of the series of universal educators known to history as Krishna (3228-3100 BCE, Hindu); Abraham (1800s BCE, Father/Patriarch of monotheism, possibly Sabean); Moses (1400 BCE, Jewish); Zoroaster/Zarathustra/Zarathus... (1000 BCE, Zoroastrian/Parsi); The Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama ( 566 BCE, Buddhist), Jesus (8/2-29/36 BCE/CE, Christian); Muhammad (570-632 CE, Islam); the Bab/The Gate (1819-1850 CE, Bab’i); and Baha’u’llah/Glory of God (1817-1892, Baha’i)? None of them had a formal or scholarly education; and they themselves claimed that their knowledge was innate, different from the generality of humankind, not from themselves, but from an unknown realm. Even those who chose not to accept the religious system established upon their teachings nevertheless recognized their uncontestable greatness, genius, total lack of self-interest, and influence, which is unlike any other historical figures’.
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