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Religion & Spirituality - 14 April 2007

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this is directed to muslims:

I have personally talked to the sheik at the mosque i go to
lAnd i asked him if it was ok to get a nose piecing and he said that it was fine, that it is not un-islamic,
but it is not ok to "mutilate" your face, body etc
like get a piercing everywhere on your face.
Yeah so basically he said there is nothing wrong with a nose piercing.
I got a nose piecing yesterday!!!
and i love it
I was just wondering what you thought about it?
Would you get one, would you be alowed to get one?
guys: if you were a girl would you get one?

2007-04-14 10:56:47 · 7 answers · asked by . 3

Ok I have to amend a previous question and revert to my usual devil's advocate role. God tells them if they eat the fruit they die yet there it is late in the day their still alive. Hiding but alive so it's already been a few hours and God still has no clue what's going on. Could Adam and Eve have used their new found brains and mounted a defense since God obviously didn't play straight with them? Also include why would he put the tree in the first place?How culpable IS God for the fall? He easily could have left everything as perfect as it was.
is the snake really guilty of anything but telling Adam and Eve the truth that God didn't?


2007-04-14 10:53:11 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who are very secretive, and always getting very large packages delivered, working in the garage into the wee hours all the time, and has large gatherings on certain days that involves loud praying and weapons?

I do.

2007-04-14 10:49:54 · 15 answers · asked by crusadawannabe 2

would keep their family members away from children because they disagree with their sexuality? My answer is the kind of Christian that God doesn't want & who will certainly burn in hell What's your answer? If there are any kind of those disgusting people on here, you will get yours.

2007-04-14 10:49:16 · 14 answers · asked by gitsliveon24 5

Sometimes I feel I have gotten answers to prayer right away. Other times, it seems confusing. Do you think that God is an immediate responder to prayer when he shows compassion, or what? How can I pray more effectively?

2007-04-14 10:48:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

If we came from monkeys why are there no atheist in foxholes fixing lightbulbs and why do they spend all of their time on R&S if they don't believe in god , because everyone knows pascal's wager makes a lot of sense. (sarcasm)

Drink Up my freinds :)

2007-04-14 10:48:10 · 21 answers · asked by Armund Steel 3

hi well my aunt helps people who are in emotional pain from a loss or grief and she asked me if i could compile a cd with music that would fit for the healing process.
anyways what she wants is to have a kid of "new age" music with soft instruments like chimes, harps, piano but no guitars or rock music stuff, she would love to have a choir-like song with women singing but have no english words to distract people from the music with the exception of chants, she wants it to be basically angelic; the kind of music you'd hear in heaven i guess and be kind of heart lifting, with positive energy.
so anyways can you help me with this becuz im not really sure what kind of music to get for her. any help is greatly, greatly appreciated.

2007-04-14 10:45:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does the Goddess manifest as the Moon inspire your poetry and song and dance?

What gifts has Selene given you?

2007-04-14 10:44:39 · 4 answers · asked by Praise Singer 6

The Bible tells us it is against God's will to worship false idols, so it wouldn't being a Christian Rocker actually be against the commandments?
How could a Christian be on American Idol and not break the commandment?
Any advice on how not to be Idolized and still be a rock star?

2007-04-14 10:44:12 · 12 answers · asked by fairbetsy 6

I was just reading this question:
"So atheist,when you or someone close to you gets very ill...?
Do you call on/pray to God for help and mercy?Or do you just let the dice of life fall where ever they may and accept the results? "

It seems to be a normal thing to ask to people who don't believe in a god. It seems to be an assumption that a lot Christians make: the famous 'there are no atheists in foxholes' analogies.

It assumes that I, as an atheist don't have the full trust in what I deeply believe in.

It made me wonder though, since Christians obviously have these assumptions, does it work the same for Christians?

Let's assume somebody close to you is ill, and you pray and pray to God....and the person dies anyway, which means your God didn't answer the prayers in the way you hoped. At the next case somebody gets ill, do you pray to the same God, or do you pick Zeus that time, in hope for a better answer?

2007-04-14 10:43:21 · 20 answers · asked by ? 6

Just out of curiosity, What do the living cells evlove into at the end of nine months or less.

Thank You to those who answered part one

2007-04-14 10:43:06 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

We dont beleive in any crazy things!Its so sad why you think that! Your just so caught up in your relegion you dont think about our feelings! You people just start making things up!Heres something I hope you'll remeber!1 We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

2 We believe that men will be punished for their b
own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.

3 We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

there are quite a few more if your interested I'll email them to you.

2007-04-14 10:42:14 · 28 answers · asked by . 2

That seems pretty dangerous to me. It's almost like they view non-believers as miserable animals waiting to be put to sleep.

2007-04-14 10:41:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jesus was given his so called 'godly' powers at the first Council of Nicea in 325. Almost every religion on earth gets their traditions from the Pagan religion. Christian borrowed the idea of the 12 Apostles from 12 Pagan gods and goddesses. So no religion is original and all are fake, especially Christianity. I just don't see the point of any of them.

