When I was younger, I believe whole-heartedly in creation. Then, as I got older, went to college, and did some more reading, I realized there is a lot more evidence for what scientists claim (this may sound vague, but I'm trying to make a long story short). I also took another look at the writings that try to promote creationism. Virtually all of them are devoted to knitpicking evolution, while almost none of them present any evidence that everything began with a naked couple in a garden and a talking snake.
To be perfectly blunt, this is not a good argument. As any intro to logic student will tell you, disproving claim A does not automatically prove B; in other words, evolution could very well be wrong, despite the vast evidence supporting it, but that would not automatically make creationism right.
So...in the interest of briefness, I'll get to the point: what evidence is there for a literal interpretation of the Bible?
14 answers
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I'm Still Here