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Religion & Spirituality - 24 July 2007

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I'm interested in what the christians have to say in particular but you all can answer. Now, i showed a clip from youtube to my mom about an atheist being discriminated against in her school. Mom replied back that she was sorry that happened but they shouldn't just throw out religion in schools- said something about babies and baths that i didn't quite understand.
I found that hyppocritical because she only felt that way because it was HER religion being practiced. What if they were all practising wicca, or islam. I think she'd have a different oppinion.
Sooo... what I mean to ask is if the religion was something that you tooootally didn't agree with (such as a pagan one), would you tolerate it being practised in a public place? What if the wiccans wanted to have a school group, like the christians have fellowship of christian athletes in school? Would you protest? Would you care?

2007-07-24 12:39:47 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is your purpose for living?
What drives your life?

2007-07-24 12:36:40 · 20 answers · asked by Charlotte 2

how do you feel about former jehovah's witnesses (those that followed the religion but have since left for whatever reason)?

2007-07-24 12:34:12 · 22 answers · asked by Rebekah 2

1. How long have you had your faith.
2. How is it going? If the religion working out? Are you skeptical?
3. Where did you become a Christian?
4. How did you become a Christian?
5. Why did you become a Christian?
6. Who helped you?
7. Have you ever tried to put yourself in the shoes of a different religion and look at yours, through a different perspective?
8. What leads you to believe Christ exists other then the bible?

(Sorry this is a lot to ask for)

2007-07-24 12:31:43 · 12 answers · asked by Ugly Duckling 3

Jesus answered them,
"Is it not written in your Law,
'I have said you are gods'?

John 10:34 (New International Version)

2007-07-24 12:31:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

In short I believe in many different aspects of many different religions. Mostly just parts of the Catholic/Christian, Muslim, and Jewish. Also bits of the old Pagan stories or scripture, whatever the old stuff is called. Just curious if there is a name for someone who believes in parts of multiple religions.

Also yes I know someone is going to post a stupid answer so instead of giving them the attention they desire just ignore them.

Anyways thanks in advance for any helpful answers.

2007-07-24 12:29:22 · 29 answers · asked by ? 4

Just want to know what other people think..please answer honestly, I was baptized a Mormon when I was 8, when i was old enough to think for myself, I decided that the "religion" was full of crap, they talk about family and then turn their back on them, the whole book of mormon is just weird, I could go on and on, because I didn't believe in their religion I was excommunicated (no big deal to me) now they are coming to my house at least once a week to try to get my son to be baptized, it isn't going to happen and now I don't even answer the door when they come here. Does anyone else think the mormons are a cult or do you have a story about them?

2007-07-24 12:25:33 · 20 answers · asked by Angela F 5

2007-07-24 12:23:26 · 15 answers · asked by cool_dude 1

You guys go and call us bad people, and use your bible to oppress us from things like society and politics, 'just because' the bible says we are bad people or whatever. I realize not all christians are like this, I tip my hat to those who aren't, but for the one's that are: What is your problem? Why do some christians fail to see that we are just as moral and law abiding as you?

2007-07-24 12:22:26 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

how is it goin? i am so happy that i have the Lord God in my life and i love the 4 letters wwjd what would jesus do i don't have very religious friends where i live so it would be realy kool to meet some new ppl!

2007-07-24 12:21:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would say good. If everyone just respected one another that would be good enough.

2007-07-24 12:20:50 · 5 answers · asked by garym 2

My friend i have on yim doesnt know her own religion. She says she's a Christian but she says She's not allowed to wear pants. So what religion is she. She obviously cant be Christian cause Christ never said "u cant wear pants"

2007-07-24 12:18:01 · 16 answers · asked by Evangelist 3

that Mary didnt just have one child, Jesus, she also had other children??

just wondering

2007-07-24 12:17:13 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't understand how it is you think it is the word of God? Its a book written by men long since dead. The book it's self is pure evil......Where does a kind loving God fit in....this is a God of Pain and suffering! You as parents would burn your children if they don't do what you want...and burn them forever? This is Okay to you? You need help if it is!

2007-07-24 12:10:21 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Apparently, circumcision can reduce the risk of female to male transmission of HIV by as much as 60%. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070724/ts_afp/healthaustraliahiv_070724095550
But I’ve read conflicting accounts of this; http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/menshealth/facts/circumcision.htm the church, motivated by a desire to gain more control, could be up to their usual tricks of not being completely truthful. Then again, there could be truth in this and HIV can be reduced. But wouldn’t a circumcised man naively assume that because he is circumcised, he has much less chance of being infected with HIV, so he would be less likely to use a condom which is still by far the best protection against HIV regardless of whether or not a man is circumcised?

2007-07-24 12:06:51 · 13 answers · asked by Desiree 4

Like her old man Jim Bakker didn't set the Christian religion back 1000 years already?
I just saw her on the Surreal Life last week. In a room talking to an old porno star about his ...., and giggling like school girls.
And KAPOW! She upped and had a heart attack!
Like WOW, Man. Talk about a SIGN!

2007-07-24 12:06:01 · 20 answers · asked by Cap'n Blood 1

Would like your own opinions on whether or not an Atheist can be spiritual or not.

2007-07-24 12:04:36 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-24 12:03:04 · 24 answers · asked by McLovin 3

Should the Flying Spaghetti Monster do battle with the Invisible Pink Unicorn, who would win? Would life on earth be any different should one conquer the other? Would man feel free to sin should one deity perish?

2007-07-24 12:02:47 · 21 answers · asked by ashley 2

Im use to saying; I say this prayer in jesus' name amen.
But that is getting old and I was hoping someone here could help me think of something new to say.

2007-07-24 12:01:28 · 20 answers · asked by snm2728 1

Okay, in the Bible in the New Testament it is said that women should wear head coverings in church and during prayer. No one in my church does this, or in many churches I know.

Also it says that women should not speak during church... So does that mean that having women preachers is wrong?

I mean, you can't just throw out the parts of the Bible that you don't agree with, and I want to be holy, but I'm just kind of upset about these things... I want to be a preacher, and I'm a woman...

2007-07-24 12:01:26 · 13 answers · asked by ohmondieujetaime 1

If there was a guy today who claimed to be the Prophet/Messiah/Son of God/etc., there's no way in hell anyone would believe him or her. What makes now different? Do you believe in the biblical stories/Muslim prophecies just because they happened a long time ago, therefore they must be true? What is so much more believable about something that took place 2000 years ago? If Jesus came back, you'd all say He was a lunatic and you'd lock him up like that. Can we discuss this, or can someone explain please?

2007-07-24 12:00:55 · 6 answers · asked by Rachel the Atheist 4

It is quite clear that Jesus was killed because he was a radical at the time. He may be a very good human being, but he did not die for anyone.

I will say an ant that dies under my feet died for my sin (of not being able to watch little creatures while walking,) but certainly can never say Jesus dies for my sins...its ridiculous. Is it not?

2007-07-24 11:56:56 · 19 answers · asked by Raju 2

we are a christain family and have gotten in trouble once in regards to this at the kids public school the last time was about evolution, well this time I want to ask someone before we get in trouble I want to by my daughter some christain shirts for school but can she wear them at school? I am wondering since schools are so strict about only certain stuff nowadays?

2007-07-24 11:56:46 · 29 answers · asked by toadette 2

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