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Family & Relationships - 28 June 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

my sister who is 11 and i am 14 so isnt it obvious that i should be the alpha???? she doesnt respect me like i do her everytime she does something i get in trouble and my parents take her side no matter what .she is rude and disrespectful to most of my friends and all the ones that dont believe me thats shes a evil little wench, they think she is a sweet angel. she acts all innocent around my firends and tells her friends that i am mean and rude.we'll get along a little bit and the next day we will be fighting for something that she started. i ll come into her room looking for something and not other her at all and she will shove me out of her room and start yelling at me but when she comes into my room i ask her to leave and ill get the item she wants but she just look though my stuff withous permission and ignore me when i try to shove her out and yell she refuses. when i try to talk to her she ignores me and says that all of that is my fault and my parents dont even care

2007-06-28 18:23:44 · 4 answers · asked by Sydney 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

I've been in an on again-off again relationship w/someone who has cheated on me several times. Each time I caught him red handed and he tried denying and deflecting each time. After that didn't work, he told me how sorry he was and that he couldn't live w/o me and he couldn't believe he was so stupid in a weak moment and it would never happen again...for me to please give him one "last" chance. Each time I've gone back to him, thinking he could/would change. Other than his cheating, he was the ideal boyfriend and treated me very well. caught him and broke up with him (again) a week ago and he's pulling all the same tactics w/me again. I want to be strong this time and get out for good. I know this isn't healthy and he'll probably just do it again, and because even if he never cheated again, I don't think I could ever trust him because of past transgressions. I feel weak though and want some self-help tips to get me through and please be careful not to judge...I'm not stupid, just hurt

2007-06-28 18:17:53 · 6 answers · asked by tenayaledeux00 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

Before you go on a rant how my dad loves me, he started a company ( a few years ago and has been all into that and hasn't talked to me with a real conversation ever, like ever. Before that he always went to the bar and now he get's stressed and drinks and get's drunk and i've tried to talk to him about it but like he just threatens me and we get into fights normally ending in physical fighting but that's another story and don't say call the cops because it's not an answer what I need to know because I've tried to build a life and a relationship with him but he always using me and drops me later, I've tried to just sit down and talk to him but he just ignores me and throws it all to the side, what should I do? I've tried too many times to count and now it's gotten to the point where I'm either going to give him one more shot to be in my life or just tell him don't bother, what should I do? My g/f hates to see me and him like this but I know that if I give him another chance, he will dro

2007-06-28 18:17:10 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-06-28 18:14:43 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

It's a pretty odd situation, but I've gotten a girl I like to think I stalk her. Obviously I'm not; I'm just a quiet kid with some really, really bad luck. My question is: How should I tell her this? I can't just go to her house (We rode the same bus so, yeah, I know where she lives) and tell her, and she doesn't have email, myspace or anything like that.

What should I do to convince her I'm not stalking her?

2007-06-28 18:13:44 · 12 answers · asked by Adventuresome Ron 2 in Singles & Dating

ok im going swimming with a friend and her bro likes me theres quite a age diff. and lik im very self consious i really dont want to get in a bathing suit in front of them what should i do?

2007-06-28 18:08:09 · 21 answers · asked by muzik_craz_r 1 in Friends

I am in an unhappy marriage, miserable in my job and need change. I want to take my 15 year old son and run away from all of it. Where can I go that $7000 will last me a while before I would have to get a job. I have worked fulltime my whole life and I just want to get away and spend time with my son without having to worry about anything. My mind is made up so I would just like some suggestions as to where I could go where my money will last me the longest. I am currently in California and it is expensive as hell here so anywhere else???

2007-06-28 18:07:31 · 7 answers · asked by christyj42 2 in Family

Even if you pretty much only have sex .. no dates ot anything..

2007-06-28 18:07:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

if you're a guy who's 18 and you've just graduated from hs and about to go to college in the fall, would you start something with a girl who's 14? she obviously has a crush on you. she somehow found your myspace profile and eventually your sn on aim. she starts talking to you and you just talk back. you seem to be getting along with her. she showed you a picture of her and she looks pretty good. and based on her language, she sounds maturer than her age. would you take advantage of her and go out with her?

2007-06-28 18:03:39 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I am a christian girl, who likes a mormon boy, who likes me back. I want to save myself for marriage and I think mormons have to do the same. Even though I'm not a mormon girl, do you think it can still work out?

