Thats a good question and it makes sense. No reason for god not to do that.
More importantly, I read your last question, it wasn't offensive. Some people will take offense at ANYthing. Please don't take it personally. It's part of the way things are here. Just ignore those people and concentrate on the good.
2007-04-19 11:41:09
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The reason we don't accept Mohammed is because what he said goes against the Bible and the Word of GOD. Mohammed taught that that if a person practiced the five pillars of faith, they would go to heaven, yet the Bible tells us that no amount of good works will earn a person entrance into heaven, because how can a sinful person brag about their good deeds before a perfect and sinless GOD?
Also, Mohammed seemed to be a very violent man. Now I know that people will claim that Islam is a religion of peace, but if this is so then why did its founder Mohammed wage so many battles against his enemies. Jesus taught "love your enemies and pray for those who hurt you." yet Mohammed seems to have done the opposite and attacked those who may have hurt him.
Also, doesn't Islam deny that Christ was GOD, I thought Mohammed taught that Christ was just a prophet lower than GOD, if this is true then that alone is a reason why we as Christians do not accept Mohammed or Islam.
Also, Christ tells us that many false prophets will come after Him (Matthew 24:24) and will claim to be from GOD and decieve many, that is a major reason why we are so wary of any "prophet".
Also, Jesus says "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to Father except through me." However Islam teaches that by practicing the 5 pillars, you can get to GOD that way, and not through Jesus. This is yet another major contradiction.
Finally, I could be wrong on this but, I recall reading a verse in the Quran about Jugdement Day in which it described Christians and Jews being sent to hell. Now I could be wrong, but if it really says this then I think thats evidence that Mohammed didn't accept Christians or Christ.
If I have offended you in any way I'm sorry, but I have to speak the Truth.
2007-04-19 12:08:10
answer #2
answered by alexomalex 2
you have to understand
1a) the reason for prophets according to the Bible and Qu'ran are far different. Prophets were sent to prepare the way and fortell the life of Jesus, with prophesies of the end-times and passings of the ages as a side. Moses, and Jesus set the laws. In Islam, prophets were to say Allah's law.
1b) prophets in Islam have a very different viewpoint and message than the ones of the Bible. you'll notice, their messages are not the same, nor do they provide the same examples.
2) most people just see Mohammed as a figure-head in Islam. Muhammed has no significance in Christianity, atheism, etc. Mohammed also came about 500 years after the [catholic] Bible was completed, so any revalation he claimed to have would have been heresy. the Old Testament was preserved for 1500 years before Christ without change, and the New Testamnet was written by those who walked and talked with Jesus, or those who had close relations with the disciples. that is basically the structure of the modern Bible, which invalidates Ahmed.
3) prophets in the Bible did not come down from Heaven. they were human beings who were led by the Spirit of God to speak God's word to Israel and prophesy what God had given to them in visions or dreams, or what He led them to write.
I hope that clears things up
2007-04-19 11:51:52
answer #3
answered by Hey, Ray 6
Some Christians believes that Jesus was the last and most authoritative voice, and therefore Mohamed (PBUH) cannot be a prophet. They believe that because Mohamed (PBUH) taught some things Jesus did not that his words and teachings where to some extent false, and misleading.
2007-04-19 11:43:52
answer #4
answered by Terri 5
Because to Christians JC was God's final revelation, therefore there is no need for anyone to come after Him!
Since M came later and did not preach JC as God Incarnate/God the Son but his own way as the 'true religion' - one of their teachings, as recorded, has to be wrong.
If M is truly right, all the Christians down the years have been deliberately duped by those who took what JC did say (including, supposedly, revelations that M would come after Him) and altered it for 'evil' purposes.
If Christians are right - then M 'preached another gospel'. At best that makes him a 'false prophet' (don't "fatwa" me, please, Muslim extremos, I'm just stating what people think, not criticising your divine - oops, non-divine - Prophet!). At worst, as expressed by (mainly protestant) 'Fundies', it makes him an agent of Antichrist, if not the A-C himself.
2007-04-19 11:48:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I will be quite honest with you. I am Christian, and I believe that Christ is the Son of God and the Savior, but I believe that Mohamed was inspired of God. Many of his teachings are similar to my own beliefs. I have read pages of the Qu'ran that I did not disagree with one thing on, while there are other elements that I did not agree with.
I have no problem accepting that Mohamed was inspired of God. I believe that God gives his truth to all people, even if it is varying degrees. Christians should not have a problem with accepting this, since Moses received the higher law and then was given the Law of Moses, because the Jews at that time were not ready to receive the higher law.
99.9% of Muslims are excellent people who are very devout and religious. It is unfortunate that the actions of few have tainted the perception of Islam in western culture. I think if everyone sat down and civilly discussed their religious beliefs and tried to understand everything, they would understand that there is one God who has given his word to people as they have been ready. In todays society, things are getting heated because we have gone from nations of people to a global world where differing beliefs on the surface are causing so much tension, when their is really one underlying truth that we should be looking for.
2007-04-19 11:47:38
answer #6
answered by moonman 6
The OT is FULL of realized prophecies about Jesus-Christ. Where are the realized Qu'ran prophecies?
He is not a prophet, he clearly told us that he was the son of God. He can't be a prophet because if he was he would also be a liar.
Jesus proved us he was God by his resurrection. What did Mohamed do?
2007-04-19 11:44:29
answer #7
answered by Gui 4
mohammad pece be upon him is a prophet n even jesus which christian people think is a gods son he is a prophet because god does not have any son or wife or children ALLAH had sent many prophets on earth to spread islam among these are mohammad sallehlawalewasallam n ismael PBUH
2007-04-19 23:55:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
God sent many prophets, some we are aware of and some that may have been overlooked.
The Skeptical Christian
Grace, Peace, Hope, Love
2007-04-19 11:41:20
answer #9
answered by Dust in the Wind 7
It makes it hard for people to believe in anything , not just Islam, when they see the negative behaviour that that faith produces. There is a imam (sorry if the spelling is wrong) in Australia who recently compared women to pigs and that is just the start. Why would anyone want to believe Islam after his behaviour. This happens in Christianity too. People want to know that faith produces something now not just an afterlife.
2007-04-19 11:45:46
answer #10
answered by bcooper_au 6