I have noticed a great preponderance of this type of humor over the past decade. Twenty or thirty years ago you would not have seen it, and it would have been totally unacceptable. But now we see these types of jokes on cartoon shows, live action comedy shows, and in movies.
I have a few thoughts about them.
One is that they are sometimes offensive. I know its a free country with free speech, but does that mean its okay for someone to mock my religion?
Another thing I think is that the whole thing has just become tired and boring. What was shocking 12 years ago has now become mundane. Talentless comedy writers just throw in jokes about religion (in this case, about Jesus) just to get a rise out of people.
I'm not totally against humor that is about religion. If its clever and makes us think and ask some good questions, than it can sometimes be a good thing.
But if its just to try and get a rise out of people then its silly and banal.
What are your thoughts about this?
21 answers
asked by
Zezo Zeze Zadfrack