I've been doing some serious soul searching lately and really considering what i truly believe, and i've come to the conclusion that i dont believe in the religion my parents raised me in. I'm 15 years old and my whole family is mormon. For most of my life up untill now i just went along with the religion, and if there was anything about it that i didnt agree with, i just told myself to trust in god, because since i believed in ALMOST everything mormons believe, then i just need to work out those other few things. But i finally stopped thinking like that and allowed myself to consider if what i was being told was false, and found that i dont even know why i even thought i believed in that religion for 13 years of my life.
The thing is, i dont know if i'm going to tell my parents, or when, or what i'll say, or how it will affect our family, etc. For one, in the mormon religion they believe that there are certain things you have to do to be with your family in heaven, (details...)
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