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Religion & Spirituality - 13 June 2007

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if so, does the bible say it's ok, or does it mention that some people were into it, or does it say they will go to hell for it?

non believer (in the bible and animal sex lol)

2007-06-13 03:50:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone feel the same way about this? I challenge anyone to do this. I gain more wisdom doing this that all of the words of Solomon put together. God's word is written on our hearts and written in nature and the heavens not in some book that the Jewish people wrote. That is their version of God, this is mine

2007-06-13 03:47:09 · 27 answers · asked by NIHIL VERUM NISI MORS 2

think about it this way, if you are a christian and there isn't heaven and you lived your whole life living this false belief when you die you just die and your whole life was wasted, what have you lost?
Atheists, what if there is heaven and you lived your whole life rejecting God, but in the end you die and find out that there is a heaven, and you end up going to hell because you haven't taken Christ as your savior.
Christians are not gonna lose if there is no heaven, but Atheists will suffer if there is heaven.

2007-06-13 03:45:51 · 34 answers · asked by HideousStrength 2

Really , I have no need to justify what I believe to myself. I am very happy with my believes and they lead me through a good path in life. Just because I don't live by your unbelievable Christian ways does not mean I live an immoral life. A lot of you are always making this assumption. Be free, open your minds.

2007-06-13 03:41:59 · 26 answers · asked by JimBob from 'Bama 2

Then why do people pray? In several studies, prayer has been shown not to work. In fact those who KNEW they were being prayed for, did WORSE after surgery.
Please read: http://www.dimaggio.org/Eye-Openers/prayer_does_not_work.htm

Why do religious people hold onto these beliefs when they are shown over and over to be false?

Why do religious people continue to believe the bible is the word of god when it has been shown that a majority of the bible is falsified and made up? (Read Misquoting Jesus)

Over the last two thousand years, Christianity has gone from being real and tangible to obscure, internalized and translucent. What's next for religion? How can you base your whole life's belief system on something so obscure?

Hey, I'm just being curious here.

2007-06-13 03:41:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-13 03:38:55 · 22 answers · asked by The Raven † 5

the markers seem to be there when we examine historical events

2007-06-13 03:38:46 · 23 answers · asked by brassmunkiee 3

I can not pray. The words won't come. I'm angry at God. My beautiful 21 month old baby boy was just diagnosed autistic. He was perfect and met all his milestones and he was so happy. Every day I thanked God for this blessing. Then it all changed. He lost his vocabulary. Stopped responding to his name. Stares at wheels on toy cars all day and lines up shoes all day and has lots of tantrums. Bangs his head and rocks. I got through my husbands cancer and losing everything financially and starting over. I still prayed and kept thanking God for my baby's health. I felt so blessed. I am at a loss to understand why this happened to my baby. I want to scream or punch someone or jump off a bridge but I have to act normal. It's not okay. I am so afraid for Daniel and what his future will be. I am getting him all the therapy I can and working with him. My older son got jumped and robbed last week & is in hospital. I wish I could pray. Baby napping now. Thanks

2007-06-13 03:38:03 · 33 answers · asked by Barbara 2

I refer to God as God, heavenly creator, the spirit who moves through all things and things like that. I feel that calling God father or king are what the Jewish people conceive God to be.

2007-06-13 03:35:17 · 24 answers · asked by NIHIL VERUM NISI MORS 2

I have always been a very modest woman, I have never worn a skirt any shorter than 4" or 5" below my knees. I never cross my legs or make any movements that could make me expose anything. When I go to the beach I never wear even a swimsuit, instead I wear pants and shirt to cover myself up completely.

2007-06-13 03:34:47 · 20 answers · asked by gaprd 1

First of all, I'm not trying to pigenhole anyone and I won't illogically construe your answers to try and say you should believe in God. I'm just genuinely interested.

For those who do not believe in God, do you believe in supernatural things like ghosts, spirits, etc. or are you strictly a see-it-to-believe-it type of person?

2007-06-13 03:33:51 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

would we be living in a different kind of world?

2007-06-13 03:33:13 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Christians speak of this...(the bad in the world)... because they want the world to know that there is hope in Christ. While this world is rife with death and destruction, the Christian knows there is a better world to come, where none of this stuff will happen. In my view, this is not pessimism; it is optimism for a wonderful future in paradise! "

-I truly feel sorry for this person and his bleak outlook on life
-God has blessed us with many things in this world, and it appears this person does not appreciate them.
-is he just making an excuse for his personal shortcomings here on earth
-where is the joy in this person's life, that God is supposed to provide

-Your thoughts?

2007-06-13 03:28:19 · 13 answers · asked by G.C. 5

2007-06-13 03:23:48 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

...supposedly divinely inspired tomes? Do you believe a mere mortal could compile a book on par with something like the Bible or Quran? Even if you think the Bible was inspired by God, do you think humans have the capacity to have written it on their own?

