do....So how can i forgive them what should i do??

2006-08-07 16:28:46 · 12 answers · asked by hot_fine_02 1

Believe it or not i still have to ask for permission to go out. I asked my dad today if it would be okay if i went to the beach with one my friends. He said "no" straight out. I got so upset, i went to my room and cried. Cause im 19 and he still wont even let me go out the house except to the store. And people say i should act like a adult so he will treat me like an adult, but when i was 16 he would'nt let me get a job. When i was 18 i signed up to work at a fast food restaurant and he yelled at me because he didnt want me to work there. He only wanted me to work around a job that he would like himself. when i ask him why i could'nt go out he said that it was becasue i had to start learning how to stay at home and be a wife. No man will want a woman who does not stay at home all the time.and i cant move out because it is our tradition to move out only when u marry.

2006-08-07 16:14:22 · 20 answers · asked by Lorrane 2

Just found out i was pregant, and i already have 2 other children, and i need to be home with them and for myself now but want to earn money... any ideas? Thanks

2006-08-07 16:04:31 · 2 answers · asked by jessnclh 3

I am 18, I turn 19 in September. My dad treats me like I'm still 15. He tells me 2 come home early and that if I don't then he will call the cops and tell them that I'm a runaway. He also has said many times that if I'm at my boyfriends house then he will call the cops & lie 2 them & tell them that the family sells drugs in the house, "Just so the cops can go there & make u look stupid." I'm tired of BS. It has gotten 2 the point that all we do is fight. I want out of the house. But again he threatens 2 call the cops. There has 2 b something I can do. It has gotten 2 the point that he pushes me around. There is a part of me that doesn't believe him bcuz I feel he is just saying these things to scare me. There is another part of me that doesn't even want 2 test him for fear of starting problems with my boyfriends family. I have been with my b/f for 1yr and 1/2. I'm scared of what my dad is capable of & don't want 2 get my b/f's family involved. Can u give me info on what 2 do?

2006-08-07 16:04:02 · 5 answers · asked by want2know 1

My parents always keep scolding on me.They always invastigate what I am doing.Even my personalities such as letters and all these, they look when I'm not at home.I'm 23 and I think I should have a bit of privacy.My daily routine is very simple. I get up at 6:30am and doing one exercise( Yoga, weight lifting, running, swimming and cycling ).After that I have to study until I go to school.When I come back from school, after dinner,I study again. But sometimes I use computer for entertainment (listening music, chatting with friends, surfing adults sites ). However, if my parents find I'm using computer, they lose their tempers and get angry easily. Am I wrong that I just use computer for 3 days per week and just for 2 hours each times?Is it a guilt to surf adult sites for 23 years old in that duration(2 hrs)?Before I use computer for surfing adult sites,I used to play computer games that they didn't like.They hate drinking.They even didn't like chatting with my girl friends online.

2006-08-07 15:51:57 · 21 answers · asked by mypetispig83 3

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