Bdi eved all that is required for a conversion (remember bdi eved, not l'hathila) is for a person to be circumcised in front of 3 Jewish men observant of the Sabbath after declaring intention to accept the commandments; heal, then be immersed ina mikveh in front of 3 sabbath observant Jewish men who heard him declare intention to accept the commandments.
If Hitler had arranged this before his death, would he have a portion in the world to come as, "All Jews have a portion in the wordl to come," and "A proselyte is like a newly born infant?"
Let us assume he then abdicated his position, freed the Jews, and then started living a Jewish life.
Also, as a gentile who does not keep the Noahide laws, including that against idolatry (you often say often say Chrisitians are), has no world to come. If he had left the priests in the camps to die, they would not have a portion?
So does your religion teach that a Jew who was Hitler gets a reward a Priest who was gassed by him doesn't?
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