2007-06-13 03:20:11 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is beyond my comprehension!


As this society continues to reject God, we seem to be spiraling to new lows. This so called "free-thinking" attitude is nothing lies from the devil.

How can a woman "THINK" that she has the RIGHT to sell her children?? Nothing but a thoughbred FOOL could do this.
These people have rejected God and sold their souls.

2007-06-13 03:10:52 · 28 answers · asked by JayDee 2

This is not to put anyone on the spot, neither is it to try and prove my religion superior to the atheist belief however on my last question one response was:

"Christians are simply wrong about most things. This is not a problem with atheism.
We can prove our side"

I myself do not have a problem with this statement, but i would like for you to prove to me that there is no religion there is no God. I see a lot of times this burden put on Christians, but can you prove to me that Christianity is Falsified? Before i get answers as "you cannot see God", or "The bible was written by man," etc... please prove that because you cannot see God means he doesn't exist and prove that the bible was not inspired and written by God through man. I will not debate any answers, but let them stand but using the same logic and proof that you would want a Christian to give you please give me proof to your side without using a short answer such as "you can't see him therefore..."

God Bless

2007-06-13 03:08:43 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

-I recently had dialogue with a fundamentalist Christian who is all gloom and doom. He is very pessimistic and had nothing good to say about the world we live in. Is this truly a Godly perspective?
-I reminded him, that while there is a lot of bad in the world...there is also a lot of good.
-We see stories on the news every day...but news stories are sensationalistic. For every bad one we see, there are thousands of positive things happening...they don't get reported, because they are "boring"
-When people give money to a poor person, help a neighbor, or let someone in front of them at the grocery...these things are not reported...but, think how far they can go.
-Do you believe in "paying it forward"?
-If we all had a more positive attitude, if we all strived to help others...couldn't we make the world a better place? If nothing else if we just adopted a positive attitude wouldn't that have a great affect?

2007-06-13 03:06:56 · 18 answers · asked by G.C. 5

God is above and beyond man's limiting idea that he is masculine. Isn't it foolish to assume that he is this jeoulous king sitting on a throne. God is neither male or female so why accept what the bible tells us about God since we basically have no idea. It is sick to think that God favors one sex over the other.

2007-06-13 03:06:47 · 33 answers · asked by NIHIL VERUM NISI MORS 2


How can you put anything above your family. Even if god was real he isn't your family he didn't carry you for 9 months he has never carried you. This is beyond belief it is unhealthy to put things before your parents or husband/wife or even your children. The question is why would you put something over the people that protected you raised you feed you clothed you and everything else you needed and you put a thing that hasn't done anything in front of them. How could you and why would you?

2007-06-13 03:06:13 · 24 answers · asked by joe d 4

It was clearly believed that Jesus went to heaven in bodily form and now religions are trying to teach that he went in spirit form.The diciples were suppose to walk him up the hill so how do they all walk his spirit up the hill and he proved he was Jesus by showing the nail holes in his hands.How come people believe in the diciples when they didnt believe in Jesus cause instead of waiting for his resurection they went fishing?

2007-06-13 03:03:26 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-13 03:02:25 · 21 answers · asked by Jerry M 1

anonymous author(s)/editor(s) of John?

2007-06-13 03:00:46 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got some GREAT answers... from sean, clo, Missunderstood...many many others.... however one of the users said this and I quote:

If you truly want to seek enlightening answers, ask thought-provoking questions of yourself--you dont have the right to provoke others to think--that's God's job. Leave people alone, work on yourself.

So I am not allowed to ask thoughtful questions and that is only God's job? I, as a believer in God, am baffled by that response.
I rest my case.

2007-06-13 03:00:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous


the only thing i can come up with is ''questioned'' but i know there is a better word

2007-06-13 02:55:07 · 19 answers · asked by DirtyRed 2

Nothing is there and then out of nothing at all, some atom comes up and creates itslelf and makes a Big Bang and then after a long time... Out of the atom that came out of nowhere comes a human being whose body is so complicated...

Sounds idiotic and stupid, doesn't it???

Well, that's what some people believe...

Answer this:

1) Where did an atom come from that started the Big Bang???

2) Where did the atom before that atom come from???

You do realise that there was time when there were no atoms so what happened... Something to with Allah/God maybe...

2007-06-13 02:54:09 · 22 answers · asked by K Assiri 2

Every month I get a new illness. I try to be accepting of these things, but I feel I am wearing down. Does anyone have something uplifting to say. Please don't preach to me. Just "talk" to me. Thank you.

2007-06-13 02:50:40 · 22 answers · asked by ? 3

Please tell your denomination if any.

Just curious I'd like to know and exactly what faith you are that believe their way. If you are willing to share.

2007-06-13 02:47:58 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

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