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Religion & Spirituality - 29 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

So far, I can think of several politicians that have probably spent some time in the white house like Orin Hatch, Ezra Taft Benson, and Harry Reid. Then there are sports figures like Steve Young, Danny Ainge, and Andy Reid that may have visited with their teams. Have there been any BYU teams that have been invited? Has the Mormon Tabernacle Choir been inside?

Maybe it's not so strange to think about a Mormon in the White House after all!

2007-05-29 02:52:46 · 14 answers · asked by tn 1

I'm sure they are out there. From what I seen of black churches, they talk about overcoming their hardships and persevering to overcome(i.e. the white devil). It must be a painful, difficult situation to live in a world where you feel this way. Are there black lead churches out there who say that the debt the white race owes to the black race is cancelled? I wold like to know who.

2007-05-29 02:50:05 · 11 answers · asked by been there- done that 2

I was just wondering if anyone knew simple little prayers that they told their children or any kids. I know there's some really cute prayers out there, im just having trouble finding them!!

2007-05-29 02:43:28 · 30 answers · asked by amy h 1

2007-05-29 02:42:05 · 20 answers · asked by MMMM 2

I get the feeling you can have both 'just dreams' and premonitions. If its both, how can you tell the difference between the two?

2007-05-29 02:40:55 · 17 answers · asked by capnvalcano 2

How do you know Dinasours were not just isolated to the United States, since this is the country where most of the fossils have been located? and if a meteor struck just the USA that would account for the destruction.

P.S An upcoming Nat'l Geographic Special

2007-05-29 02:40:06 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Alot of Christians seem to think Atheism is just about bashing their God. I'm under the impression that Atheism is more about an alternative philosophy that has no God. Xians think your ANTI God while it makes more sense that you're simply PRO Atheism. I know this is a polarized question, but I'd appreciate your view on this. By the way, I'm pagan so I'm kinda looking at this from the outside looking in.

2007-05-29 02:38:43 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

May I return to this site? I took a break, you see. Wasn't fatigue...though in the wake of a crazy aorta, fatique is sometimes a thing to reckon with...but to meet a couple of magazine deadlines. My crazy old tom cat has got to be fed, you know?

If you good chaps would let me back in, I promise I'll say not even one discouraging word about figures in the Bible, which, as a nonbeliever, gives me pause. It is not my purpose, in my twilight years, to give anyone discomfort, and I shall not here, no, never ever again. Your belief is yours, of course you have every right to believe whatever you choose to believe...it is no business of mine. So, dear hearts and bold chaps, from here-on-out, it's my usual politeness and my love for humankind that shall mark my modest scribblings here, if, that is, you all will take me back in.

2007-05-29 02:34:43 · 7 answers · asked by ? 3

I am so amazed at the high level of disrespect toward the Creator God. How can people in good conscious be so careless in this regard?

The Bible says that in the last days that scoffers, mockers and blasphemers would arise and speak against the living God. That a day of judgement is coming. All who do wickedly will suffer at the hands of God. Revelation 16:9,

Why this blatant disregard for God exist in our Society? Why this boldness to speak against "Faith in God" exist? Why this spirit of contention? Why? Why? Why?

"And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts". Galatians 5:24

But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,faith, meekness. temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

Most of you have grandparents who believed in God fervently? What happen to you??????

2007-05-29 02:29:59 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jesus said if you say you do not sin you are a lier.I did not want to hurt his feelings but I said I am a born again Christian and I have broken the ten commandments.Every single person has or else we would be Jesus.Am i right or wrong?

2007-05-29 02:29:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK, they want Christianity and all kind of religion out of school, out of government, out any public place that may "affect" them.

What gonna happen is that Christians and other religions may have to leave schools, government, and any public place. For the simple fact that you atheists don't want religion.

OK, Christians and the rest of religious, are gonna have to create private schools to put their kids, because believe me, you wont change a real Religious' mind. That mean that you Atheists being, according to wikipedia, 15% of the population, want to take over the majority of public schools.

As a result, Christians nor other religions, will be paying taxes to afford public school education for atheists, while at the same time paying for private schools for their kid.

Then also that 15% of atheists, may want to take over the government to fully take command of the country.

Is that what atheists want?

By the way, the 15% of atheists are all in Yahoo Answers.

2007-05-29 02:27:05 · 31 answers · asked by LawNerd 2

There was a virgin birth to a Hammerhead shark at Henry Doorly Zoo. At least that one is real and fully supported by evidence, unlike Mary, who definately was not a virgin. That whole Mary virgin birth thing, nice attempt to cover up that she was sleeping with the whole village. However, the Hammerhead that was born died a painful death, so maybe that could be your Christ. Who knows, get the CHristian media spin doctors on that one, and in 2000 years there will still be weak minded people who believe in hook, line and sinker.

2007-05-29 02:24:06 · 16 answers · asked by corona001500 3

I once read (Not in the Bible, there are other books on the time of Jesus based on FACT) that that was an early way of writing that word. I't said that if Jesus was a Christian (He wasnt) he waould have used that symbol. Actually his name wasnt actually christ, Im pretty sure that is a term that refers to who Christians believe him to be. Its not meant in offense so why so touchy?

