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Religion & Spirituality - 16 April 2007

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Whether atheist or Religious you must have faith to believe what you do or your an absolute genius, or God. Since science is mostly theory. such as gravity, evolution, the atom and even the facts have exceptions in nature such as the bumble bee being able to fly which defies the laws of aerodynamics then faith in science plays a big role in the beliefs of atheists about the world around them, but since many seem to condem any concept of faith, then atheist neither have fact nor faith. But then the definition of atheist is more to do with not believing than believing, so why do people justify there so called atheism by claiming they believe in facts. I think i'd rather have a religion since they at least know what they have faith in and why.

2007-04-16 15:15:51 · 19 answers · asked by purplepeace59 5

Because I actually have. I grew up for a time in Kolkatta, and trust me you can see the air.

Now, where was that God character you wanted to show me?

2007-04-16 15:15:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now answer this, How come Christians believe that a god created them from thin air in seven days but the evolution of species that took billions of years doesn't make sense? On that same note if a boat full of different species were the only surviving species, then why are there so many species here today. Do you REALLY believe all that flash or do you just go along with it cause every one else does and your afraid of going to hell. Answer this with out saying illogical things like, "cause god says so" or "god has all the answers" as a matter of fact try not to use the word god of faith..

2007-04-16 15:13:49 · 42 answers · asked by JUDAS RAGE 4

Rev 14:17 And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.
Rev 14:18 And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.
Rev 14:19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
Rev 14:20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

2007-04-16 15:11:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why did Peter submit to this rebuke?

2007-04-16 15:09:30 · 16 answers · asked by realchurchhistorian 4

There are several books that could have been in the bible but they were edited from the final King James version

2007-04-16 15:09:11 · 14 answers · asked by dpope144 2

How much of your life do you feel like you are truly alive?

After a long spiritual search, I've felt that way pretty constantly, maybe not so much when I'm tired, but it's been great.

I'm proof that you really need to find your own beliefs to really appreciate life.

2007-04-16 15:07:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

In my previous question I asked why is Jesus portrayed as a white male and most common response was "why does that matter? its the issues that he made count"
So now I ask you this would you vote for a black or an Asian president if they present reliable, valid issues?

2007-04-16 15:06:12 · 11 answers · asked by Love Exists? 6

Christianity, Judaism, or Islam? Which one will grant me the insurance needed to reach salvation? If I pick one, will I have a 2 out of 3 chance that I have chosen poorly and be punished eternally by going to hell when I die? How would you explain this dilemma to your Creator?

2007-04-16 15:03:55 · 26 answers · asked by [ΦΘΚ] ﮎl4CK3R 2

do you sometimes just lay awake at night and wionders what will happen after you die? i mean i really stay up and winder in bed, what happens after i die, do i just close my eyes and tharts it? i really hope and think there is an after life because so many cultures bbeleive in something, you know what i mean, its a little wordy.

2007-04-16 15:02:44 · 25 answers · asked by im261cool 1

Who did Kane and Abel have kids with?
I'm sorry, I was under the impression that there had to be a woman involved. Does this explain the whole mess?......Incest. If you tell me that isn't supposed to be taken literaly, then what else in the good book isn't to be taken literaly...... The whole thing? I would like a list of things not to be taken literally.

2007-04-16 14:58:52 · 2 answers · asked by God!Man aka:Jason b 3

I heard that persains (the main ethnic group in Iran) are not arabs and in fact hate arabs....how do they have the same religion?

2007-04-16 14:58:50 · 12 answers · asked by charlesthesportsfan 2

2007-04-16 14:58:19 · 34 answers · asked by Ba'kon 1

lol I suppose it is invalidated then eh? Just like evolution.
You can throw in the heliocentric model of the solar system.
Why not the shape of the earth itself?

And I suppose mothers-in-law have no purpose either. Hey, wait, maybe there is something to this...

2007-04-16 14:50:29 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wasn't raised in a religous home. Seeking God was long and hard. Being an "almost fundie" was easy, blissful. Then I began to question. I am now in this unfamiliar place of examination and I am slow to take any path.

How did you get where you are and do you believe it is where you will stay?

