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Religion & Spirituality - 26 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

atheism is the specific belief there is no god and is the polar opposite of theism. however, you must be introduced to the concept of gods in order to choose to believe or to not believe.

my question is: what are you before you have been introduced to the concept of gods?

you can't be an atheist because you know nothing of gods in the first to say you don't believe in them. what is this religious stance called?

2007-09-26 01:10:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

God is good. God can only create good things. So what does it mean when He says "God created light and He saw that it was good"? Was He surprised? Didn't He already know that everything He makes is good? And who says what "good" is, anyway... oh wait, He does. So basically, everything He creates is good, and the standard of "good" used was His doing... it's all so confusing. I think it would take an infinitely intelligent person to understand all of this. Help!

2007-09-26 01:10:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-26 01:07:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is your position on blood transfusions?

2007-09-26 01:04:10 · 3 answers · asked by Cold Truth 5

I'm curious, not looking for a religious war... Just your take on how you define God.

Thank you and have a nice day now...

2007-09-26 01:03:42 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

that Christianity was forced upon people using the threat of death and force. It began with Constantine who accepted both Paganism and Christianity but then began outlawing Paganism backed by the threat of the Roman army. Christianity spread through Europe and Paganism was outlawed and driven underground. The threat of force and inquisition was used to prevent dissent. Then South America received a visit from the Spanish and Portuguese who forced Christianity upon the masses under threat of the Musket, sword and cannon before the British travelled to Africa to impose Christianity upon the masses there using their soldiers.

That is the legacy of Christianity. Everything that came after is a learned and socialised behaviour that is programmed by society from birth.

If God was experienced in the heart then there would have been no need for death and destruction carried out by "Christian soldiers".

2007-09-26 01:02:29 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

surely a loving father will forgive people for not believing in Him? After all not believing in Him would only be a mistake.

When we actually saw Him on the day of Judgement couldn't we then say.

"Gosh, you did exist! Sorry about that. I did try and be good though anyway."

2007-09-26 00:59:57 · 20 answers · asked by DavinaOpines 5

I think people are just trying to vent. I asked a question, I was just curious, and it is amazing how people will twist what you're trying to ask just so they can tell you how stupid you are. anybody else having this problem? I've been with yahoo! answers since Sept.2. and Religion & Spirituality is usually where I go, not any more. I'm a Christian tired of the nonsence. All I see is alot of non-believers that will let you know that they are, through every sarcastic, rude, unintellegent answer they can think of. Thank you to the non-believers that did answer me with respect and for the believers that knew what they were talking about.

2007-09-26 00:58:34 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you keep your memories of it?
You had to vacation in Heaven and then Hell for six months each. Before entering the human dimension of the earth again, the 'gate-keeper' of earth asks you whether you would like to keep the memory of your vacation or forget all about it. What would you do?

Remember: If you want to remember Heaven, you'll remember Hell, too. If you want to forget Hell, you'll forget Heaven, too.

2007-09-26 00:56:46 · 6 answers · asked by A.Ryan 4

what is the shortest sentence in the bible? the 1st one to answer correctly gets to be chosen best answer.

The point am trying to make is that the Christian claim jesus to be "God" if so the sentence which is the shortest sentence in the Bible disclaims this because it gives him a human quality which God cannot be!

"our inability to comprehend God, is our comprehension of God (the eternal and absolute)

may God be with you

2007-09-26 00:55:47 · 7 answers · asked by lucky 7 2

The Human Tailbone (Coccyx)
These fused vertebrae are the only vestiges that are left of the tail that other mammals still use for balance, communication, and in some primates, as a prehensile limb. As our ancestors were learning to walk upright, their tail became useless, and it slowly disappeared. It has been suggested that the coccyx helps to anchor minor muscles and may support pelvic organs. However, there have been many well documented medical cases where the tailbone has been surgically removed with little or no adverse effects. There have been documented cases of infants born with tails, an extended version of the tailbone that is composed of extra vertebrae. There are no adverse health effects of such a tail, unless perhaps the child was born in the Dark Ages. In that case, the child and the mother, now considered witches, would've been killed instantly.
So why did your “god” give you a useless tail bone?
The only reason I can think of is.... Oh Evolution!

2007-09-26 00:55:34 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

A lot of the questions on here seem to be from either atheists bashing religious people, wanting to know why they believe in god and telling them how wrong and stupid and ignorant they are. Or they are from religious people wanting to know why atheists do not believe in god and how wrong, stupid, ignorant they are.

