9 When the lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slaughtered because of God's word and the testimony they had given about him.
10 They cried out in a loud voice, "Holy and true Master, how long before you judge and take revenge on those living on earth who shed our blood?"
11 Each of the souls was given a white robe. They were told to rest a little longer until all their coworkers, the other Christians, would be killed as they had been killed.
Who is God going to judge and take revenge for the death of his followers? It can't be the actual people cause they would be long dead by then... So how is he going to do this? Is he going to send the people who did kill them straight to Hell once they die?
I'm not sure what this passage means, can someone please explain to me with good detail what it means?
Thank you, God bless
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