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Religion & Spirituality - 26 March 2007

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And they have proclaimed it every day since his resection. He said he would return during Luke's generation but failed to comply. His final words were Surely I come quickly. Will anyone still be clinging on to hope in another two thousand years.

2007-03-26 23:08:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous


There was this American tourist in Mexico, and he was getting tired of walking around, so he went up to a donkey rental place and said, ''Can I rent a donkey?'

The guy said, "We don't call them donkeys here, we call them asses. This is the only @ss I have left, and you have to scratch him when you want to make him stop."

The guy rides his @ss for a while, sees a hotdog stand, and asks for a hotdog. The vendor replies, "We don't call them hotdogs here we call the wieners."

Meanwhile his donkey is wandering away, so he goes up to another tourist and says "Will you hold my wiener whille I scratch my @ss?"

I'm still hungry.

2007-03-26 23:07:05 · 2 answers · asked by Adia Azrael 4

Can you actually see your other lives?

2007-03-26 23:05:12 · 6 answers · asked by cullentoons 2

Is GOD parcial to either side? Which one has God saying they are the "CHOSEN ONES"?

2007-03-26 23:04:11 · 20 answers · asked by cullentoons 2

Why so many children dying and being suffered through starvation and neglect, if GOD is on their side and they are His charges?

2007-03-26 23:03:00 · 13 answers · asked by cullentoons 2

Had to write my life over in my mind. kiss goodbye my true-lies. and let those human beliefs die one last time. this is when my eye, the 3rd eye inside my soul was born. when a G understands in our lives we must keep what's pure alive by knowing were only what we remember inside. what's wrong? is it me? do you think you're any different from me? from a G to a G this life's forever to be! so let's see what i'ts like not to hurt eachother for the sake of blasphemy. what hurts you hurts me, and six billion other particles of energy! piece by piece we have seperated to the form of what's real in our head that the majority is residualy fed. and what we think we get, then get upset from a minds contempt..

2007-03-26 23:01:46 · 6 answers · asked by ONEMIND 2

Because of religion, many wars have been waged...
On the other hand, religion gives hope to the masses...

2007-03-26 23:01:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

all of a sudden there was anarchy no laws or nothing, human instinct and aggression took over

2007-03-26 23:00:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-26 22:59:22 · 8 answers · asked by Judas. S. Burroughs. 3

Bdi eved all that is required for a conversion (remember bdi eved, not l'hathila) is for a person to be circumcised in front of 3 Jewish men observant of the Sabbath after declaring intention to accept the commandments; heal, then be immersed ina mikveh in front of 3 sabbath observant Jewish men who heard him declare intention to accept the commandments.

If Hitler had arranged this before his death, would he have a portion in the world to come as, "All Jews have a portion in the wordl to come," and "A proselyte is like a newly born infant?"

Let us assume he then abdicated his position, freed the Jews, and then started living a Jewish life.

Also, as a gentile who does not keep the Noahide laws, including that against idolatry (you often say often say Chrisitians are), has no world to come. If he had left the priests in the camps to die, they would not have a portion?

So does your religion teach that a Jew who was Hitler gets a reward a Priest who was gassed by him doesn't?

2007-03-26 22:59:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is the moral law?

2007-03-26 22:50:38 · 12 answers · asked by vandewc 1

No fanatics or death threats please

2007-03-26 22:50:34 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or is it just if enough people say it, it must be true? Or is it because after all, it is written down and the book itself says it's true?

2007-03-26 22:50:20 · 9 answers · asked by Vlasko 3

because he was not abel

2007-03-26 22:49:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-26 22:47:34 · 8 answers · asked by punerox 1

Eg: Through using science, we now have the technology to launch nuclear warheads at distant nations.
On the other hand, we now have vaccines that save millions of lives.

2007-03-26 22:44:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

It must be extremely dull to be one and all alone.... We must have made a big mistake to construct such an illogical and absurd notion or conception of God...

