Dude... everyone knows the path of Baal is the one true path to follow. And he doesn't like YHWH very much, no matter what Abrahamic guise he's in.
2007-04-16 15:07:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The odds are worse than that. What most people either forget, don't know, or choose to ignore that in all three (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) there are many denominations that all teach and believe different things. So if you were to pick one, you would then have to narrow down your choice to a specific denomination, which may be wrong.
For example, you may choose Chistianity, and then choose to become a baptist only to find that baptists are wrong. Or choose Catholic to discover that Catholicism is wrong. Remember that as they all teach different things they cannot all be right. Some will tell you that baptism is essential, others will say that it is not, some will say that infant baptism is OK, others will say that it is not, some will say that baptism must be by immersion and some will say by sprinkling or pouring.
So if you want to play the odds and get the best insurance you need to find which religious denomination offers the best return for eternity.
2007-04-16 22:17:07
answer #2
answered by serialcoyote 4
Um...well the the most obvious thing to do is to follow Abraham, lol. Now, you call them Abrahamic religions, but was it possible for Abraham to have followed all 3 ? Go on, find out what religion he was on. Was He a Jew?Well obviously no, since the term Jew came from Judah and he was the great grandson of Abraham, after Abraham. Was He a Christian?lol do I need to answer that? But was he a Muslim?Well, we say Islam is not a new religion, but the same one practiced from the time of Adam. Islam means submission to the Will of Allah, and thats what He did as well as all the other prophets. So, does that make him a Muslim?IOf course he was.
3:64 Say: "O followers of earlier revelation! Come unto that tenet which we and you hold in common: that we shall worship none but God, and that we shall not ascribe divinity to aught beside Him, and that we shall not take human beings for our lords beside God." And if they turn away, then say: "Bear witness that it is we who have surrendered ourselves unto Him."
3:65 O FOLLOWERS of earlier revelation! Why do you argue about Abraham, seeing that the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed till [long] after him? Will you not, then, use your reason?
3:66 Lo! You are the ones who would argue about that which is known to you; but why do you argue about something which is unknown to you? Yet God knows [it], whereas you do not know:
3:67 Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was true in Faith, and bowed his will to Allah's (Which is Islam), and he joined not gods with Allah. *****
3:68 Behold, the people who have the best claim to Abraham are surely those who follow him - as does this Prophet and all who believe [in him] - and God is near unto the believers.
That means that those who follow the PRophet Abraham peace be upon him are the same who follow the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Even Muhammad peace be upon him follows him, so this is much clearer now. It would be wrong of God to send down a different messege with each prophet, people will have different standards and rules.
***In arabic it says, Kana Hanifan Musliman. so the translators translated it to one who bows, but the Word Muslim is used in arabic.
2007-04-16 22:20:04
answer #3
answered by Noor ala Noor 3
Great question, well if you believe in absolute truth you will also believe that there is a correct answer to our destiny.
Go half way down the page and check out the sermon series called "The Star, the Cross and the Crescent" Its a 4 part series and will defiantly help you with your quest!
Obviously not all of them can be correct as they contradict each other. But in this sermon series you hear a perspective from all three faiths... its excellent and really well communicated!!
2007-04-16 22:12:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Maybe none of them is correct. Maybe all of them are correct. Maybe people scewed them all up. What I would worry about explaining to my creator is why I spent so much time worrying about this out of fear of going to hell, instead of responding to the love our Creator has for us by spreading that love to others.
In all three traditions you will read that those "who are neither hot nor cold, but like warm will be spit out." You can't hedge your bets. You can decide to make a positive difference in this world.
2007-04-16 22:08:29
answer #5
answered by Linda R 7
Learn about each one and see what is most correct by studying the most correct sources. You can feel what is right using your heart and mind.
For me, after studying the bible, I stick with Islam as it is most correct in my view. Since you're somewhat new to the relgion I suggest reading this article that is really deep: http://www.islamtutor.com/islam.php?p=god-and-man
2007-04-16 22:25:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Your chances are a lot less than that.
A lot less.
Christianity is the way, but out of the hundreds and hundreds of christian denominations, which includes the 'non-denominational',---there is only one that is the true christian religion. The rest belong to Christendom.
2007-04-16 22:11:12
answer #7
answered by rangedog 7
While this question has produced a great deal of debate over the past 2 millenia the answer is both very simple and remarkably consistent: mine
2007-04-16 22:08:36
answer #8
answered by monkeytartare 1
say assurance not insurance because in insurance, you are insured while in assurance, you are assured of something..
There is no term as Abrahamic religion as if you are making your own words which are out of the dictionary words.
Either you select any one of them, you can not be assured to be saved b because merely selecting one of them is not an assurance for saving your life. It is God who could saved you and who could judge you.
2007-04-16 22:17:27
answer #9
answered by Jesus M 7
Jesus put it in such a way to excude all others !!!
John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me."
Matthew 11:27 "All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."
2007-04-16 22:11:20
answer #10
answered by rapturefuture 7
By choosing any one religion, you have a one in 5000+ chance of picking the right one, though not all will condemn you to a life in eternal agony if you pick the wrong one.
The Egyptians seem to protect you a little more in the afterlife, so I'd pick that one.
2007-04-16 22:07:19
answer #11
answered by Anonymous