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Religion & Spirituality - 26 September 2007

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Billions! Not a handful of questionable transitions. Why don't we see a reasonably smooth continuum among all living creatures, or in the fossil record, or both?

2007-09-26 05:47:19 · 22 answers · asked by Saved by Grace 3

Army of God
Onward Christian Soldiers
Put your Armor On
Jesus Army

Can anyone add to these?

Even "Missions" derive from military operations.

Why can't they be exclusively non-combative in reference to themselves?

2007-09-26 05:46:59 · 5 answers · asked by Bad Liberal 7

Out of all your Q's & A's and reading is there? ....has anything helped you change your views and soften your heart just a tad on here, if so , can you remember (apart from God) what it might have been?

2007-09-26 05:46:22 · 13 answers · asked by ? 6

In the US, religion has become a major issue in our political process. Everyone seems focused on promoting their own agenda, and not what is best for our country as a whole.

How do we find a political candidate that will look at our national interests, not exploit other countries, and not buy into any one religions' political agenda?

2007-09-26 05:43:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is very hard getting a straight answer from the Chriastians... This is not a bashing, it is frustration, because I would like a straight linear answer to my questions. Instead of getting the same answer in different formulations, I get many different conflicting answers formulated differently.

Why is it that Christians don't give the same answers to a question? They are all following the same book and the same set of rules, right?

2007-09-26 05:41:06 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

Which do you think will have a greater role in our future development?

2007-09-26 05:39:32 · 25 answers · asked by Jason 4

Over time in a world where religion has dispersed. Modern times have shown these connections to slowly deteriorate. With Empires alleging their holy books to have absolutely no flaws. All accepting everything in its deceitful print, they pursuit to interpret these enshrined pages. To gather aspiration and formulated belief. Their community now falls from expanding socialism. A divided population disposed. One half putting their gods to rest now only praise the antagonist of what they once worshipped. His words cradle his followers. While the others being sealed out of the world they once knew out of pure ignorance. Knowing their fate they accept to relinquish themselves, hundreds upon thousands take on religious suicide. A religious populace reduced to mere filth.
Job For a Cowboy--metalblade2007


2007-09-26 05:39:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous


read the article about it here:


2007-09-26 05:38:56 · 18 answers · asked by Bistro 7

I have a friend who just won't STOP talking about it. I'm Muslim, proud to be one. I don't need her to shove her beliefs down my throat cos I sure as hell don't do that to her. Also, she 'teaches' me how to lead my life as a Muslim. It's starting to get really annoying...

2007-09-26 05:37:18 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

10 points for the most logical, coherent, respectful answer. Take the high road, no Christian bashing please

2007-09-26 05:36:00 · 19 answers · asked by davster 6

10 points for the most logical, rational, sincere argument. C'mon show those atheists that you can make a profound coherent argument for your faith

2007-09-26 05:34:29 · 21 answers · asked by davster 6

by MAN?????
The Bible was written because it applied to the people of every generation....

Are you saying thier is not one Universal truth? or does truth even matter in today's secualr society? IS it more important for people to do what makes them happy or to do what's true and right?

If people don't have one truth then don't you think society will just evolve into whatever truth is right for them?

If that is the case I venture to say for some people
Religious Intolerance
Fornication and Sexual Peversion
might be a *TRUTH* that they believe is right for them, and who is going to condemn them> MAN? so what? people don't care what other's have to say it's like that saying everyone has an opinion and they all.. Fill in the blank------- My point is GOD's truth is ONE-Universal otherwise what do we have?

2007-09-26 05:34:24 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

People use "miracles" as proof of god.....

"miracle of life?"

"My son got in a car accident........survived"

most of these are just unlikely outcomes to common situations... so i'm wondering what defines a miracle?

2007-09-26 05:33:52 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-26 05:30:42 · 5 answers · asked by TELEATHA S 1

I mean explicitly Christian ones that try to sell a side of Gospel with your order, like Chick-Fil-A, or companies like Hobby Lobby and Domino's that fund Christian Right activities.

Like these:

Why or why not?

Also, if you feel uncomfortable with a company's Christian agenda, do you worry that you're being intolerant?

2007-09-26 05:30:28 · 20 answers · asked by GreenEyedLilo 7

a childlike faith, or an adult faith?

