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Religion & Spirituality - 13 June 2007

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I read in a book that the Koran says that Jesus had a miraculous birth, but they don't believe that he was crucified or ressurrected, but rather, ascended to heaven right after he died. Is this true, or is the book lying?

2007-06-13 06:42:25 · 11 answers · asked by USABaby!! 1

If you are looking to God...why are you so filled with unhappiness and despair...aren't these things of man?

Fundamentalists are constantly pointing out what is wrong in the world...the moral decay, wars, poverty, disrespect for human life, etc...however all of these things are of man...not of God...

So, why are you dwelling on the things of man and not on the things of God?

There are many beautiful things to see and appreciate, there are many good, Godly people in the world doing great things...and I think God will be very angry with us for not giving him thanks for the many blessings he has given us while on earth...and not appreciating all of the good things that happen.

The question remains...why do you fundamentalists dwell so much on that which is bad? Is your heart right with God, or it twisted?

If you are truly trying to reach others,won't you "get more bees with honey, than with vinegar".pointing to the great things God does, instead of the bad of the world?

2007-06-13 06:42:07 · 30 answers · asked by G.C. 5

I mean if we all came from Adam and Eve, where did GOD come from?

2007-06-13 06:39:50 · 51 answers · asked by Anonymous

Whether human beings will ever travel in space very far beyond our little bitty solar system is a mystery, but let's say we find a way to cross the unimaginable distances, do you think the life we encounter, if we should meet any, also believes in a Bronze Age god of murdering, illiterate, genocidal desert nomads on tiny Earth? And if they do not, god forbit, what will we do, burn them at the sake like we did reluctant "Indians" in South America? Not wonderfully friendly, eh?

2007-06-13 06:39:46 · 12 answers · asked by ? 3

2007-06-13 06:39:17 · 7 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6

eve is a clone of adam, god took a rib from adam, and made it eve, therefore, adam and eve are like brother and sister or father and daughter, they committed serious incest when they had sex together,

if you think that you are a son or daughter of adam and eve, then you are officially a bastard according to the law; even that, that doesn't make sense why different christians have different skin colors
Additional Details

monkeys have different shapes and forms, so that is not a surprise that human have all forms according to the evolution.

but if you believe in that non-existing god, then your bible can't explain to us why your skin color is different than other people.

2007-06-13 06:38:16 · 24 answers · asked by hot dude 1

ok this sounds very stupid but i am having seriously ridiculous cramps, and i cant go home cause i'm in my internship which i have been searching for almost a year. so if i go home they might take it as a sign of weakness thus if there is an opening position they wont hire me. i've taken 6 aleeves in the past 3 hours, could anyone please pray for me. thank you in advance, i know it's ridiculous to ask a prayer for this but i really would like some relief. thank you.

2007-06-13 06:33:37 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

Everyone talks about how Jesus suffered and died for all of us. You know how many dads jump in front of their children to save them from stuff. All he did was get hung on a cross he died in 3 hours that isn't that much suffering. What about the Jews in the concentration camps they went though more suffering or the people that got caught trying to help them they were put though more suffering. Their are a lot of people that suffered and died for other people some a lot more than Jesus why does everyone think he is so special? He didn't even do it voluntarily he got captured.

2007-06-13 06:32:48 · 61 answers · asked by joe d 4

Let me say first that I am an atheist. Many of the responces atheists give to being questioned about their lack of a belief in a God is that religious people are idiots for believing in a make believe being. Well I am going to try and answer in a more kinder way. If you are a Christian, do you believe in Zeus, or the Sun God, or Saturn, or Gaia? My guess is that you do not believe in any of these, which would make you a skeptic. Millions of people believed in these God's and you are questioning them? I guess simply put, I don't believe in the Christian God or any other God for the same reason I do not believe in any of those Gods that I listed.

2007-06-13 06:27:31 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

-Or am I just more blessed than most...I have a loving family, a great career, a nice home, food on the table, shoes on my feet.
-Even the poor in America live better than the middle class in many other countries....most have their basic needs met.
-Is this not a blessing from God?

So, why do so many fundamentalists think we live in such a terrible world? Why are they full of doom and gloom? Why do they not have joy? Has their God not blessed them the way he has blessed so many others?

Read their posts to the questions about pessimism, moral decay, and the state of our world. Their take on life is very depressing and creepy. Especially considering it is coming from people who are supposed to be filled with Christ's love.

The God of my heart is a God of love, mercy, compassion, kindness and joy....the God they seem to emulate with their negative attitude does not seem to be a good God at all.

If Christians are to be Christ-like, and you are a person of despair..

2007-06-13 06:26:04 · 18 answers · asked by G.C. 5

accepted the volumes of descriptions that have been fabricated by all the earth bound geniuses? Trillions have lived and died on this planet and apparently have missed the boat. Just in the last 3 thousand or so years, man has invented how he wants it to be and has managed somehow to convince those who fear death how it will be. But..................he has failed to mention a few things. (A lot of things actually, but I won't go into them all.) a)Will you be issued a Toga and a pair of sandals?(If you are the modest type you should be concerned about this) b)Will there be others there that are Smarter or Dumber than you? c)Will you be given your own private living quarters or will it be a shared communal type thing? Hundreds of other questions but not here. Just wanted to alert the geniuses who continue babbling about their creation of a heaven, you don't know anything about God. It is all in your imagination or the imagination of others who have successfully brainwashed you.

