The worlds most ignorant people believe in Adam and Eve or some other creation fable. However, some religionists desperately try to hold onto the last strand of their religion with an theistic evolution theory.
The argument goes "Yea, ok, evolution is real, but God triggered the process to create man". Uh, lets try to imagine God's thinking process over 4 billion years:
God's Diary
4 to 1 billion BC -
Its fun watching earths atmosphere changing constantly. Those arthropods are kicking arss, interesting to see how they evolve and savagely compete with the the pre-cursor to mammals. Only another 100 million years before my beloved human species is created...cant wait!
800,000,000 BC -
Im gonna wipe out these Dinos soon with a big asteroid, they are so ugly and dominant. Once I wipe these puppies out, only millions of years left till man comes and he will invent nuclear weapons...entertaining...just like my savage nature where Lions eats gazelle.
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