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Religion & Spirituality - 4 December 2007

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several times
I;ve heard people say when you hate someone,its cos you see something about your self in that person

please,the only time/thing I hate about people are people who have no consideration for others
I can honestly say, as God is my witnes that I have at all times ALWAYS shown a great compassion for all people for all reasons,and this is why it sickens me so that,I DO HATE those that dont have this

SO,please...can someone explain the origin of this very ignorant statement..that when you dislike someone,its cos its something in you??
REALLY sometimes we dont like people cos we are nothing like them,and cant comprehend their evil ways??

2007-12-04 16:51:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-04 16:50:24 · 19 answers · asked by +-+-+-+-+- 4

I got into Christianity for awhile earlier this year... I was the biggest bible thumper you've ever seen... KJV all the way, I read that book inside and out, but all of my Christian friends, they hardly ever read the bible, they think all they need is blind faith, even doing things the bible totally forbids is ok if you have "faith."

Several told me they didn't even need a book. After I got out of it, and started showing a Christian friend all of the fallacies in the bible, one told me he didn't need that "stupid book" (a Christians words not mine)... all he needed was his faith in an imaginary being......

Anyways glad I got out of that crap, I can't believe I fell for your story about the SUN in the first place.

2007-12-04 16:50:04 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't get it. They aren't sure God/dess exists, and that is their right. It almost seems like some people want to force them to make a choice, or think they are ridiculous for not doing so. Why?

2007-12-04 16:49:06 · 9 answers · asked by frenzy-CIB- Jim's with Jesus 4

do you believe that dinasours ever existed? i am actually quite hesistant being that if noah had to put two of every animal in his ark dinosaurs wouldnt fit in there and god created earth and man .. and man was to rule over all the animals... whats your opinion?

2007-12-04 16:48:51 · 14 answers · asked by christy 2

how can an atheist accept death in life is the end of one's existence and still live a fullfilling and motivated life?

2007-12-04 16:45:34 · 13 answers · asked by df a 1

It doesn't matter if you are religious or not, atheist or theist, or whatever though I would like to hear from Christians For the record, I am an atheist. :)

I was having a discussion with a person at the office who is a Baptist. His belief is that Baptists are the true and original Christians. The others are not true Christians. In his view, any person who kills someone for any kind of gain (eg. Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanisthan) is not a Christian. Only those who passively submit to death, like Christ did, for the advancement of Christianity is a true Christian. Of course, the discussion went on for a while and there were lots of answers that he gave that was contradictory. One that he stated was that killing in self-defence is okay as long as it was not for Christianity. Huh? I respect his views even though none of it made any sense.

Thank you. :)

2007-12-04 16:45:26 · 15 answers · asked by worldneverchanges 7

...an atheist?

I normally don't get involve in religious flame wars, and have no intention here.. this is just a simple question.

Why do I see a pattern of answers here that seem to reflect that the assumption that if you're not Christian, you're an atheist? Is this some automatic conclusion, as though if you're not Christian you automatically don't believe in any god/gods/higher power?

I don't know WHY I'm asking this, I'm probably going to get flamed for it.. and no, I'm not attacking anyone's religious beliefs, nor do I want to hear about how "Christianity is the only true religion". But I guess this is just me thinking about all the Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, New Agers, Pagans, Spiritualists, and any other religions I may have forgotten.

Just because one doesn't practice Christianity doesn't make one an atheist. So why do people assume?

2007-12-04 16:45:14 · 8 answers · asked by Kylie 3

2007-12-04 16:43:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are a few people on here that are just obsessed with answering every mormon question and taking advantage of tearing down mormons at every turn? What's the point? Do they really think they are going to change anyones beliefs with this approach?

This question can apply to anyone that seems to be obsessed with proving another group wrong or tearing them down whenever they have the chance.

2007-12-04 16:43:56 · 20 answers · asked by cadisneygirl 7

I know that in some cultures, the left hand is considered unclean because it is used to clean after going to the toilet. Was this the case 2000 years ago in Jerusalem?

2007-12-04 16:40:39 · 15 answers · asked by Didgeridude 4

I posted several posts refering to some scientific studies I had read and I was lamblasted by a lot of people who were very derogatory and arrogant.

What I have noticed in their posts and on www.talkorigins.org is that ever time good solid scientific evidence is presented that SEEMS to contradict the evolutionary theory, they go ballistic.

They go into panic mode as if someone had insulted their mother or threatened the life of their wife and children. They circle the wagons of ignroance and bigotry and refuse to listen to anything else.

Simply put they have a chip on their shoulder, and if you even breathe a word of disagreement they are insulted and lash out.

I have been asking about this in the past few days and the knee-jerk reaction has been amazing to watch.

People like me have read the Bible. We have accepted the truth of God's Word that He created the World. It is logical. True Science backs this up. But a lot of people are threatened by this.

