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Religion & Spirituality - 23 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

People say that spirits aren't real but when we go to heaven what are we and what is God?

2007-09-23 23:54:35 · 14 answers · asked by sam 2

2007-09-23 23:53:18 · 11 answers · asked by Link strikes back 6

Biblical - The ancient Egyptians are featured in the Old Testament, and played a prominent role in the early Hebrews' life, from Joseph's capture to the departure of the Hebrewsfrom Egypt to later interaction with the Kingdom of Israel. There are several unanswered questions as to the precise influence each had on the other.
Burial and tombs
Mummification of the dead was not always practised in Egypt. Once the practice began, an individual was placed at his or her final resting place through a set of rituals and protocol. The Egyptian funeral was a complex ceremony including various monuments, prayers, and rituals undertaken in the deads' honor. The poor, who could not afford expensive tombs, were buried in shallow graves in the sand; because of the arid environment they were often naturally mummified.
Temples and pyramids
Many Egyptian temples are still standing today. Some are in ruin from wear and tear, while others have been lost entirely. The Egyptian structures are among the larg

2007-09-23 23:52:30 · 1 answers · asked by Neeta 5

My boyfriend's sharing a room with him and another guy at a conference this week!

2007-09-23 23:50:38 · 3 answers · asked by Mrs Stevo 2

2007-09-23 23:41:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Someone just said this, the full quote is "No, because gays are not allowed in heaven you read the bible its a sin."

Obviously this person is someone who hasn't read the bible because they would know everyone sins, the only sinless person was Jesus and we can repent....


2007-09-23 23:41:47 · 22 answers · asked by Love Yahoo!!! is a prince 3

Is He in Heaven? If not, then where??

2007-09-23 23:39:12 · 17 answers · asked by Ash'ari Maturidi 5

Everyone keeps quoting Bible verses at me trying to prove the Bible is right and the Book of Mormon is not scripture, but they can't give me ONE verse that specifically talks about THE BIBLE. They assUme that some verses speak of the BIBLE only, but I don't see it, since they talk about "scripture" or "the word of God" or whatever and those verses can totally be interpreted to mean the Book of Mormon as well as the Bible. So, can you come up with just ONE verse that talks about ONLY The BIBLE?

And please, don't use "poor spelling" etc. against me, it's my stupid keyboard and I don't have money to replace it and time to go back all the time to correct the errors.

2007-09-23 23:25:48 · 18 answers · asked by mormon_4_jesus 7

have a photo of monkeys and apes as well?

2007-09-23 22:59:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm doing it for homework

2007-09-23 22:47:25 · 11 answers · asked by danny_d_17 3

When you get right down to it, none of this has anything at all to do with having faith in "god". It's about having faith in human beings. Every book ever written, every story ever told, has come from human beings.

"But they were inspired by god" you say. And who told you that? A human being. And who told them that? Another human being. And so on, and so on, and so on.

Your faith is entirely in human beings. You have faith that they were not deceived. You have faith that they will not deceive you. You have faith in your own human mind to say with absolute certainty that you have been told the truth.

Therein lies the problem.

2007-09-23 22:30:28 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do they also think people still believe in santa claus, tooth fairy and jesus too?

2007-09-23 22:24:46 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am gutsing on cadburry chocolates watching home and away on channel 7. so are you having a good night?

2007-09-23 22:23:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I lost my father in 1991.I want to do something that will help him to stay in heaven.Allah will be oleased with me and send my father to heaven.
Pls suggest me to do some works to keep my father happy in heaven???

2007-09-23 22:19:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sometimes when I pray to God, he answers my prays! (Thank You Jesus)

Sometimes when I pray to God, he does not answer them. But that means that all I have to do is wait... Good things come to those that wait. (Thank You Jesus)

Sometimes when I pray God he says No. But that means that either it is not apart of the "Bigger Picture" or I`am being selfish.
(Thank you Jesus, you have my best interest at heart)

Man I wish they had a God casino. If prayers were like bets I would be a rich man by now. We can`t lose with prayer!

* Warning * The following is an excerpt from a Delusional Christian mind. Religon can be dangerous.

2007-09-23 22:18:45 · 11 answers · asked by Future 5

I see a lot of atheists asking questions like, “if there is a God then why do bad things happen”. Atheists continually try to associate negative things towards God in order to absolve themselves of believing in him. To put it simply they connect the idea of God with a negative experience thus justifying their disbelief.