2007-03-26 22:43:10 · 5 answers · asked by SEE YOU LATER 2

Atheists againts Christianity,
Christianity againts Islam,
Theists againts Atheists,

Why must we pit and compare? I thought the point of religion is to live a righteous life, not to be prideful about it.

Why must we promote fight by comparing religions?

Cheesecake or Moist Chocolate cake?

2007-03-26 22:42:07 · 25 answers · asked by Adia Azrael 4

2007-03-26 22:36:55 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Superstition: 1. beliefs or practices resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, or trust in magic or chance.
2. an unreasoning fear of nature, the unknown, or God resulting from superstition.

2007-03-26 22:35:50 · 12 answers · asked by Vlasko 3

Do you give money mostly to non-religious charities such as the International Red Cross, The Fairtrade Foundation (TransFair in the US) or the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)? Or do you include those with a religious basis such as the Salvation Army or CAFOD (Catholic Agency For Overseas Development)?

This follows on from my earlier question to Christians: http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ahb85QEw8srSII9mF5ma9KggBgx.?qid=20070326122338AAe7NZD

Everybody is welcome to answer, though if your 'faith' is a reason for your choice I'd be interested. And also if you're in the US or elsewhere, in case there's a difference. Thank you.

2007-03-26 22:34:24 · 23 answers · asked by Nobody 5

why do people ask
are Christians evil
are Muslims...
why do people generalise about a whole group of people based on the actions of a few
or base it on history
this does not speak about the people now , not every one of them
isnt it time people stopped using their history books as reason to hate
isnt it time we started to see the difference between terrorism and what they " claim " to kill for
isnt it time we take a fresh look at people without a preconcieved notion of what they " may " stand for
what do you say ?

2007-03-26 22:34:21 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

As I become educated on all of the animal suffering in this world I just don't understand why God would condone this. And why he created them.The videos of animal suffering I have seen makes me so sick to my stomach and makes me feel very helpless. Billions upon billions of animals suffer daily because of humans, and a lot of people I meet use God as an excuse to use animals.When I went to church as a kid I was told that God loves all creatures, then why is this happening to them? Humans suffer too I know that but animals are suffering FAR worse.I am trying to read the bible I am reading the Old Testament right now and I am noticing that God is mean, mean to humans and animals. Right now I am not feeling like I want to be invovled with God anymore. Does the bible get any nicer?I feel that if you are truly a good person then you would have no participation with animal cruelty. Meat is murder, a lot of products in stores is tested on animals who are tortured daily.Does God even care?

2007-03-26 22:33:12 · 11 answers · asked by WHAT!?! 1

2007-03-26 22:30:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

How did you feel about what your school taught you about the Universe and/or Evolution? Did you question your teachers about the theories they taught?

And if you have children now, what do you think about what their school currently teaches them about the scientific world?

2007-03-26 22:27:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

can u tell me plz

2007-03-26 22:26:37 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Christians, Catholics and Muslims believe that Jesus/ Isa will come back before the last judgment.

Christians and Catholics,

When Jesus come back; If he was not, a crucified Jesus as you believe.
But he have the power to do miracles as described in the Bible.
If He ask you; Why did not you believe in the prophet God sent after me and if he ask you to amend your self to follow the paths showed by Muhammed (pvuh),

What will you do? Do you obey Him or decline him saying you are the anti Christ?


When Isa come back, if he was a crucified, died and resurrected Isa as Christians believe; with all power of miracles as written in the Quran, and ask you, Why did not you believe in the atonement for sin which I have made for you and all mankind on the cross of Calvary,
What will you do? Do you accept him or decline him by saying you are the dujjhal?

2007-03-26 22:20:42 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some people follow the Bible as a law book of how to live life. Please then explain why some of these very religious humans can have affairs with a married person. When asked they know it is a sin, but anyway do it? How is this possible?

2007-03-26 22:18:49 · 9 answers · asked by Flyinghorse 6

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