2007-06-13 06:25:36 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-13 06:24:12 · 18 answers · asked by Agnes 1


ATHIESTS HAVE NEITHER, SO WHY ARE THEY HERE??????????????????????????????????????????

2007-06-13 06:23:27 · 15 answers · asked by Best Xian 1

Fella, asserting that there's "not one shred of evidence for evolution" only highlights how ignorant and ill informed you are about the modern 'mainstream" scientific principles and explanations of the natural world.

There has been many references forwarded here, allowing access to all the "evidence" you could ever want regarding evolution, but you WILL NOT see it.. This doesn't make it non existant..!

You are merely parroting old and easily countered ridiculous religious dogma, so don't try to look clever, because you aren't..!

Maybe try: talkorigins.com, then do your research from there. Only then will you realise what a complete fool you are making of yourself when debating something you know nothing about with those who are more informed than you..

The question here is in the title..!

2007-06-13 06:23:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-13 06:22:14 · 61 answers · asked by * Xanthippe 6

From an article in latimes.com:

Born July 10, 1917, in Waconia, Minn., Herbert later moved to Minneapolis and then La Crosse, Wis. He graduated from LaCrosse State Teachers College in 1940 and could have taught English or general science — his majors — but he recalled later that he was more interested in the theater.

He worked as an actor and stagehand in a Minnesota theater group before moving to New York City in 1941.

A year later, he volunteered for the Army Air Forces. As a B-24 bomber pilot, he flew 56 missions over Italy, Germany and Yugoslavia and received the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with three oak-leaf clusters.

Herbert wrote several books, including "Mr. Wizard's Supermarket Science" and "Mr. Wizard's Experiments for Young Scientists."

...I feel like one of the pillars of my childhood is gone. RIP to that groovy guy.

2007-06-13 06:21:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-13 06:20:15 · 27 answers · asked by Minnie J 1

They can still believe in a God, just not that mean and ruthless God that they Believe in.

2007-06-13 06:19:54 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you ever found anything that you had lost after asking for St. Anthony's help and intercession? Are you doing anything special today to honor this great man of God? Starting a Novena, perhaps?

Here are some ideas:


2007-06-13 06:19:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous


I've read the bible and have asked plenty of times on here and still haven't gotten a straight answer from anyone... but what will be the circumstances of Christs return?

I still thoroughly believe he's gonna be reborn into this world and carry out the same burden he did last time of life on Earth...

And his death will signal the apocalypse bein the "slain lamb" and all.

i don't wanna hear anything from athiests either, i'm just gonna delete it.

2007-06-13 06:19:15 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is the gift of "SPEAKING IN TONGUES" for all Christians ?

If a Christian does not have this gift are they looked down upon as less "holier" or less of a Christian than those that do ?

Is this gift primarily manifested by certain denominations ?

Is it an unequal yoke for a Christian who is Baptist to marry a Christian that is Pentecostal ?

Should I, as a Baptist Christian, feel left out because Pentecostals have the gift of speaking in tongues ?


2007-06-13 06:17:43 · 23 answers · asked by dave777 4

Does this animal's existence cause them stress over how they believe the world was made? I mean, an egg-laying mammal with a bill sure seems an awful lot like a "transitional species", doesn't it? Is that why they don't like it?

2007-06-13 06:14:02 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Atheists and Agnostics too if you want to answer....

If it is true, then is it not the very height of arrogance to assume you, or any other human being, could even remotely comprehend the mind of a god? Divinely inspired or not, you are still a human being, not a god.

So why would you ever consider yourself to have the right to speak for a god at any given time?

Do you not think, that even should a god exist, that they would be so far beyond human understand that you do not have the right to ever think that you would know what they are thinking at any given time, and that any human being that ever lived in the past (when we were much less advanced) could ever know a gods mind?

You are not a god. The people who lived in the past were not gods. Even in the infinately minute possibility that said god ever divinely inspired anything, how can you ever think that your limited human mind could ever understand what the god was telling you, or your ancestors, to say in some book?

2007-06-13 06:12:44 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it because deep down inside they know they're wrong and are desperate to convince themselves that there is no God?

2007-06-13 06:12:22 · 7 answers · asked by frank m 3

He has been diagnosed with Prostate & Colon cancer. He isn't eating much and we aren't sure how he's going to come out in the end. Much thanks to all of you!

2007-06-13 06:11:54 · 26 answers · asked by socmum16 ♪ 5

Here are the verses:

31 So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.” 32 Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house. 33 And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes. And immediately he and all his family were baptized. 34 Now when he had brought them into his house, he set food before them; and he rejoiced, having believed in God with all his household.

According to Scripture, universal salvation is a false teaching. When Paul made this statement about the guard's entire household being saved, do you think this applied to this man only in this particular situation or to all of us who believe as well?

Salvation is not hereditary....and just because we get saved doesn't guarantee it for the members of our immediate family.

Fellow believers.........What are your thoughts?

2007-06-13 06:11:43 · 30 answers · asked by primoa1970 7

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