2007-12-04 16:40:07 · 29 answers · asked by realchurchhistorian 4

K. Me and a mormon kid have an argument. I am christian and i asked him "if you guys believe in the same bible and you are not allowed to drink alcohol than how come jesus and his deciples drank wine at his last diner?" He replied with "back then there was no alcohol in wine it was grape juice." does anybody know a verse in the bible that states someone being drunk?

2007-12-04 16:39:09 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous


Why is it that blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, is an unforgivable sin??

Does that not proof that the Holy Ghost, is God; and your continued resistance to the testimony of Truth even here at this place may tantamount to blasphemy to the Holy Spirit when you DO NOT acknowledge the present working of the Holy Spirit testifying Truth to your conscience???

EG: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AlNM21yC4nomBZmteEPxO4oAAAAA;_ylv=3?qid=20071203090131AAceggS


Balaam's A S S had spoken

Authorized Version


2007-12-04 16:38:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-04 16:38:29 · 10 answers · asked by Silly BaBy505 1

and israel mine inheritance. my question is simply this is israel the chosen of god

2007-12-04 16:36:44 · 3 answers · asked by kickin 1

2007-12-04 16:36:08 · 7 answers · asked by Brad 1

Is a main tenet in a cult to have works as a condition for salvation?

2007-12-04 16:30:27 · 21 answers · asked by Brad 1

Matthew 17:17he calls them a faithless generation. and says their faith is less then that of a grain mustered seed. Verse 20. For they could not move the mountain in the child. Or walk on water, or stand for Christ. These men inspire me because they are men just like I am and they became something greater when Jesus died when the holy spirit fell upon them. But I am still waiting for the faith of Jesus to fall on me(holy spirit). I do not want to walk as weak as the deciples....even if I am just as weak. For really it is God, not I which all things are done.

So why do you think the deciple's "never" walked like Christ. None of them walked on water.....WHY?

2007-12-04 16:28:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Besides trying to figure out how an Atheist would respond, this is also in reply to an similar, yet flip side question. I thought why not ask? Turn about IS fair play.

2007-12-04 16:26:52 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do I keep seeing more and more God bashing and Christian bashing here?

I'm not seeing Christians or "theists" for that matter bashing atheists nearly as much as they're getting slammed.

2007-12-04 16:23:12 · 28 answers · asked by sunoverla 2

Some of jk's thoughts on that Da of Brahmadev is there with this following link. But I would like to know your views...


What are your interpretations on the "Da" of Brahma Dev ?

2007-12-04 16:21:48 · 2 answers · asked by jayakrishnaathmavidya 4

I mean astral travel am so curious and it sounds so interesting.
Yeah I know what killed the cat but since I have one life anyway I would like to know how to.

Has anyone tried this and what happed when on the other levels?

2007-12-04 16:19:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really am looking for a deep peace in my life and was curious if anyone has had experience with this (religion).

2007-12-04 16:18:56 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. Alma 46:40 says ……to which men were subject.. 1981 version
……which was subsequent to man.. 1830 version
Which one is correct?
2. 2 Thess 1:9 was written in 51-52 A.D.
John 5:20 was written 85-90 A.D.
Helaman 12:25,26 was supposedly written in 7 B.C. How could this be accurate if the same verses were written in the Bible 90 years later?

3. 1 Nephi 11:18 ,21,32 . Added : the son

4. Was Jesus born in Bethlehem or Jerusalem?

5. Were humans born in a pre-existent realm?

6. Did your church teach black people are black because of their misdeeds in the pre-existent realm?

7. Forgiveness of murder? Why does D&C say there is not?

8. How were the gold nephite plates moved?

9. Read John 4:24 and Luke 24:39. Does this a agree with LDS belief of a flesh and bones Father?

10. Why did Brigham Young make a prophecy that the Civil War would not free the slaves? History of the Church vol 2 p. 182

11. Why did Brigham Young teach the Adam-God theory for 25 years?

12. Read Col. 1:15,16, John 1:1, and Hebrews 13:8 versus LDS belief that Jesus became a god.

13. Why do scientists say that Native American DNA is not of Jewish descent?

14. The LDS claim the ancient papyri that Joseph Smith supposedly translated from Egyptian language to create the book of Abraham was burned in a fire when, later in 1967 it was rediscovered and examined by people who could translate Egyptian. All stated that the papyri were funerary documents commonly called the Egyptian book of the Dead. (Read Dear Elder page 1 and 2.) How could a real prophet falsify this?

2007-12-04 16:14:27 · 11 answers · asked by Brad 1

For example:In Saudi Arabia, Women are not allowed to leave the the house unless accompanied by a male?

NOTE:I know that not all Muslim men oppress Women.

2007-12-04 16:13:54 · 20 answers · asked by Buda B 3

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