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Religion & Spirituality - 19 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

how was the universe created?
what is the equivilent of hell?

2007-04-19 11:50:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

its true yet a lot of people (not all ) but a lot of people still have hate in hearts..they may not show it in front of people but they still did and do... (generally) No offense..........
its not just between Black and white people but its between White and Brown people and white and yellow people.......
So why is it that a huge population (world's largest religion) of white people have racial difference with almost every race....(no offense) I know some people don't yet most people do.... Don't deny it if you had a choice between living in a black or Asian neighbor hood for cheap you would still go for white neighbor hoods....

**** I fully understand that many people don't feel racial hate for other people I am just talking about the ones who do... So please no offense*******

2007-04-19 11:50:03 · 15 answers · asked by Love Exists? 6

Sorry, I deleted the word FRIEND by mistake in my question and the question was taken out of context. I am a heterosexual female, so therefore I don't understand why two homosexuals would be fighting over this subject. Perhaps I am missing something.

I have two friends who I feel I am at a crossroads for. One friend has been born again for some years now, and says she is no longer gay and doesn't participate in the lifestyle anymore. My other male friend who is still currently living a homosexual lifestyle says she is in denial and she needs to be true to herself. You can sort of feel tension in the air when they are together. In some ways I feel caught in the middle. It seems he is pressuring her to go back to her old sexual lifestyle, which is kind of backwards. I thought it would be the other way around. What do you think? I am kind of tight lipped about the situation, but I think he is a little hard on her. How can I keep our friendship going without taking sides?

2007-04-19 11:44:22 · 18 answers · asked by Snowflake 4

As a Christian I believe in GOD because of Jesus Christ. So I go by "faith".

Since you go by rationality, how do you explain rationally "Why God cannot exist?"

It will be entertaining to read your so called rational views. Go!

2007-04-19 11:42:25 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who post questions and give answers that are intended to appeal to every belief system--just so they can be popular on here and seem like they are the epitome of loving tolerance?

Do you buy into it? Do you think they are sincere?

2007-04-19 11:40:06 · 13 answers · asked by beano™ 6

let's hear it for the righteous souls here!

2007-04-19 11:39:27 · 16 answers · asked by Friend 6

Isn't jumping off of a bridge kind of like blindly following a religion without a critical thought process involved?

Faith = "because someone told me so" => "because everyone else does"

2007-04-19 11:38:23 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I asked this earlier and I am sorry if I offended anyone..... I guess I put it wrong and people got offended.,.... so I am sorry deeply...
All I was trying to ask was this: Why is this so hard for people to believe that Mohamed (PBUH) is a prophet ? while they believe that Jesus (PBUH) was God on earth...................

Both religions believe that god sent prophets before Jesus (PBUH) so Why could not god Sent another prophet...,. After all if he had to come down to the earth anyway then he could have done it earlier.............

No rude answers

2007-04-19 11:38:03 · 21 answers · asked by Love Exists? 6

Everytime someone posts a question about god we are blasted with insults from bible thumpers who are suppose to be living gods way? hypocritical? just a little bit....

2007-04-19 11:37:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

They told me if I pray, I'll stop having Psychic dreams...but how did they start? Am I posessed?
Does blessing my food keep it clean?
Do you HAVE to read the NewWorldTranslation or will KingJames be ok?
Should I keep my kids out of schools that read fairy tales? Are folk tales and tall tales ok?
Is it wrong to study dinasaurs or cryptozoology since these animals are not in the bible?
Is it wrong to study quantum physics (in reference to time travel and other dimensions)?

2007-04-19 11:36:19 · 9 answers · asked by TarasBoutiqueAtEtsy 4


Do you ever get to the stage where you feel you have no fight left in you? Look at this damned planet we live on, there's no explanation for the slaughter of innocents, no explanation for kids sold into slavery, no explanation for alleged religious zealouts killing themselves and others. I'm just done with it. Life up on my hill in the middle of nowhere is wonderful, my little ones are well and happy, and safe.
But today, I can't even be bothered to disagree with a certain scots lass!!!!!!!!
It'll be all fine tomorrow, I'm having a cr#p one.
Respect to you all.

2007-04-19 11:36:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

From a purely HISTORICAL perspective, who would you say is the most influencial person in history???
I don't care if you follow the teachings or beliefs of this person, just who has been the most influencial person.
I would guess Christians would say Christ. Muslims Mohammad, etc. Hence my question to yall!!
Give me a top two or three if you want NO religious leaders.
Thank You.

2007-04-19 11:34:28 · 15 answers · asked by Supercell 5

i have been having a dream over the past 2nights that i am pregant...but i kno that im not b/c im a vrigin.waht culd this mesn?

2007-04-19 11:31:53 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Guys n Girls. My boyfriend will be 17 in a few months. He is trying to convert to being a Christian, both of his parents are Atheist but he believes in Jesus and wants to live with me and my Family and we are Catholic.. we've been going out for 3 years and 4 months, I just don't know what to get him this year.

Anyone have any kinda ideas..