2007-06-28 18:01:53 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

not really just for those of you who want points and don't feel like answering anything here

2007-06-28 18:01:49 · 7 answers · asked by :D 2 in Singles & Dating

This is so frustrating! Guys always seem to look at me: at the gym, at the mall and at school to name a few places. They stare, they whistle, they basically act like animals. And it's not just college guys, it is also adults!! They do this whether I am wearing a tank top and jeans, a skirt, or sweats. Why can't guys approach me rather than eye-sex me from a far? I mean I don't talk about other guys in public, I am definately confident, I'm smart, I laugh and smile all the time, and I rarely go out with more than one girl friend. Even if I'm by myself, they still act the same. I am an attractive girl. I have long straight blonde hair, blue eyes, I am 5'1 and quite curvy but not heavy at all (I'm a dancer). What about me is not approachable? Seriously, no one ever believes me that I've never had a boyfriend, but THIS IS WHY!!!

2007-06-28 17:59:19 · 16 answers · asked by Irish Darling 2 in Singles & Dating

Ok .. so theres this guy *of course* and I've known him a long time, and recently he kinda asked me to be his friend with benefits. He has a girlfriend who he's been with a long time, but I do like him. I don't know what to do because I'm not that kind of girl.

2007-06-28 17:53:00 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Do you think it's appropriate for a single woman to email dirty jokes and suggestive pictures to a married man? A woman my hubby works with keeps sending him these things at home.

In the past, before we were together...if I was ever doing that it would be because I was "coming on" to a guy, or flirting. I say it's a way of "talking dirty" when a woman sends risque pictures and jokes to a man. He disagrees that she is coming on to him, but I also think that if a man was emailing me those types of things, he definitely wouldn't like it.

Do you think sending those types of things is a form of flirting, for a woman?

2007-06-28 17:49:26 · 21 answers · asked by open_policy 2 in Marriage & Divorce

if you're a guy who's 18 and you've just graduated from hs and about to go to college in the fall, would you start something with a girl who's 14? she obviously has a crush on you. she somehow found your myspace profile and eventually your sn on aim. she starts talking to you and you just talk back. she showed you a picture of her and she looks pretty good. and based on her language, she sounds maturer than her age. would you take advantage of her and go out with her?

2007-06-28 17:49:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-06-28 17:47:25 · 5 answers · asked by califrniateach 4 in Singles & Dating

ok i will tell you all the truth and the whole truth because i need some good advice here: my husband doesent want sex anymore we do it once a month now, he tells me to leave him alone alot, he says i talk to much and is tired of me acussing him of cheating! ok so i quit my job again in the five years me and him have been married the longest job i had was 3 months i hate to work! we have 3 kids! yes i accuss him of cheating everyday! i go threw his phone and pockets! i never clean the house! rather find out what he is up to then my kids! I HAVE GAINED 40 pounds!..ect ect is it me you think he says it is?

2007-06-28 17:44:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I've been married for almost two years and I don't think I love my husband anymore. We've been together for 6 years (since I was 15, he was 19) and in that time I've come to see who he really is. Things were controlled till we got married and now he treats me with a total lack of respect, like I'm a slave who owes him everything. I have no driver's licence, can't hang out with my family for too long, don't even try to have friends anymore, and pretty much live on the computer when I'm not at work. Here's rest of the problem. I've been talking to one of my high school boyfriends on Myspace for the past year or so. It started out as just friends, but somewhere along the line he began asking questions about my marriage and it all came out. Since then he's been begging me to leave my husband and be with him when he gets home.(He's Army, in Korea right now.) He gets back in 9 days and I'm so jumpy and nervous I think my husband

2007-06-28 17:42:09 · 22 answers · asked by garcia_lives86 2 in Marriage & Divorce

He can go play poker anytime, go look at cars but he can not spend time with us. Can anyone help???????????????

2007-06-28 17:36:55 · 10 answers · asked by rosepedal_25 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Don't dget mad at othar peoples answers it is their opinion. What is yours?

2007-06-28 17:32:45 · 19 answers · asked by Confirmed Love? 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Can anyone explain that?
Is this the work of the Devil?

