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Family & Relationships - 6 December 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I have a question for anyone who is in a serious relationship or has ever been in one..I called my husband last night at work and told him to come home early.. When he walked in the door there were candles lite, a bed made on the living room floor, and I was wearing this black velvety dress w/high heels..(Which was hard cuz Im 7 months pregnant)! Now usually I don't approve of Porn at all but last night I made an exception and put a porno on, I also had a camcorder set up on the dining table ready to record...So Im sitting there kissing him from his lips and on down and when I went farther south, I noticed something was wrong... He wasn't hard!!! I asked him what the matter was and he told me that he felt weird with the porno, the camera, the candles and how I was dressed..I told him that it was okay and to just relax and smoke him a little, and while he was doing that I was TRYING to give him head but he wasnt hard..How would u react?Did I do something wrong?Was I not romantic enough?

2006-12-06 15:27:21 · 12 answers · asked by happy2BAlive!! 2 in Singles & Dating

A friend at work has been seeing a guy for about a month. They aren't real serious but she finds out tonight that some nights while he is at work (he works 3rd shift) his ex-girlfriend comes over so his dog doesn't have to stay in a kennel all night. He told my friend that these two are just good friends and nothing ever happens between them. He told her that once he is in a serious relationship he will stop having her come over. This just sounds bizarre to me, what do you guys think?

2006-12-06 15:27:15 · 8 answers · asked by Sydney'sMommy 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

doubt your friends intentions, or even that they are true friends?
i have a handfull of friends, i hang with but lately all they do is want things off me, money a ride, a favour ect ect, i usually dont mind but its getting to the point where it is only these certain people and all the time now, a couple dont even talk to me anless it involves something.
i do have my best friends the ones who are with out a doubt true, but i just cant really tell with the others or even figure out how to handle it.
please any suggestions or in sight is greatly appreaciated.

2006-12-06 15:25:55 · 6 answers · asked by WESTIE GURL 2 in Friends

i got a girl on my mind...

2006-12-06 15:25:16 · 10 answers · asked by Jacob S 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-12-06 15:24:42 · 9 answers · asked by icy 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

me and my boyfriend never fight in person but right when he gets home and we get on the phone we bring up stupid things that cause a fight how can i stop the fighting??

2006-12-06 15:24:10 · 17 answers · asked by Jesica<3 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-12-06 15:23:20 · 11 answers · asked by Meems 2 in Friends

I was always really picky about guys so it's no surprise that I waited til this year at age of 20 to have my first boyfriend. I always got hit on my but I always put school and family, & friends first. My was was 25 and we only dated for a month but it felt longer cuz we saw each othre a lot. It never went past kissing cuz he knew I wanna save sex for marriage. He ended it after a mon the saying he was 'busy'. But he would still say hi to me on msn even after he ended it. A month ago, I bumped into him at the university that we both attend. He seemed REALLY happy to see me. He yelled out my name came towards me &seemed REALLY happy to see me. he kept asking all these questions, smiling & looking in my eyes. I acted kinda annoyed and couldn't really look at him. After 5 or 10 minutes,he said he had to go, then he said "give me a shoutout and we can do something", & I just looked at him, and he said "yeah we can see a movie together or anything you want", I just said bye & walked away.

2006-12-06 15:22:37 · 3 answers · asked by Hottie 1 in Singles & Dating

YOu know, your deepest darkest seret.

2006-12-06 15:22:21 · 6 answers · asked by muchthirteen 1 in Friends

I have pieced together a few VERY SUBTLE clues that my husband of 4 years, (we've been together almost 7), may be bi or a closet homosexual, or have some same sex fantasies. The thing is, I truly don't believe he is cheating on me, and there is no way I could confront him about my suspicions because he would FREAK OUT. If he does have same sex attractions he is VERY closed about it, and may even be in denial himself. I am looking for any advice, and/or an online forum or support group of women in similar situations. My husband does not display any signs of being effeminate...in fact he is the complete opposite. What are signs that a man may be gay when he would be a very "non-traditional" gay? What are subtle, less obvious clues that I should pay attention to? He seems sexually pleased with me so I'm very confused...

2006-12-06 15:21:43 · 16 answers · asked by RC1977 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Share with me your favorite scene's and why. I have so many, but picking one off hand, I'd say that Charlote in the shower getting lathered up and pissed off about Trey's penis obession is one that sticks out. The look on her face... priceless.

2006-12-06 15:21:28 · 4 answers · asked by blackbug2004 2 in Singles & Dating

i am 17 and my g/f is 14 (soon to be 15) we have been together for almost 2 months. should i get her something for x-mas? if so then what? we dont get to see each other that often, if that affects anything. any tips will be appreciated.

2006-12-06 15:21:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

hello friends
this might be strange but actually i had an affair with a girl and we too shared intimate relationship but when we went to our parents her parents rejected me on caste grounds

but many of my friends didn't know we broke up .. the girls ppl treated me roughly .. i told all these to my friends except for intimate things most of their words.. i was hurt and disturbed .. so could not hold on more but slowly someone told i am ruining her future with her would be if he knows this through friends

my questions
wat i did is corrrect ?
will it effect girls life ?
wat will her husband reaction be if he comes to know this sometime latter ?

i don't want her to be disturbed more

2006-12-06 15:21:06 · 6 answers · asked by Atulya 2 in Friends

to those of you out there that have answered part one or two..... i apologize for the mix up....... here's the quick storie......she's cheated four times.......she left me because i won't change my ways....and one more thing.....the night that i left....she had an encounter with one of my friends sexually.....so called friend anyway. and as far as the people asking about some of the previous questions that are posted....my sister has been on here asking questions as well.....like the ten year anniversary one. sorry again and please some good advice because i'm not mental....just hurt and confused thank you all

2006-12-06 15:20:35 · 5 answers · asked by just me 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-12-06 15:19:35 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i was watching the movie clerks 2. at the ending of the movie, the mooby guy sets up a donkey show in the moobys resturaunt. a donkey show is were a guy has sex with a donkey. i looked it up on the internet and there are actually websites with people having sex with donkeys and many other animals. some people are either sick in the head or have way to much time on their hands.

