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Religion & Spirituality - 10 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

And can you document the curse with chapter and verse?

2007-12-10 02:55:14 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Micah 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

notice I said "we"

2007-12-10 02:54:27 · 5 answers · asked by sego lily 7

It's been a long time since I've heard someone "speaking in tongues". I remember the "language" sounding somewhat similar from person to person. What I'm wondering is if you were to go to a church where people's native language was different, would the speaking in tongues language sound the same? For example, if you hear someone speak in tongues whose native language is Spanish, does it sound the same as someone who speaks English? (or whatever) Is anyone aware of a good, comprehensive study on this phenomenon?

2007-12-10 02:52:24 · 12 answers · asked by id 2

Recently, the European Pope said all USA Protestants go to hell.

Do you view that as religious hatred? Protestant bashing?


2007-12-10 02:51:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

If morals are relative or taught by society, then how can we say that these actions, written in a different time in culture, are wrong or immoral?

((I'm an atheist. I'm not defending the God of the Bible. I'm just wondering if there is more to morality than society and "common sense."))

2007-12-10 02:50:49 · 32 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

2007-12-10 02:49:30 · 26 answers · asked by skullpicker 3

These recent shooting at the churches are perfect examples. It was an awful thing to happen but so where the mall shooting, school shootings and the execution of the Amish children. But for some reason, these TWO shootinings out of countless others means that America is out to get Chrisitans? I'm sorry but that attitude is selfish and beyond self centered which is sad for a religion that preaches acceptance and love. Why do some people do this?

2007-12-10 02:48:25 · 24 answers · asked by ~Heathen Princess~ 7

2007-12-10 02:47:35 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I thought it would be interesting if some of us could post a link to our favorite religious music to share.

I'm an atheist, by the way...but I absolutely love Matisyahu's song "King Without a Crown." For those who don't know, Matisyahu is a Hasidic Jew...and an amazing singer. Here's the link. Enjoy.

And please add a link of your own so we can all be introduced to something new. =)

2007-12-10 02:44:27 · 14 answers · asked by Reporting is Unchristian *AM* 2

2007-12-10 02:43:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

If someone accepts Jesus in their life, keeps a close relationship with him and God, gets baptized, does good works, and witnesses to others but goes to a Baptist church, are they a saved Christian?

2007-12-10 02:42:43 · 38 answers · asked by Jereme K 3

How hard it is to let go of those we love..........

2007-12-10 02:42:02 · 22 answers · asked by Love Conquers All 5

Throughout the synoptic gospels Jesus is called " son of David." He is never called or linked with Michael or any other spirit being.. An angelical idenity for the Son of God is clearly excluded. If Jesus had really pre-exisited as Michael he could not by definition have been the lineal and biological descendant of David. To speak of pre-human existence contradicts the scriptures which show Jesus as coming into existence only at his conception in Mary. One cannot exist before one exists. Such an idea is illogical. Would this not be a form of teaching re-incarnation? Michael the Angel changed himself into Jesus . Pre-existed himself. Became the son of God, went back to Heaven, is he still the son of God or Michael the angel or God himself?

2007-12-10 02:41:31 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is no "guns" category here so I'll stick with the people I know and ask this here. There's an old saying that goes "A lock only keeps an honest man out."

Columbine - School policy said no guns allowed.

VA Tech - Guns were not allowed on school property.

Omaha Mall - Gun Free zone yet again.

The list goes on and on...
When we tell lawful citizens to keep their guns at home, the only people who have guns are the criminals. True or False?

There's another old says that goes "Why do I carry a gun? Because I can't carry a cop."

If there was a chance that someone ELSE had been armed, do you think the nutcases would have chosen another location? You never see a gun-toting wacko walk into a gun store and start blowing people away, do you?

2007-12-10 02:40:36 · 21 answers · asked by Last Ent Wife (RCIA) 7

Do you support a Christian theocracy? Has your lack of faith made you more liberal? Free trade? Please share your political views and if your lack of/faith has influenced them.

Please state your religion or stance on the existence of a God somewhere in your answer.

2007-12-10 02:40:05 · 11 answers · asked by The Bassline Libertine 3

to jesus christ to be your saviour,lets remember what christmas is all about

2007-12-10 02:37:53 · 20 answers · asked by sean 3

The thing I found most interesting about the Colorado shootings this weekend, was that the security guards at the chruch were armed and willing to kill someone. Gives a whole new meaning to WWJD. I think this goes way beyond hypocrisy, they were being hypocritical by having a massive megachurch with stores selling all kinds of cult crap, but armed security guards takes it to a whole new level.