Now from this established viewpoint God does not exist, so what is the cause of these negative things. If it is not caused by God then do these negative things need not be explained? You can no longer blame God, he does not exist. Now I know some of the sharks are going to attack me by saying, the majority of bad things happen by religious nuts killing in the name of God, so this line of reasoning is justifiable.

While I’m not in total disagreement to this it is still incorrect, the greatest atrocities known to man have been committed by atheists, this is undisputed. If you don’t believe me do some researches on people like Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong and Adolf Hitler (there is debate to Hitler’s Belief). A belief or following in God was not a basis for these crimes so whether or not there is a God bad things still seem to happen. Whatever the motives for atheist bloodthirstiness, the indisputable fact is that all the religions of the world put together have in 2,000 years not managed to kill as many people as have been killed in the name of atheism in the past few decades.

It just seems completely contradictory to condemn religion because of the atrocities caused by it when, recent history has shown us far greater atrocities have been committed by the non-religious.

Overall I do realize the tone of my question is, well I guess slightly biased and harsh and I do apologize. (Disclaimer) I do not have a problem with atheists. Just the other day my best friend for over 15yrs was over, he is an atheist and we had a lengthy chat on our differing beliefs. It was quite enjoyable and in no way hostile, I do not label atheists as blood thirsty killing machines I just think the attacks on this forum are a little unfair. Anyhow just interested and any opinions welcome.

2007-09-23 22:14:13 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

What feelings do you experiences as you recall that time?

2007-09-23 22:04:28 · 3 answers · asked by inteleyes 7

For example, after the resurrection, Jesus revealed himself to Saul of Tarsus so that Saul would a) stop killing his followers and b) accept him as the true messiah and share that news with others.

I understand that faith plays a big part in the christianity, but it seems that certain people are exempt from having to rely on faith alone and are given the gift of personal experience.

Since there have been exceptions to the rule, why doesn't god reveal himself to those who need it the most? Saul obviously would never have believed if he hadn't witnessed it firsthand.

If we are to believe the bible literally, god can reveal himself and doing so would save probably millions of people from an eternity in hell.

Wouldn't a truly benevolent god put aside his pride and save his children, that he loves so much, from that fate? After all, he did it for Saul of Tarsus ... so why doesn't he stop the "persecutors" of today?

2007-09-23 22:04:25 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

i WOULD LIKE to know the clear history of terrorism and where it started.

do you think terrorism was there long before even before stone age?

because scriptures say that all what we experience are only repititions

2007-09-23 22:00:30 · 7 answers · asked by pumpkin's brother 1

What makes Christians, Jews and Muslims think that their God or Jehovah or Allah made humankind and has taken a serious interest in everything we do, everything we think, everything we obey, everything we pray, etc., etc., etc?

What if we were all just flippant, random "handicrafts" like "pet rocks," where God, who is supposedly far more superior than our most superior idea of what God can do and be ... just took a pebble, glued eyes to it and went on to the next? And now, he has gone on to better projects and left us all alone with each other ... and an outdated "manual?"


2007-09-23 21:58:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think Ginko is messin with my cognitive abilities. I believe I am now more motivated to get stuff done. Could this mean God is in a pill?

2007-09-23 21:56:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-23 21:55:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

God is outside of space and time, so he is exempt from having to have a creator. He is the alpha and the omega. He created space and time, so he is not bound to them like we are.

2007-09-23 21:52:50 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-23 21:49:09 · 2 answers · asked by seafrontane 4

Lots of christians seem to have come about or been that way because they have these brief moments of extremely religious experience (that the rest of us would probably chalk down to brain-malfunction or hard drugs)....
..... And furthermore, I have noticed quite a few around here comment that those of us who still don't believe in a god are only that way because we haven't had one of these religious experiences....

So..... do we have any evidence to the contrary?
I mean to say... do we have people who have had such a thing somehow and yet do not believe in any god?

2007-09-23 21:46:39 · 16 answers · asked by Lucid Interrogator 5

2007-09-23 21:43:55 · 9 answers · asked by Dolphin76 3

..how the eath was made, who made it? That hot thing in the sky, what is it? And that shiny white thing at night which changes shape, what is that? Where does rain come from? And other phenomenons.
You decide to write what you think they are and who made them?
Question: what would you write to enlighten others?
Remember, there were no bible quotes 5,000 years ago, so not acceptable.

2007-09-23 21:42:08 · 6 answers · asked by Montgomery B 4

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