My question is to both groups, WHY DO YOU CARE? Why do you feel the need to come on here and question someone else's beliefs and preach to other people. If you are so secure in your own beliefs why do you need to do this?


2007-09-26 00:51:54 · 19 answers · asked by regaloid 3

who created God? and if you're going to say something like "he just is" save your breath, I am looking for a real answer "he just is" or "it's his will" is not an answer, and I have heard all that before, let's try for something substancial or at least imaginative! Any response along this line will get a negative rating, so just keep it to yourself.

2007-09-26 00:49:53 · 18 answers · asked by pxyfox2000 2

between Jerusalem and Rome?

2007-09-26 00:46:26 · 10 answers · asked by Cold Truth 5

2007-09-26 00:45:51 · 9 answers · asked by ken p 5

What would be different?, would you even recognize your home town do you think?

2007-09-26 00:41:19 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yesterday I was blown away by learning that "shooting stars" are not meteors.

We have heard that we have come from monkeys.

And, my favorite one, that the erosion doesn't form strata and bury fossils.

What other wonderful discoveries of science have you found? (Oh, and I type this with mirth, not anger.)

2007-09-26 00:40:12 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

why is it that the religious people are born with a sense that all they think is the ultimate truth and everyone else is an idiot, so they can curse anyone they like/declare anyone going to hell who does not agree with them,, what makes them so damn proud, do they think only they can think the best ?

Everyone does wrong, but at least non religious people are not hypocryites, and everyone does goods, but at least non religious people don't do it to gain heaven or because some god frightened them, so what makes religious ones think they are better !!

2007-09-26 00:39:22 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-26 00:38:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Book:
The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States

Accordingto their Propaganda:
Apparently the RR in America have to get a 140
Be afraid ACLU. Be very afraid. Morris packs The Christian Life and Character with page after page of original source material making the case that America was founded as a Christian nation. The evidence is unanswerable and irrefutable. This 1000-page book will astound you and send enemies of Christianity into shock. Keep in mind that it was published in 1864 and has been out of print for more than a century. It has been newly typeset using a very readable font and added subheads. A new Foreword written by my long-time friend Dr. Archie Jones describes the background of the book and provides a brief biography of the author."-Gary DeMar

2007-09-26 00:35:50 · 3 answers · asked by Atrum Animus AM 4

Was she hanging about in Limbo until then waiting for it all to be made official by the Vatican I wonder...poor thing.

2007-09-26 00:32:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not asking for answers from those who don't believe in God in the first place, okay? Thanks for your respect.
So, Christians, when you try to explain to someone how God can be three and yet one, how do you do it?
I realize that a God small enough to be totally rationalized by our human minds is too small to deserve worship. Still, sometimes it is helpful to have a concrete example that we can grab hold on.
I've heard this one about the triangle with three sides still being only one triangle
and the one about the egg with three parts and i don't really like either. Their a little weak
The best one I've heard is probably the one about the sun -
We talk about the Sun, and it's Heat, and it's Light.
How can the Sun be Heat and Light too? They are one, but the heat and light are characteristics of the sun coming out of the sun, and so also Jesus and the Holy Spirit may be said to be part of God, of His manifested nature, while really they are separate things . Do you have a better one

2007-09-26 00:31:42 · 15 answers · asked by Lisa 3

2007-09-26 00:29:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I find it odd...
Most of the christians I have known in person, with a few very noteworthy exceptions... aren't anything like as extreme as the population here.
They do believe in God and that Jesus is the son of god and all that..... but they don't go in for all that hell stuff.... and they certainly do NOT take all that Revelations nonsense about the second coming of christ and the anti-christ etc as literal (most I've asked seem fairly agnostic to the matter of armageddon full stop).
I'd even go so far as to say I find quite a number of them reasonable.... and didn't even know they were christians at all until they either told me or mentioned that they found my attacking christianity in front of them objectionable....

So do any such people even exist on R&S..... or is this board just full of extremists? Are the mild-mannered ones just going unseen because their voices aren't quite so loud?

2007-09-26 00:28:18 · 19 answers · asked by Lucid Interrogator 5

If you follow the progression Jesus was the main dude and was supposed to remain the main dude. His followers only job was teach others.

Years after his death you see the start of a hierarchy forming and you start to see leadership positions etc. I think Jesus didn't want that.

It's kind of like when Israel demanded a king rather than be led by Yahweh directly.

So in essence, the church would rather have their leaders and such rather than everyone being equally led by Yahweh.

Funny how this happened whenever Jesus was not physically around.

2007-09-26 00:25:56 · 7 answers · asked by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5

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