(a more creative answer than "Neither" would be appreciated : )

2007-09-26 05:28:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean how many people out there really follow Jesus' ideas and beliefs? How many out there really behave like Jesus to follow this concept? I have met thousands of Christians and so far not one has been able to do it, yet they all say it. Let's read some honest answers, not scripture. I don't do thumbs down so go for it. Tell me what you think.
Mean and hateful responses will just prove my point further.

2007-09-26 05:25:46 · 25 answers · asked by tercentenary98 6

2007-09-26 05:23:59 · 35 answers · asked by sunscour 4


There seems to be some confusion within the Woodruffite (LDS Church) faction of Mormonism that the term "Mormon" only applies to them. Many people within this faction advocate the misconception that members of the FLDS, RLDS/CoC, TLC, Remnant, Temple Lot, Strangite, and Bickertonite Mormon Churches aren't actually Mormons.

Southern Baptists aren't the only Baptists. United Methodists aren't the only Methodists. Roman Catholics aren't the only Catholics. Likewise, LDS Mormons aren't the only Mormons.

Mormonism as a denomination is very broad and encompasses all churches that view Joseph Smith as a prophet of God and the Book of Mormon as an authoritative volume of scripture.

Thus, Warren Jeffs, as FLDS president, is NOT a member of the LDS Church, but he IS indeed a Mormon.

Why do you think some LDS claim exclusive ownership of the term "Mormon"?

2007-09-26 05:21:05 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have seen lots of questions and answers debating on the true day of the Lord. God of Heaven. If Saturday is really the Lords Sabbath day, is there a day of the Devil? If so, what day would that be?

2007-09-26 05:18:54 · 18 answers · asked by Taz 5

is that a tacit admission that you consider atheism a religion?

2007-09-26 05:18:33 · 32 answers · asked by cutiepie 23 1

personally i think all telescopes are bunch of toys taking fake pictures. there are only 5000 stars in universe and they're fixed to solid firmament as mentioned in Genesis.

solar system is a lie and earth is flat immobile circle.

please take bible literally or you are a fool. scientists should grow up too.


2007-09-26 05:15:22 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

My wife and I were watching,
'Extreme Makeover-Home Edition',
The family in question were the Oaten-Gate family from the New York area. They consist of the mum and four children she has fostered who all have HIV or AIDS.
One part of the show focused on the rebuild of a retreat for literally dozens of kids, teens and young adults with the AIDS virus or HIV. They had a campfire type meeting with much hugging and singing and the like when this happened;

A young girl about 16 yrs of age told of how she was born with HIV because her mother was unknowingly infected when she was born, and how,. . . . . .this is the part that needs explaining. . . . . . . .as a christian, she was thrown out of her local church on easter sunday! For being HIV+ !! Through no fault of her own !!

Can anyone who considers themself a christian give a reasonable explanation for this totally un-christian-like behaviour?
The actual church wasn't named so I don't know the faith involved.

2007-09-26 05:15:02 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-26 05:14:47 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

According to the theory of evolution the first living cells came from a chemical soup billions of years ago, why can't we create life in the science lab, most atheist want to forget about the famous Dr. Miller experiment, where he failed to make the simplest fatty lipid cell in the science lab, so theres absolutly no proof? if it can't be proven in science why is it cosidered science? Thats why atheist still believe in spontanous generation or "abogenesis" even though is already been proven wrong..life only cames from pre exsisting life law of boigenesis. Do you know that one strand of DNA contains 600,000 pages worth of information? does that type of complicated life come from dirt and water or any chemical? Science says no, atheist say yes, wheres the common sense? I would like constructive answers, so far I've been getting no answers just alot of crying and name calling... and that doesn't answer the facts that I presented...

2007-09-26 05:13:36 · 36 answers · asked by JpCreation101 2

Foghat's "Slow Ride" perhaps?

2007-09-26 05:13:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

And that neither is "look out the window", and "look in the mirror".


Well if you do, then why try to use that kind of crap to prove your religion?

Because you have nothing else?

And before you say it, yes I realize that not all Christians do this, I'm talking to the ones that do. And there's a heck of alot of you that do.

2007-09-26 05:10:54 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

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