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Religion & Spirituality - 26 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

What I mean is this: In a society in which we are conscious and aware that basic health is crucial to life, why do we have to rely on charities to help fund things like cancer, breast cancer, sick children etc.?
Why does money have to come into something so fundamental as preserving life?
Are we that socially retarded that we have to rely on the (excellent) work and goodwill of charities to help support life?

2007-09-26 06:18:01 · 32 answers · asked by Dave H 1

Gen.5:3 [ Seth is born, Adam age 130 ];

Gen.46:26 [ Jacob's family population ];

47:9,11 [ Jacob age 130 ];

How much time between Adam to Jacob age 130?

How much time from the flood to Jacob age 130?

How much time after Promised Land covenant is it to Jacob age 130?

How can any one know the bible without knowing the time for them as we know it for ourselves?

2007-09-26 06:15:26 · 7 answers · asked by jeni 7

if god is loving, caring, and forgiving, and all that crap...why would a "hell" even exist ???

2007-09-26 06:15:00 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't wish that anyone be sacrificed or suffer in my place for sins I have committed. I reject the "gift" of salvation and I will gladly enter hell, the JUST REWARD for my actions. From there I will praise omnipresent God who permeates hell as he does everywhere else. What do you think?

2007-09-26 06:13:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am not for or against, i simply want you opinion please.
recently i watched something about scientology and their belief.
don't you think that God showed their prophet something or another way of worship and belief. because if you think well, what the scientologist believe and say can be true( i say, may be and not it is) and happen on a place uniquely.
the story about the aliens could be true and may be, took place in only a part on this planet. not all human being were possessed by the aliens only a few. and this was revealed through God to their prophet.
because hindus have their own beliefs, christians their own, buddhist their own and muslims (oh my God better not say anything) their exceptional way and many others like egyptians, mayas their own beliefs and systems.
but eventually all roads will go to HIM.
i want your opinion plzzzzzzzzz

2007-09-26 06:13:02 · 12 answers · asked by stevie 3

The selected Sankaracharyas can longer remain silent. any further delay will destroy Hinduism for ever. they must denounce their caste by birth in public and allow a healthy debate.

2007-09-26 06:10:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

They seem to get caught up in their emotions rather than looking at the facts of an argument. They seem to react emotionally to everything you say to them and then dismiss your argument out of hand without paying attention to the merits of the argument. They don't use logic, they just get emotional and allow their emotions to rule them. It is totally illogical to deny the existence of God. It must be that they hate God and just respond irrationally out of hatred.

2007-09-26 06:08:50 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-26 06:05:43 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I did a quick experiment using Altavista babel fish:


I copied John 3:16 into the translator as follows:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I then translated it into greek and got:

Για το Θεό που αγαπιέται έτσι ο κόσμος ότι έδωσε το ένα και μόνο το γιο του, ότι που πιστεύει σε τον δεν θα χαθεί αλλά έχει την αιώνια ζωή.

Then translated it back into English and this was the result:

For the God that is loved thus the world that it only gave his one and son, that believes in it will be lost but has the eternal life.

I am wondering if as Christians, you have confidence that the text that you rely on for salvation is correct? And why?

If the greek translation of Grace is incorrect then it is possible that millions will be hellbound because of a misunderstanding?

How can you rely on translators who had motives for salvation?

2007-09-26 06:04:50 · 11 answers · asked by ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker 7

believes in God , reads his bible , tries to do as it is written but refuses to go to church or call himself religious. This is due to the fact that churches today are a case of fraud and hipocrits and they think they can judge others.

2007-09-26 06:04:34 · 25 answers · asked by Steven H 3

I asked a few questions before, some people just did not get it, but that is not the issue here.
I am not american, I started my question saying "to my american friends" and then I typed the rest of the question.
Some of you answered " you are not my friend I do not know you", I only wanted to be nice, from my perspective answering in that way is kind of nasty, but I just seriously want to know if I call you my american friends does that bother you?
I do not want to make that mistake anymore, do you find that offesive or those people that said that to me are just nasty?

2007-09-26 06:03:48 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-26 06:00:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

The flood year was 1656.
Gen.47:9,11; Exo.1:11 [ neither Pithom or Rameses alive in the time period ];
What time period was Rameses in, surely not in Jacob or Moses time?

2007-09-26 06:00:07 · 2 answers · asked by jeni 7

I've heard so many different things from Christians concerning their view, especially when it comes to the role of Jesus...

