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Religion & Spirituality - 2 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

This may sound silly, but I think my calling was to be a mother. I have never been happier with my life than I have been since I became a mother. Being able to look at the face of my little girl every day gives me the greatest joy.

2007-08-02 18:29:02 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

That would be hot!

2007-08-02 18:25:17 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-02 18:25:11 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since gratitude is an action how or what do you do to keep gratitude? I have a little tiny home and am so happy to have a small home in the ghetto. I know that if I concentrated on the fact that I don't have a mansion I would be ungrateful about my humble home.

2007-08-02 18:23:37 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

If that's the case, then why wasn't this church taken over? Could it be that "wow" they were practicing true Islam and not extremists' twisted view? What is your take on this?

"When Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, the second Caliph, liberated Jerusalem from the Byzantine Roman occupation, he agreed to conditions requested by its Christian inhabitants. Omar happened to be inside the greatest Christian church of Jerusalem at the time for the Muslim afternoon prayer. Omar refused to perform his prayers in the church, for fear that it might give Muslims of future generations a reason to confiscate the church and make it into an Islamic mosque."

2007-08-02 18:18:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Honestly, i can't but their are a select few that i can see Jesus in. Im not judging because ive been guilty of it myself but their are alot of us who Act, Look and Speak worse than those who aren't saved. I talk to people and i have no clue that they are a Christian until they talk about Jesus, Its just that I see no Jesus in them, im only being honest, I just see another worldly person.

Please don't think im judging which i know some of you might think but its just disturbing to see that we misrepresent Christ alot. Im including myself.

2007-08-02 18:15:39 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a straightfoward question. I note a lot of people here that use spam, cut and paste "factoids" about their brand of religion in what seems to be a desperate effort to dispel and debunk the popular view or established facts about their belief.

If you are comfortable believing your religion is the "truth", then why is it of any importance what I believe...or the next man or woman believes? The truth does not need an advocate, it can stand alone. You cannot force anyone to see what you see.

So, what is the objective of trying to change people's minds through these tactics (cut and pastes, lectures, factoids, etc) ?

2007-08-02 18:08:24 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I earlier asked why the bible wouldn't include events from regions all over the world, and I got some ignorant answers. Why would God choose only to appear in that region of the world? What makes people in those regions any more special then people from China? After all, God destroyed many nations in that region due to their sinfullness! In the bible, God rants on and on how everyone must believe only in God or die! If God never visited China, then how could they've believed in the christian God? How could people from China in that specific time have believed in Jesus when Jesus never were there to preach them? Does that mean that people from other regions not described in the bible doesn't need to follow God's words? It just doesn't make sense that a book that you christians think is the truth would not ignore other regions of the world! And if God did visit China of the record off the bible, why is there no record of it from Chinese people?

2007-08-02 18:02:04 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm looking for good sentiments here, not your anger issues with the fundies. The reason I don't ask Christians, theists, Jews, etc, is because they invariably say "God". I want to know what it is that makes your life complete. For me, it's the curiosities of every single moment of every single day.

2007-08-02 18:01:14 · 28 answers · asked by tremonster 4

May you rest with the peace that comes with knowing that you were a positive influence on someone today....and if you haven't...there is still time before you go to bed!

Blessings, and enjoy the 2 points!

2007-08-02 18:00:13 · 8 answers · asked by mizmead 4

I know you are entitled to your opinion but there is no reason to bash us christians and bash our beliefs just cause you don't agree. Maybe SOME christians have been mean, but that still dosn't mean you need to judge all of them and bash our religon. I don't have a problem with you having your own opinion, i encourage you to trust in God as your savior but I will not force you to change. If you want us to stop annoying you about it why don't you stop hating on us.

2007-08-02 17:55:58 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isn't a human life for important than anything else? Thousands have died, that means that thousands of families have been destroyed, thousands have cried for the loss of a belived one, isn't that awful? Why not trying to solve all problems by talking, not killing. Once you die you're done. I feel respect for those who are fighting for this country and for these who've died, but I do not feel any kind of good thoughts or something in the war and for the most I try, I can't unmderstand its reason.

If Bush is a Christian, he is supposed to follow Jesus' example and I don't think that Jesus would make war, he preached love, why can't we do the same here?

I really really would like to do something to stop that war and so many deaths. Life is a gift from God that should not be taken away by someone else in such terrible circumstances. But I know that I can't really do something to stop this but talk... no1 will hear anyways, that sucks!

2007-08-02 17:55:19 · 26 answers · asked by Love Yahoo!!! wannabe a princess 4

Maybe God can also make everyone rich and rid the world of all diseases and evil?
Then how can people have a chance to do good and help others?
If the world was perfect then who wouldn't believe in and love God?
What do you prefer? Your friend liking you for who you are or just because you can do favors for him/her.
God wants to know this? Do you truly trust and love Him no matter what or are you looking for favors and an easy way out?

2007-08-02 17:51:34 · 17 answers · asked by ptaewk 2

i need to find out what the sacraments are and their definitions like, "confirmation- to profess faith in an open manner"

2007-08-02 17:50:43 · 5 answers · asked by Cynthia 1

Every culture and society has religion, is this down to human nature? Is this just a method for our advanced brains to cope with death and being alone in the universe?

2007-08-02 17:50:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is something that has been on my mind recently, and I'm curious as to how differing beliefs help people to interpret the concept of death. After all, death is truly a mystery, no matter what we believe. I feel, also, that at a certain level there is a measure of fear about the unknown.