2007-04-16 14:50:19 · 33 answers · asked by hazydaze 5

2007-04-16 14:50:05 · 16 answers · asked by autumn j 1

2007-04-16 14:48:50 · 23 answers · asked by hat10trick 2

i mean no offence, but i cannot understand why can people in the u.s get used to these news and not do a thing to stop it. I live in Spain and i find it amazing that you just feel shocked about it but dont do a thing...Dont you think that if people hadn´t such an easy accest to guns those terrible events would stop???
I mean it is much more difficult to kill 30 people with a knife than with a gun.
And as regards the protection right, why dont you ask for protection to your government??? it is its duty.
does the right of the virginia killer to protect himself comes before the lives of people????
I am terribly sorry about that event and i feel angry when i see that people dont do a thing to stop it.
no guns = no massive manslaughter...if you cannot see that i will be sadly amazed

2007-04-16 14:45:03 · 18 answers · asked by alberto k 3

2007-04-16 14:43:44 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

May god have mercy on you. There are 33 families out there whose hearts are being ripped from there very souls, because someone decided to kill there childeren. I look on here and I see nothing but insults to the familes of these kids that God had something to do with this. Please people think about what your saying. What if it were your brother or sister? Please dont make this a Christian issue, lets stop this and at least be civil and grieve for the famlies. Sincerly CH

2007-04-16 14:42:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jesus said "lay on hands on the sick and make them well" In your opinion is he saying medically or by devine healing? Or both?

2007-04-16 14:39:50 · 26 answers · asked by † H20andspirit 5

why wasn't she also made out of dirt?

2007-04-16 14:37:33 · 38 answers · asked by Ba'kon 1

What is wrong with my history of your religion
Islam is the religion devised and initiated by Mohammed bin Abdullah, from the tribe of Quraysh, which controlled Mecca, Arabia, in the 7th century. Mecca was at the time the dominant religious center for all the pagan religions in Arabia. Mohammed's lineage, and that of many inhabitants of Arabia, was from Abraham's maid Hagar; she bore Ishmael, of whom the Angel prophesied in Gen. 16:12 that he will be a "wild man, his hand will be against every man and every man's hand will be against him". There is some evidence that Muhammad's lineage was also Jewish, on his mother's side.

Mohammed , who could not read or write, claims to have received the Qur'an verbatim in his ear from the angel Gabriel. Yet there have never been any witnesses to this 'revelation'. In addition Mohammed has never performed any miracle or sign in the presence of witnesses. The Muslims make the very tenuous claim that Mohammed is a prophet because of a large skin mole or tumor on his shoulder and because the Arabic style in which the Qur'an is written supposedly cannot be imitated, although many Arab scholars have done that with ease, such as the great 20th century Egyptian poet Taha Husain. The religion of Islam is predominantly a distortion of the Old Testament Mosaic religion and the (Pharisaic) Talmudic religion, to which was also added a dose of the pre-Islamic Arabian pagan customs, and a light sprinkling of heretical teachings about Christ.

Islam took from Judaism many aspects; the most central part of these similarities is the rejection of Jesus Christ as being Son of God. Also taken from Judaism are circumcision (males at 7 years of age), dietary restrictions (such as abstaining from pork and 'kosher' methods for slaughter of animals), animal sacrifice, ablutions before prayers, the dominance of religious laws (called Shari'a and Hadith) in social and political life, pilgrimage to a central geographic location (Mecca), a sabbath-type rest (on Friday), the emphasis on external legalism for imputing righteousness, Talmudic mythology, and other traits.

Islam also took customs from the pagan pre-Islamic religions of Arabia, in that Mecca is still retained as the religious center, and the Kaaba is still the place for pilgrimage. It previously housed 360 idols, but Mohammed destroyed them all and retained only one - the moon god, which alone he called Allah (which literally means 'the god'. The word "Allah", of course, is also used by Arab Christians for referring to the true God.) Therefore, the symbol of Islam, as can be seen on their flags and mosques, is the crescent moon. Pilgrimage to Mecca for worship at the Kaaba, circumambulating the Kaaba 7 times, kissing the black stone, running to the Wadi Mina to throw stones at the devil, fasting a certain month according to the lunar calendar, the tribal life of fighting and violence, multiple wives, etc. are the customs of the society into which Mohammed was born. These pagan customs he retained in Islam. The Kaaba is a cubic stone edifice with a black stone in its center. The Muslims venerate this black stone because they say that Abraham supposedly impregnated his slave-maid Hagar on it, thereby begetting Ishmael. Another Muslim tradition says he also tied his donkey to this rock when he went to sacrifice Isaac. They also claim that Abraham built an altar around it, even though there is no biblical evidence whatsoever that Abraham has ever set foot in Mecca.