It would be much appreciated.. I was thinking like maybe a chastity ring or something idk help!

2007-04-19 11:30:49 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not speaking to all atheists just the ones who do this! Or people of other religions do this! Ok! WHy do atheists or other religions think Christians are stupid they say use logic! Well when the general public thought that the world was flat, they thought that people who thought the world was round was psychos who needed stopp living in a fantasy world and use logic, sounds familiar? I learned from history class Humans tend to be wrong and if humans tend to be wrong then there has to be something always right or the world would fall apart iasnt that logical? Jesus Loves and Adores! God Bless!

2007-04-19 11:26:11 · 29 answers · asked by AtcyJAC 2

Most of the answers I got were that god has always been. If god has always existed, then not everything complex requires a higher power. The fact that god has always been around and is eternal without the need of a higher power to create him, defies your theory of creationism which states that everything in existence had to have been created by a higher power. are you people trying to tell me that you support a theory that defies your own god?????

2007-04-19 11:25:55 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm interested in hearing different people's opinions about this subject.

2007-04-19 11:25:47 · 10 answers · asked by gobucks10000000 2

2007-04-19 11:23:43 · 4 answers · asked by Abdulrahman A 1


2007-04-19 11:19:14 · 25 answers · asked by smokingnick 2

When asked why don't you believe in Quran most Christian say "because Quran is nonsense and its word of Satan" Yet you want everyone else to believe in the Bible.....
*They are both books written by prophets
*yet there is only one version of Quran rather then 10000's versions of bible...
*Quran tells us to respect Jesus (PBUH) as he IS a prophet
*yet every day Christians insult Mohamed (PBUH)
*both Quran and Bible talk about similar things, but its easy for you to believe that GOD came down to earth then he sent another prophet
*both Mohamed (PBUH) and Jesus (PBUH) were related through Ismael (PBUH), yet this relevant piece of information is always forgotten....
*When ever this topic is bought up people say "WELL your god teaches hatered (teerorist)
*have you noticed how many christian terrorist there are?

Please just shed some light on this matter..... no rude answers please but feel free to explain and ask.....

2007-04-19 11:18:00 · 18 answers · asked by Love Exists? 6

2007-04-19 11:17:37 · 17 answers · asked by Zen禅Maiden :ジェダイ 3

It seems to me that most followers of the Bible become very upset when some one else questions the Bible and when people question and think for themselves...since they dont....But WHY are they always so offended??? Really...why would God be so upset with any one raising these questions?! Does not make me want to spend enternity with him for sure!

2007-04-19 11:15:30 · 21 answers · asked by alonisurell 2

Am I going to Heaven because I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and repented of my sins, or am I going to Hell because I am Catholic?

2007-04-19 11:13:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from night, on the first day. Yet he didn't make the light producing objects (the sun and the stars) until the fourth day;

please explain, I'm just a poor scientist who doesn't understand the sheer absurdity of the bible

2007-04-19 11:12:19 · 18 answers · asked by prof. Jack 3

I love Satan.

(Oh, i did something like this about a month ago.It was I love Saten. Saten is the name of our band. The reason I didn't say that is because I had to go to a cult meeting in Death Valley and I totally forgot until today when I was going through some stuff on the inernet.

2007-04-19 11:05:44 · 20 answers · asked by Second Chance 3

The story of Moses (pbuh) and the Pharaoh of the Exodus are very much identical in the Qur’an and the Bible. Both scriptures agree that the Pharaoh drowned when he tried to pursue Moses (pbuh) and led the Israelites across a stretch of water that they crossed. The Qur’an gives an additional piece of information in Surah Yunus chapter 10 verse 92:

"This day shall We save thee in thy body, that thou mayest be a sign to those who come after thee! But verily, many among mankind are heedless of Our Signs!"
[Al-Qur’an 10:92]

Dr. Maurice Bucaille, after a thorough research proved that although Rameses II was known to have persecuted the Israelites as per the Bible, he actually died while Moses (pbuh) was taking refuge in Median. Rameses II’s son Merneptah who succeeded him as Pharaoh drowned during the exodus. In 1898, the mummified body of Merneptah was found in the valley of Kings in Egypt.

2007-04-19 11:03:57 · 35 answers · asked by anno 3


Hey. My church is a traditional Christian church with music from like, 50 years ago, and me and my youth group were considering on asking if we could try to add some semi-contemporary music. So I need some names of music. Something not so much like Jesus Freak (we don't want to scare the elderly), but something we could actually sing to go towards God and getting us psyched up for God, you know? Thanks.

2007-04-19 11:03:32 · 10 answers · asked by Chipmunk 1

2007-04-19 11:02:10 · 12 answers · asked by shockoshocko 3

Scientific research has uncovered two different types of consciousness or "soul".

One is associated with a more materialistic or atheistic mentality, termed the "A soul " and the other is associated with a more spiritual, sensitive or religious mind, termed the "R soul ".

Do you think you are an "A soul" or an "R soul " ?

2007-04-19 11:02:03 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

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