2006-12-06 15:19:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Theres a guy I like and he was totally shy for a long time. Finally he got the clue that I liked him. He made more of an effort to talk to me and he finally asked me today if I wanted to "hangout" during winter break. I gave him my phone number and told him to call. My question is, since we are just acquaintences who see eachother all the time at school and make small talk, its not like we really know one another. So when we do go out, do I give him a hug goodnight or will that freak him out? What's the protocol since "hangout" is to get to know one another.

2006-12-06 15:18:35 · 7 answers · asked by Stephanie 2 in Singles & Dating

like did they radomly bring u a boquet of roses or something (clean)

2006-12-06 15:18:22 · 10 answers · asked by savvy 2 in Singles & Dating

I am currently suing the bank that I used to work at as a teller because the infringed on my rights. I enjoy wearing a Jar Jar Binks costume, and I wear it almost all the time. My boss said I could not wear it to work. Why doesn't he just tell me to wear a slave outfit. He has no right to control my personal life, including how I dress. Everyone has the right to be themself without being harrassed and threatened. Just because me lifestyle is unusual, does that mean that I have less rights then anyone else? I like to wear a Jar Jar costume, but what if my boss said I can't be in a homosexual or interracial relationship? Then people would defend me. Why can't people accpet me for who I am?

2006-12-06 15:18:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Is it really that pathetic to spend New Year's home alone?

2006-12-06 15:17:29 · 15 answers · asked by Katy S 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I have been with the same man for the last 8 years. We got married 3 1/2 years ago and now I don't love him like I use to and I want out of this marriage. I didn't just decide one day that I don't love him anymore, I'm just tired of his "habits" and the fact that he won't stop doing some of the things that he does. He does illegal things and won't stop. I've asked him and even begged him to stop, but he just slowed down and tries to do these things in a way that isn't as obvious. We have a daughter and I can't see myself raising her in the time of environment that he is drawn to. I'm really close with his family and I think they are the reason why I've stuck with him for so long. He was doing these same things before we got married, but I thought that he would grow up and change once he became a husband and father. He has told me that I am rushing him to change and that I need to give him time. I feel like I've given him enough time to change. What should I do?

2006-12-06 15:16:46 · 17 answers · asked by Sohisticated Lady 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Me and my wife are the proud parents of a wonderful 3 month old baby boy. However, the other day, he grabbed a Barbie doll at the toy store instead of the Jar Jar Binks toy I wanted him to get. My wife says that he was born transgendered and we need to support him in his life choice. We went out and bought him pink clothes and redid his room. We always tell him that we accept his life choice. However, I am secretly bitter that he doesn't like Jar Jar, and I am thinking of buying him a Jar Jar toy even though he grabbed the barbie. What should I do?

2006-12-06 15:15:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Me and my ex have been 2gether 5yrs we broke up last mouth she comes back two wks later and break up with me again 2wks after that. i meet up with her and she tells me when she came back she loved me and missed me but after returning from a friends(a girl) house she leaves me agian. a week gose by and we see each other and she tell me she doesnt feel the same anymore. The feel came right when she got back from her friends. she tells me we can be friends, but we need 2 be apart. she calls me yesturday and ask for her company while she waits for her train to go to her friends. She called me tonight and ask me what is up and gives me the address to the station the wait with her train is 3 hrs and im tring 2 figure this out. She sounds like she is trying 2 sound happy. She asked me if it is alright i asked if her mom could do it, she said she couldnt do it. and she really appriates me doing this. What is she up2 i am confused i still luv her and i cant keep doing this unless she wants bk

2006-12-06 15:15:20 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Everything was fine until i found out that she ever sleep with other guy behind my back.. what's worst is that she admit to me when we touch on 4th year. the pain was too sharp that i felt it piercing through me. after what i've done i get this... i've been good to her.. what should i do?? i cant leave her i never ever love someone this much..At the same time i can't live with her. what should i do?

2006-12-06 15:14:37 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Would you go out with a man that has been in prison before, but has now turned out to be a pretty good person? Why or why not?

2006-12-06 15:14:24 · 18 answers · asked by SimplyYoung 2 in Singles & Dating

My dad died 2 months ago. He died without knowing that my mom was cheating on him and I feel like I've lost a huge part of me. My mom has already remarried and I feel like she is moving on very quickly. I want to love my new step dad but I feel resentment against him b/c he was with my mom while she was married to my father. I also have two new brothers that I love. But I feel awkward around them b/c they have taken me in as a lil sis so quickly it hasn't given me a chance to adjust to the situation. The rest of my family act like totally different ppl. My lil sister was an ice skater representing the state of California in Competions and she totally dropped out of that. My oldest brother was so nice b4 and now all he does is sit in his room and llisten to music, or sleep. My oldest sister is partying and drinking alot more then she usta. My brother thats 2 years older then me has taken up smoking and I think that will ruin his career with skateboarding.

2006-12-06 15:13:21 · 11 answers · asked by Chaysee 3 in Family

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