"This past Memorial Day, the religious right’s $27 million “Creation Museum” – an institution dedicated to promoting the lie that science supports the notion of a 6,000-year-old Earth – finally opened its doors.
Over the last few weeks nearly 25,000 concerned Americans have joined our effort and signed our petitions condemning the museum’s blatant attempt to push bad science and deceive children, including 5,000 educators from all 50 states.
Last Monday, DefCon took our message directly to the “Museum” and the organization behind the anti-science campaign, Answers in Genesis. As the first public visitors walked through the doors, a plane flew over head carrying a banner that read, “DEFCON SAYS THOU SHALT NOT LIE.”
Over the last few weeks DefCon’s effort has garnered national media attention, shining a light on the bunk science that AiG had hoped to disguise with their $27 million “Museum.”
© 2007 DefCon: Campaign to Defend the Constitution
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