2007-12-10 02:35:49 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous


Your view of Billy Graham?

Where will Dr. Billy Graham go down in the history of non-profit religions in the USA?

2007-12-10 02:35:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I only ask because of the recent debates about the 10 commandments. Communism is really the only economic system that doesn't encourage covetousness. Although most communist countries have embraced atheism, there is nothing about communism that is inherently atheist. In fact, I think Jesus would like the idea of each receiving according to his needs and giving according to his abilities. So why are we, a country supposedly founded on Christian ethics and therefore the 10 commandments, a capitalist nation? We are breaking the commandment about covetousness every time we ask for a raise, save up to buy something that everyone else doesn't already have, or hit a sale at Walmart.

2007-12-10 02:30:53 · 24 answers · asked by ZombieTrix 2012 6

Is this Satan's fault?

2007-12-10 02:29:45 · 19 answers · asked by Drake the Deist 2

do you disagree with abortion to save the life of the women carrying the child?
say abortion was banned in all circumstances, and the women or baby or both die because of this, won't that be murder in itself?
i just want your views for this circumstance only.
please do not say abortion is murder {it might well be} but i want to know if banning abortion in THIS circumstance, would be murder too.

2007-12-10 02:29:25 · 23 answers · asked by Maid In Britain 5

If God Almighty or one of his workers (angels, Jesus, etc), were reading this and were to grant you one wish..What would your wish be?

2007-12-10 02:29:12 · 6 answers · asked by Sister Queen 3

At the very least the door knocking type?

2007-12-10 02:27:55 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Loving You Lord is all I'm living for.
Loving You Lord to the uttermost
Lord forgive me if I've left my first love
Thats the Bridal love for You..

You are more than anyone I love
You are more than anything I have
Even my dear self.. Nothing can compare
To my beloved Bridegroom

I Give You the FIRST place in all things by faith
Let nothing take Your place in all my heart
Infuse me with Yourself abundantly
Till we meet.. dear Lord.... I'd love You with my Best Love.

Dear brothers and sisters,
May His love be shed abroad in our hearts.. From this kind of shedding love we love all those in our lives in a way that is lasting. Our spouces.. Our kids.. our families.. friends.. gospel friends..and most of all.. those whom Our Lord died for and paid the highest price to redeem

Share your own love testimony with us,
Your sister.. and fellow lover of our coming Bridegroom

2007-12-10 02:27:48 · 7 answers · asked by Broken Alabaster Flask 6

Their Church just commissioned & dedicated a bronze scupture of Jonah & the Whale. The reasononing is because the early Church depended o the visuals in religious art to tell Bible stories.

And is this the same reason Catholics have sculptures also? Visuals to tell Bible stories?
Or do Catholics use their images/sculpures to pray to?

Or do some Christian Catholics use them for visuals? And others pray & bow to them?

2007-12-10 02:27:48 · 12 answers · asked by t a m i l 6

I have been assigned a final paper in my religion class - the topic is conflicting ideas between Catholicism and Protestantism.

If you are Catholic or Protestant, I am very interested in hearing your opinion on whether you believe there are any conflicting ideas. Any other views (within this general topic) that you wish to express are surely welcome.

I really appreciate your help. Thank you in advance!

2007-12-10 02:25:10 · 19 answers · asked by higherlovetx 5

The Gospels indicate that Jesus' Birth was the fulfilment of prophecies made by Who and from Where?

2007-12-10 02:24:50 · 10 answers · asked by JC 1


ABC has just asked: do we have 'tangible evidence' of the Holocaust?

So my invitation is this: if ABC would like, I will arrange for him to speak with, or email with, a relative of mine who was himself in Auschwitz and who lost his entire family there.

Would ABC like to accept?

I'm not sure why he feels that the MOUNTAINS of 'tangible' evidence that we already have is not sufficient but there you go. My offer stands.

2007-12-10 02:22:32 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I often see people giving attributes of emotion to their spirituality.

Emotion, though, is a chemical and neurological process in the central nervous system, a response to stimulus.

What differentiates the spirit from emotions?

2007-12-10 02:21:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Alot of questions have been geared towards baiting atheists into the "Why would you celebrate Christmas" thing lately.

I've had my differences with alot of non-believers here.....and I know there are those who would rather I just go away.

But as Christians......why don't we reach out to the atheist by saying this:

"We love you........and we hope that you have a wonderful Christmas this year......regardless of what you believe?"



2007-12-10 02:21:17 · 35 answers · asked by primoa1970 7

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