Realize that concepts & ideas are planted and grow in our culture just as sure as corn will grow in the ground. Realize that kindness, honesty, compassion are the seeds that Jesus planted in a time when you could be the next days entertainment of being fed to lions. Realize, you were once a seed(metaphor) too that has matured into a being that can be the extension of ideas of kindenss, honesty, compassion. These concepts of, equaility, (regaurdless of skin color, sex) fairness, honesty, kindness, were planted in you!!! How do you nurture them, tend to them, enrich and extend them into facts of your personality? If you seek somthing in another being, you be that first!! if you seek an honest person, you!! be an honest person. If you seek someone to respect you, you! learn to respect others .
"Be the person you have always wanted to meet"
" Its just as wrong to take offense as it is to be the offender"
thus creating the problem instead of the solution.
"Rise above your animal nature"
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