the Attorney General launched an investigation on kids father, well apparently he has falllen behind on payments becuase according to him they are threatening to garnish his income tax if he doesn't pay what is owed. Now normaly when something happens on the case i receive notification of such from the Attny. Gen. office, i have not in this case. My kids' father is constantly calling or texting me to get the attny gen off his case or i'll be sorry. I didn't pay much attention to this because...what can he possibly do right?? Well, i was wrong...see the boys are with him for the summer and he just called me to tell me that since i failed to get the attny gen off his case, he is keeping the kids.
My kids are 13 & 11 and i AM the custodial i know he can't just keep them, right?
Well i don't care bout being threatened personally but my kids are whole different matter...I called the police and filed a complaint against him. Did i over react? What do i do now?
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