2007-06-28 17:30:02 · 17 answers · asked by Carlos O. 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I found my Best Friend husband Cheating on her. When he is with his wife he acts like they are in love and when I saw him at lunch with his love he acted like he is soooooooo in love with her he has no idea that I saw them and they were seated in the next both from where I was sitting so I got to hear the whole conversation he was having with her. I felt like going up to him and saying something but did not. Now this is eating at me I feel like I need to tell her something or give him the choice befoer I go to her with this. there is no doubt what is going on I heard everything. They have been married for 18 years and have 2 kids, What should I do?

2007-06-28 17:29:35 · 30 answers · asked by Rima 1 in Marriage & Divorce

his ex girlfriend is going to have a baby in a few months and its his. they still hang out and stuff. we've only been going out since tuesday and i was just wondering if i should be worried about him maybe cheating on me. i have big trust issues.

2007-06-28 17:27:07 · 15 answers · asked by 2am Lovesick 2 in Singles & Dating

Okay heres my story... lol.. I did that one thing most people do with my best friend.. and we were NOT dating or anything and i may have slept with his best friend, now the thing is when i did tell him he wants to act like he hates me and he told someone that he never wanted us to do anything in the first place and i know thats not true cuz it well it just isnt.. But this friend of his is still his best bud.. why the hell is that and what should i do.... i mean i still love him he was my BEST friend.. but i dont know what to do or say to get him back.. I just want to be friends i dont want him to hate me.. and i dont understand why the heck he can still be cool with this guy but not with me. He said he needed time to think and then he left for Basic Training so yeah i cant talk to him until he gets home but i dont know what to say... Anyone have any ideas....?????

2007-06-28 17:26:16 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My dad is turning 50 and I can tell he is very sad cause I saw tears in his eyes when he got a whole bunch of gag gifts and I cant tell people not to get them for him.How do I make him feel better?

2007-06-28 17:25:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

2007-06-28 17:21:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

You think now you are so special and older people so dumb because of their lack of technology but I think it is going to boomerang on you because when your kids get to be teens, technology is changing at light speed and you won;t have a clue what they are doing, just like you look at older people today huh ?>

2007-06-28 17:20:45 · 1 answers · asked by I Love Jesus 5 in Other - Family & Relationships

Okay, people probably ask these age questions all the time, but me and this guy hit it off really well a while back. I was at work and the guy brought in each of his dogs one day at a time so he could see me for about a week strait. on the last day he asked me on a date. i didn't know how old he was so I told him I couldn't. He ended up just turning 23. i'm 17. he works at wal-mart, so every time i go there we end up talking for like an hour or longer just having fun. he's real sweet too, and said he could wait for me to turn 18 if that is what my mom wants because he doesn't want people to look down on him for dating someone younger than him. I guess it is a 6 year age difference? is that too much? I look at like when i'm 20 he'll be 26 and that doesn't seem big to me. is it to you? would you date him?

2007-06-28 17:18:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

There's a guy named Zack,I was in the 6th grade and he was in the 8th we didnt know eachother but we rode the same bus.One day he sat beside me and started talking to me,made me laugh,the bus driver had a dumb rule about boys and girls not being able to sit together but he didnt care.He would ask me questions like would I f*ck him just to make me smile.We talked to eachother all the time and I went to his house and he came to mine and we got drunk together((underage drinking but shhh..))and I could tell him anything,he was always there for me,now we are kinda not that close but still close we dont hang out one on one but with a group of my friends.He still does cute things like call me all the time just to say hi.Soo whats going on is this teenage love,deep like or am I getting played

2007-06-28 17:18:15 · 6 answers · asked by Kay♥™ 5 in Friends

Alright, long story very short, my mom died almost 5 years ago, a few weeks after my 12th birthday. My dad only waited 8 months to start dating again, and when he did, he didn't even tell me, I stumbled upon them kissing on the back porch. Him and my mom were happily married for 14 years, and together for 10 years before they got married. I always thought it was wayyy too soon, and I was very upset and uncomfortable with it, and really felt like he never considered my feelings towards it. He's married to the lady now, and I'm pretty okay with it, but occasionally it still bothers me and I still think he should have waited longer and considered my opinions. All my friends agree, but I thought it would be interesting to hear the opinions of people I don't even know, who aren't involved in any way. Thanks!

2007-06-28 17:17:42 · 18 answers · asked by heatherr 3 in Family

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