2007-04-14 10:40:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems like for every sincere question or answer there are a hundred people just trolling or trying to preach from their soapbox. Is anyone actually, respectfully interested in others' opinions or has the whole section been hijacked? And if so, can we set up a forum for people who honestly want to share ideas and get answers?

2007-04-14 10:40:08 · 32 answers · asked by dreamed1 4

It's 5AM and I haven't sleep yet. I really should go now........

Good night, have a nice day and God bless.

2007-04-14 10:37:42 · 19 answers · asked by Adia Azrael 4

I have posted but one question so far although I have posted several answers. As a former Christian (and former fundie, although the two do not necessarily go hand in hand) I would like to know why, when someone posts something controversial and/or in opposition to what mainstream fundamental Christianity teaches, many "Christians" immediately answer that question with insults, sarcasm, and arrogance?

No, I'm not saying all Christians (hence the quotes earlier); however I recently posted an answer to an atheist's question of whether or not people (he did not specify) would open their door to him if he were there to speak about Atheism and to hand out literature. One person answered sure, he would even read the literature so he could find out how to combat "this particular attack on my faith." Why consider it an attack on your faith? If a Jew wants to talk to you, is that an attack on your faith? A Buddhist? I'm curious as to why the rudeness and anger that I so often see?

2007-04-14 10:36:09 · 18 answers · asked by Tat2dNrse 3

I mean to say He really loved his son right - then why allow him to be crucified? Ok people say it was to take the punishment for our sins but that does not make sense because if God is all powerful He could have wiped the slate clean anyway without sending Jesus to do the awful job. If He truly loved our Lord could He not have just let Jesus stay in heaven and put us all into paradise anyway. I dont mean to question God I just really want to know!

2007-04-14 10:34:40 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous


Or is it teachings and study

Surely you have to prove it. I am Church Of England and it's registered at the church i was christened at.

We had an incident this week where my son kicked a football, he mis judged it, it went into the brook, he retrieved it, apologised, got punched in the face by a women, i said to the police i want to press charges she said it was a racist attack because she is muslim, she never was.....i know of the family, my son is distraught as this was nothing to do with racism, and the police say if she says she is then we believe her......

Good job the police don't adopt this attitude for murder and robberies

Can you assume a religion when it suits???

I am very upset and so is my son, he is 15.

2007-04-14 10:34:30 · 18 answers · asked by untanuta 5

me and my cuz have been fighting over this constantly!
she thinks ac/dc's atheist bcuz they sing songs like:
highway to hell, hells bells, and etc.
but i say jst bcuz of tha dont mean no nothin'
if singers meant every thang they sung then johnny cash really shot a man in reno
i need ur opinion:
do u think they are or are not and why
thanks in advance

2007-04-14 10:31:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My parents Christened me but i was never confirmed. I would like to take part in Holy Communion at my local church as I want to feel close to Jesus. Can anyone help?

2007-04-14 10:30:15 · 6 answers · asked by suewalker_05 1

My sister recently got into a church group, jehovah witness. I myself Do not agree with it, but its her choice. She wants me to go to one of her bible studies with her, does anyone have any GOOD points that I can make to them to show that she may not be in the best religion? I have been studying things about them and do not agree with them, and I want to get together some questions or ideas to leave them speechless....
Oh and by the way, they told my sister that the world will end in 2014, because God released Satan to earth for 1000 years, and they think that thats up in 2014. Someone pleez help.......

2007-04-14 10:29:06 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

just want to see who all is in R&S today--how are you all?

2007-04-14 10:28:38 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

Maybe God didn't make humans out of dust just like that.He could have created the Big Bang, which out of stardust, created Earth & dust. and maybe over billions and billions of years, that dust evolved into Adam and Eve.
CHRISTIANS, please give me your thoughts on this.
ATHEISTS, please answer too.
Because, if you support evolution, the first species would have evolved from dust.


(Some reason my additional details aren't working, so don't feel left out if I don't respond :*(

2007-04-14 10:28:12 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

My year long boyfriend broke up with me, lately every argument was my fault?
he really hurt me emotionally, he was very hard on my child, he had whipped her for over an hour last oct. b/c she was kicked out of school. He would always call me stupid, and would tease me to relieve stress. I got upset yesterday because he was being negative to me about work and exercise, I work 2 jobs and go to school but I'm 155 lb, and 30 lb over weight, he was giving me a hard time about it, so when I got upset he got mad and said he didn't want to be around me b/c I was in a stupid mood. So I changed and acted happy the rest of the day, I took him out to eat this morning. Well he choose to work tonight and told me to go and have fun with my kid, and when I did he got mad b/c he couldn't go and blamed everything on me saying he didn't want to go b/c of the fight yesterday, and was mad b/c he was left out. I'm so hurt right now I believe in God but I have no-one to talk to, I already suffer from depression and I'm not doing good right now. I really need some advice.

2007-04-14 10:25:46 · 21 answers · asked by single mami 2

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