These are some of the views of God/Jesus i've gotton from Christians:
-That Jesus is God
-That Jesus is not God, but is his begotton son
-That Jesus is both the father and son (Trinity concept)
-I've presonally known a few Christians that told me the trinity concept is blasphemy. They went to a unitarian church...

It makes me wonder how Christians feel about the VASTLY different views of God. I mean, of course we're human and so we interpret things differently, but don't you guys think when it comes to the definition of our God there should be basic principals that ALL Christians should agree on??

It confuses me that two people can say they are both Christians, but one is saying Jesus is God, and the other is saying, i don't know what you're talking about, Jesus isn't MY God, only God is...

Shouldn't that be like a basic agreement in your beliefs??

2007-09-26 05:59:27 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am looking for a church that I can go to that has the same type of preaching like Joel Osteen. I have been to a few churches where I just didn't feel like it was a good fit. I live in New Castle county Delaware if anyone in this area knows of a good one they can recommend. Thanks in advance!

Please don't say anything negative. I won't threaten to report you, but please, just be nice.

2007-09-26 05:59:16 · 9 answers · asked by Missy 5

When a pasavist uprising occurs it is usually religion or belief centered as with these monks, Gandhi, Nelson Mandella, Martin Luther King, Jesus, Buddha and others. What is your thinking about passive resistance to oppression? Will God deliver the people of Burma as He did Moses out of Egypt? Your thinking please?

2007-09-26 05:59:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would any legislation ever be passed?
Would you emigrate?

2007-09-26 05:56:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

How would he enlighten these people that all the wonders of science and the laws of the universe that they see emanate from the wisdom of a divine intelligence?

2007-09-26 05:56:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

When/if you donate money to charities, do you check to see if said organization is secular or not?

Personally, I do. I really don't want my donation being spent on sandwiches that are gonna be piled on a table in a church in Africa that the starving kids won't be able to have unless they sit through a 4-hour sermon.

I know this doesn't happen in all non-secular situations, but I have heard from former missionaries about things like this happening, so if there's any chance of this kind of thing going on, I sure as hell don't want my dosh being a part of it.

2007-09-26 05:56:24 · 17 answers · asked by Brandon's been a dirty Hore 5

if I decide to meet you half way and say that god does exist but I do not want to worship him/her/it, you still get upset? Why does god need to be worshiped? If he is a jealous god then he is not perfect because jealousy is a negative emotion. I don't think god has an ego or a desire to be worshiped.

2007-09-26 05:54:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Humans have free will. Angels do not.

Satan ("the Adversary") was created by god to do what he does. That is and always has been part of The Plan.

God is not good or just or fair. He just is.

2007-09-26 05:53:57 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

faiths than those around them? You would think that if you were going to 'preach upon the hill' as it were, that you would want to learn as much as possible about the message you were trying to give to people. Rather it seems that people spout off rhetoric spewed to them from a person who heard it from a guy that heard it from a guy that thinks this one guy mighta said this, that heard she did that one thing. It just boggles the mind don't you think?

2007-09-26 05:53:24 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Cultures that were so far removed from each other. It's obvious that something large-scale happened to have so many people write about it. If there was a total lunar eclipse and all cultures wrote about it, we would assume they were all observing the same phenomenon. Why not assume that the flood actually happened, too?

2007-09-26 05:51:00 · 15 answers · asked by Saved by Grace 3

Has an explosion ever produced order? Or as Sir Isaac Newton said, "Who wound up the clock?"

2007-09-26 05:49:52 · 7 answers · asked by Saved by Grace 3

Who "have" to go to church? Im open to my wife about my non-beliefs but she truly loves for me to go to church with her. She never tries to force anything on me. She only wants me there for her comfort and as her husband. Anyone else go? What do you think about the whole time? Any good or bad experiences?

2007-09-26 05:49:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do such things like natural selection and survival of the fittest happen? Who put such things into motion? It couldn't have just happened.

2007-09-26 05:49:00 · 16 answers · asked by Saved by Grace 3

Something that does not involve aliens or meteorites since that would take us back to square one.

2007-09-26 05:48:27 · 24 answers · asked by TheNewCreationist 5

How could organs as complicated as the eye or the ear or the brain of even a tiny bird ever come about by chance or natural processes? How could a bacterial motor evolve?

2007-09-26 05:48:25 · 7 answers · asked by Saved by Grace 3

2007-09-26 05:48:09 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

It has recently come to my attention, in this forum, that some Atheists do not disregard the possibility of some sort of afterlife. If this applies to You, would You tell me about this afterlife? Or is it just an unexamined possibility to You?

2007-09-26 05:47:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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