I'm not speaking of fear of a resultant afterlife, so please consider this before quoting what I already know the various religions believe happens after death. I'm speaking of the fear of loss of your present world, of all the things you currently know. The familiar, which is this life, is all that we have to base our experience on, so I feel there has to be an intrinsic vulnerability we face when we accept the idea that what is now, for all of its flaws, is precious to us and will one day be gone.

Taking this into consideration, do you feel that your belief system provides adequate preparation and comfort for the inevitable loss? Do you feel emotionally well prepared by your beliefs?

2007-08-02 17:47:53 · 43 answers · asked by Jack B, sinistral 5

(I know this wouldn't happen, but let's pretend, ok?)

Please state your religion and the one you would pick and why. Also, please try to pick something that's not incredibly similar to your own (as in, if you're Jewish, try to think outside the box and not pick another Abrahamic religion).

I'm a Wiccan and I would pick Buddhism because it teaches awareness of the self and teaches the importance of your actions.

2007-08-02 17:46:29 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a link to a piece of sculpture that was created to illustrate the possibilities that arise out of using interspecies organs for medical purposes. I found it.....interesting. Consider yourself forewarned.

2007-08-02 17:46:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

stand alone and stand up for what you believe in. (Such as religion or morals, or rights for a good cause?) Or stand in a crowd and go with the flow with what they believe in, have friends that don't believe in nothing?
For me, I will stand alone, with no friends and continue to believe and let my heart guide me to do the right things in my life. What about you?

2007-08-02 17:46:05 · 26 answers · asked by SDC 5

are they the ones in authority to say who are the "real" Christians and who are fake? who died and gave them that authority?

2007-08-02 17:45:06 · 10 answers · asked by Perceptive 5

rejecting Jesus or His forgiveness is liken to the following scenario:

i was driving and i knocked down a child.

i knew that i was in deep *h*t

even as i was being led away by the police, i was worrying how my life would end up. would i end up in jail? would i have to pay a heavy price for this mistake i have done?

then i appeared in court, and the Judge happened to be the child's father.

He, instead of prosecuting me and sending me to jail, told me that he has already forgiven me, and that he wanted to set me free.

but then, i reject him, and said , "let me pay for my own mistakes",

and so, the Judge sentenced me to many years in jail, my license revoked, and to pay a heavy fine for the mistakes i have done.

so...how can we blame God for sending us to eternal fire if we are to say, "let us reject God' forgiveness through Jesus, and let us take the punishment of our sin unto ourselves!"?

2007-08-02 17:44:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been wondering this my whole life and I don't want it taken to offense but why do the Muslim women and also some children wear a "hijab" I believe it's called that to the point where they cover their whole bodies and only let their eyes show if the are living in America? I mean why don't they enjoy their freedom to be able to leave the house without having to be covered? Isn't this why they come to America? I mean if they like to be coverd from head to toe then why not just live in the Middle East?

I have just been wondering this for a long time and I just want to learn and understand so please don't take it to offense.

2007-08-02 17:40:36 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wrote this in another answer and thought it was a good question.

I believe in God and that He created the Universe -- but He wrote the creation story very simple and left out all the hard DNA/plate tectonics info. and went for more spiritual content instead of scienctific clarity.

what do you think?

2007-08-02 17:37:48 · 27 answers · asked by Dionysus 5

why did God create satan Knowing that he would fall, and who is satan that he demands payment for sin? He must be greater than God if he Demands payment for sin right? Yes.( The person that demands payment for something is greater than the person who has to pay).even if not so. Why did God have to crucify Jesus? Who the **** is satan do demand this payment? Why would i want to worship a God that knows this would happen ?For what reason would he allow this to happen? everything was created by God right ? everything! evil ? Who the **** is satan and Who is God? If satan is not greater than God How could he demand Payment for sin ?

2007-08-02 17:37:20 · 1 answers · asked by elitemorron 1

Would you put a guily father's son in prison when the one who killed a person was only the father? No, ofcourse! This logic is rediculous and absurd. If Adam sinned then why would God not just punish Adam and give Adam's children a chance to prove themselves? If God is fair there should not be any sin stuck to us since we were not even born. It should be so that when we were born we were sinless and then we get punished if we sin, and that's it. God could easily have figured that, but instead He had to complicate things, for what purpose? Adam sinned and betrayed him, so does that mean that God's other creations must suffer with Adam as well. It is like bombing Iraq to kill criminals but not concerning the women and children who are innocent. Such a rule and act is not kind a loving. It was a rule made up by man written down in that fairytale so that soceity would tithe the church. God, why is it so hard to understand simple logic?

2007-08-02 17:36:31 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Although Athiests don't believe in God, they are still creations of God and could one day turn to God so why condemn them to hell? Who are we to judge first of all?

Note: The bible says in Mark 10: 31 "But many that are first shall be last; and the last first."

So they could come to Christ one day and make it into heaven as quick as you do, so please stop telling people that they are going to hell. That looks bad on our part. God calls us to be Holy so...

Follow peace with ALL men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: (Hebrews 12: 14)

2007-08-02 17:35:00 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi all

there is a section in the Catechism of the Catholic Church that states:

2418 "It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly. It is likewise unworthy to spend money on them that should as a priority go to the relief of human misery. One can love animals; one should not direct to them the affection due only to persons."

is this saying that people shouldnt have pets and that they money we spend on them should be used to aid humans instead?

and that by continually breeding animals for pets, it is causing them to be born and to die neelessly?

i am quite confused now becuase i have never known that having a pet was bad. it you treat it well, is it still against church teachings?

what about zoos? are they 'bad' too?

any insight is appreciated, as well as links if you can

thankyou and God bless

2007-08-02 17:34:19 · 4 answers · asked by Robin 4

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