I believe that it was a Newsweek article

2007-05-29 02:22:19 · 16 answers · asked by Edko 3

I read all of the questions and answers in here and it makes me wonder why people hate Christianity and Christians so much? Yes I will quickly admit that there are a few bad apples that have made Christians look bad, but we are moral and try to do good works. In my case i do not shove my religion off on others as I try to respect their right to believe how they want to. I just try to live with the hope that my life will be a reflection of my beliefs. So please tell me why Chritianity is so feared? It seem to me like people who bash it are simply scared to death of it. Why is that we seem to do nothing but discriminate but are never victims of discrimination?....just asking so now start the bashing.

2007-05-29 02:12:07 · 28 answers · asked by mlp7 4

2007-05-29 02:07:04 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Every man whose brain was not washed by Pat Robertson's demagogy knows pretty well that creationism is nonsense because it is contradictory to scientific evidence.

So, actually it seems to be useless, but the next step of creationism is on the way:

HIV, earthquakes, hurricanes and storms are sent by god because you are all bad and did not obey your sermonizer.

Now, THAT is where they want us. It is about dominating us and getting donations.

But maybe there is hope in the pestilence named "lawyers"?

If "intelligent design" were true, couldn't we sue all folds and sermonizers as origins of HIV, earthquakes, hurricanes, storms, floods, cancer.... ?

Well, if it is THEIR god who sends natural disaster and diseases, invalidity and even death itself, isn't he liable?

2007-05-29 02:05:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I always notice the image of jesus (PBUH) in churches..
I'm wordering..was there a camera in that time??
answer please

peace : )

2007-05-29 02:03:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or will they merely be amused by the 12 animatronic dinosaurs?

2007-05-29 02:03:49 · 5 answers · asked by ? 5

Is this just a difference in opinion and interpretation or why is this and how did it come about

2007-05-29 02:03:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

21th century. People still believe in horoscopes, at the same time, science is all over the place. If I talk about Creationism, people say "that doe snot make sense." However, if I talk about horoscopes, it may make "sense" for some people. Do you really believe in horoscopes?

And please don't tell me that you read it just for fun.

How can the position of the stars tell me how my day is going to be today?

I am sure there are more horoscope believer than atheist, however, horoscope is against religion. I don't get that. What are those who believe in horoscopes?

And what make one of those horoscopes tellers more believable that what I may say about someone else destiny just by looking at some cards. I mean, they can prove what they say, they just guess.

2007-05-29 01:58:48 · 17 answers · asked by LawNerd 2

how can doing something not approved by religious folks be harmful if you are helping what they call unbelievers and then go to hell? If I elevate my brother on a Sunday or heal the sick, give to the poor and they throw a fit, how is this "sin" not love and what is needed for all to work together?

what if babies were not 'sinful' by birth and held to a standard only when grown and proven to know difference?

2007-05-29 01:55:29 · 6 answers · asked by voice_of_reason 6

I for one cannot fathom how often you are corrected (with scientific links no less) when you come up with your creationists mythology.
You have to admit, it might be fun for you to be right ONCE in your lives, so why not try actual, verifiable science?
Now don't get me wrong, Science never gives the answers. It only answers questions with more questions. And that's kind of scary. It makes you think for yourself, something very few of you have ever attempted.
But, just like riding a bicycle, the more you practice, the better you get. And before you know it, you're thinking on your own with NO need for your mythological training wheels.

2007-05-29 01:53:37 · 20 answers · asked by Yoda Green 5

if you are in a hospital waiting to die in 3 days or so, and cant stop or delay your death further, and your family are faithful christians(fundamentalist or not) would you give them a false sense of hope by putting a show of accepting jesus so that most of them can sleep peacefully?

2007-05-29 01:51:29 · 25 answers · asked by Pisces 6

Alqaeda is the most dangerous enemy of human being. it has no mercy.it makes no difference for them they kill everybody man woman child moslem christian hindu asian European American.the question is why the world can not know this cruel killers and does not take care?
Aqaeda has one main aim to destroy and kill everything is related to human being what should do with this enemy?

2007-05-29 01:49:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi. I'm Korean student who's interested in tarot reading. I thought that Tarot is much more popular in America than my country so I decided to ask my trouble here..
It's too hard to write simple sentence..OTL I want to write this phrase(? Is that appropriate word?) as polite as I can, but I can not, my English skill is very poor, and I hope you that if you see my sentence which is rude or not right in grammer, let me know,please.
Actually, in my country, there's not much (very few) information about Tarot. I have a dream to have my own tarot cafe, and I am studying tarot..But to be honest, I don't know how to improve my tarot reading skill..
I have a instructuion booklet(completely written in English) and translating it into Korean - referring dictionary. And I think 'Which thing is more important? Psychic ability? Or just memorizing meaning of the card?'
If you are an a professional on Tarot reading, please help me.. I've done fortune telling many time, but still confused..

2007-05-29 01:45:48 · 20 answers · asked by paperplane 1

(Is the term "Fundie" inflamatory?)

Are you a "Fundie"?

If yes, how do you define that term?

Are we all "Fundies"?

Fundamentally what?

Is this line of questions "inflamatory"?

2007-05-29 01:42:42 · 19 answers · asked by MrsOcultyThomas 6

fedest.com, questions and answers