The Bible unfolds, God creates the world and mankind, there is the fall, the flood and the scattering of nations and a series of covenants with Noah, with Abraham, with Moses, with David and the coming new covenant and the Messiah
The Koran begins with an inditement against idolatry without explaining who God is and the first sura is about the golden calf. The various suras do not necessarily build on each other but like psalms or proverbs touch here and there. And the stories of the Koran although they refer to people in Old and New Testaments are different than the Bible so it is not clear that it builds on itself or the Bible. Or does it?
How does this building or non building affect the way the various believers in the two believe and act? The books of the BIble rest on each other. The Koran appears to rest on itself... or does it
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