The main precepts of Islam are in the Qur'an, which is well-known among Muslims, but equally authoritative is the multi-volume collection of Hadiths, which are not as well known to the common Muslim. Both the Qur'an and the collection of the Hadiths are considered divinely inspired. Indeed, if the Hadiths were all known, the pagan character of the religion would be more manifest.

From its very beginning, Islam, which means 'submission', has been a militant religion. Jihad, which means 'struggle', has always been part of Islam, and advocates fighting and killing for the growth and spread of their religion. According to the Hadiths, Mohammed wanted his religion to be spread primarily by the sword. The volumes of the Hadiths are filled with commands to make war on non-Muslims in order to force them to embrace Islam. In Hadith # 25, vol. 1, Mohammed is quoted as saying that, next to believing in Allah, the best deed is to participate in jihad in Allah's cause. In the same volume, the Hadiths speak of those who covert to Islam "by compulsion or by fear of being killed", and in Hadith # 24 of the same volume, Mohammed says: "I have been ordered to fight against peoples until they convert to Islam or submit to it... So if they perform all that, then they save their lives and property." The word "Islam" ("submission") is very appropriate for this religion because its goal is that all must 'submit' to it, either willingly or by force.

Mohammed made his religion desirable for the carnal-minded man, and women were degraded to a lower class as being "deficient in intelligence and religion" (Hadiths, vol. 2, # 541 & vol. 3, # 826), and, therefore, not entitled to equal rights under Islamic law. Mohammed himself had 16 wives and 6 slave concubines. His favorite wife was Aishah, whom he married when she was 6 years old, and he consummated the marriage with her when she was 9. Mohammed was notorious for his virility and libidinousness. Consequently, the Islamic conception of Heaven, formulated by Mohammed to recruit followers, involves carnal indulgence with females of the human variety and females of the half-human and half-angelic variety (Houris), a fact well known to Muslims.

By the admission of many Jewish scholars (such Israel Shahak), Judaism has benefited from the spread of Islam since its rise in the 7th century. Islam's conquest of Christian lands from Anatolia and Mesopotamia to North Africa and Spain has given a tremendous boost to the Jews, who became firmly established in the courts of most Islamic rulers. A very famous example is Maimonides who was the personal physician of the Egyptian Grand Vizier Alfadhil and the Sultan Saladin of Egypt. In Egypt he also composed most of his oeuvre, including the Mishna Torah. The conflict between the two religions has only recently arisen due to the Zionist movement of the early 20th century and its conquest of Palestine, and has intensified since the establishment of the state of Israel.

From the earliest biographers of Mohammed, it is apparent that he had no premonition of his own death. He made no arrangements for a successor and therefore did not set up any kind of governmental bureaucracy in the event of his death. He did not gather or put together the various 'revelations' into what is now known as the Qur'an. His death was sudden, and because of this, Islam soon broke into warring sects. The largest is Shi'ism, which is centered in Iran and Iraq, and which arose in the first generation after the death of Mohammed in a struggle for the succession of his cousin Ali bin Abitaleb. Other splinter Shi'a sects are the Alawi (or Nuseyri), Ithna Asharia, Ismailiyah, and Zaidiyah. There are also Kharijite sects which are derived from the main body of Sunni (i.e. traditional) Islam; these are the Sufri, Azraqi, and Ibadi. There are also movements within Sunnism such as Sufism, Wahhabism, Salafism, and Liberals. There is a messianic sect called Zikri. Other sects are Nation of Islam, Ahmadiyyah, Five percenters, and the Submitters. Related religions derived from Islam are Babism, Baha'ism, Yazidi, Sikhism, and the Druze.

Mohammed took a minor pagan cult of the moon god and turned it into the second largest religion in the world, estimated at more than a billion souls.

2007-04-16 14:37:08 · 10 answers · asked by ladderofdivine 2

An interesting point was made earlier: Believers are masters of doublethink and doublespeak. I think it is brilliant: They must use those processes to believe in both much of religion and science, or deny science and accept much of religion.

Your input?

2007-04-16 14:34:13 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

"I am going to allow you to get killed by this mass murderer" doesn't sound very loving to me.

2007-04-16 14:33:27 · 22 answers · asked by gruz 4

2007-04-16 14:32:37 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

would you judge the entire religion or belief?
If the person did it in the name of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism or lets say Atheism! Would you judge the religion even if most of the people belonging to the religion disagree with this guy?

2007-04-16 14:32:12 · 33 answers · asked by A fan 4

is he bEside mE wHen i need him??...sO whY do i haVe to gEt hUrt aLL the time??

2007-04-16 14:31:08 · 28 answers · asked by fowtanesca_14 1

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