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Society & Culture - 9 August 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

And how do you feel in your country?

2007-08-09 16:50:58 · 9 answers · asked by YANGi 2 in Other - Society & Culture

2007-08-09 16:49:26 · 24 answers · asked by U DONT KNOW ME 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Christians like to brush off the horrible things found in the OT by saying that Christians live by the NT. Well put that aside and solely focus on what kind of God you're worshipping! The God of the OT and the NT is still the same God! In the OT God murdered, approved slavery, was a sexist, and etc...how do you justify those horrible things God did back then? To kill a first born child who God Himself put in a woman's womb is purely sadistic! Innocent children were murdered by your loving God! Women were oppressed; they had to be silent in church! Were women more sinful than men? God approved of masters beating their slaves!

2007-08-09 16:48:46 · 15 answers · asked by 恐龙 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I have foodstall for foreign workers at a dormitory. The workers read little English or none at all. The problem is that they have a habit of leaving the disposable plates and cups on the tables after eating. There is coffee, tea, curry gravy all over the tables. At the canteen there are posters 'Keep Clean and Clean your tables after eating'
Either they don't read or just lazy is not an excuse. There must be a way to make them aware of keeping the environment clean. I have placed stickers 'Please clear the tables after eating' on the tables but they still do the same things.
I would like to have some good pictures that I can print. Words seem to have no effect.

2007-08-09 16:47:47 · 5 answers · asked by WhiskeyRose 2 in Etiquette

Christians claim the Divine Trinity and the Holy Bible. Islam, Allah and the Qu'ran. The Rastafari have Holy Piby. The 23 million Sikhs read the Adi Granth. Hindus, the 4 Vedas. And the large remainder of this multitude of religions is based on different scriptures.

Many of these scriptures are mutually incompatible. The bible clearly states non-believers of Jesus Christ are already condemned; that these will burn in hell for all eternity. Islam's Quran makes strikingly similar assumptions for non-believers of Allah.

Additionally, the lessons included in each of these different scriptures differ, sometimes barely and sometimes not The Vedas teach Hindus things the Bible doesn't teach Christians.

The Qu'ran and the Bible, and the Vedas and the Holy Piby, and all remainder - they can't all be right. Despite claims of faith, choice of religion is strongly biased by local culture.
And the question is: What method, if any, do we have available to separate the wheat from the chaff?

2007-08-09 16:47:44 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-09 16:47:41 · 23 answers · asked by anil m 6 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-09 16:45:55 · 10 answers · asked by lv21maverick 1 in Etiquette

do you interpret this to mean the 'Word on Life', the 'Word that Grows', or both?

2007-08-09 16:44:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Can we all exist on this planet as one or will there always be separation among the races?

2007-08-09 16:43:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

no, im not asking the authors name. im asking what do you think it means,as many childrens storys and fables actually had a grim meaning .

2007-08-09 16:42:19 · 5 answers · asked by ? 4 in Mythology & Folklore

2007-08-09 16:42:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

No one knows but God, but when do you think it will take place?

2007-08-09 16:41:09 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

You know, when the Garden of Eden was still spotless clean without any sin, didn't they know how to reproduce, you know, being naked and all?

2007-08-09 16:40:27 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Atheists, let's say there is no God. Very good. We now know there is no God.

Let's say there is no world. Very good. We now know there is no world. But there is an error, what do we live in? A world! And who created it? No one did. It has always been there. But how come it has came to an existence? Because it was simply there. But why do you think it has simply been there? Because that's what I believe.

Doesn't that sound like believing in fairy tale and Santa Clause? Sure. I mean, you believe the world was magically sent from no where.

Now, let's see which point of view is more logical. I say God created the world, since there is a God. How do I know that? Because that's what I acknowledged. If there is a world, then there MUST be something out there. Whatever that is, we called it God.

But Atheists are left with believing the world was simply there. no creator whatsoever. So Christians aren't the ones believing in Santa and Fairly tale.

2007-08-09 16:39:56 · 51 answers · asked by John 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I just think they're trying to compensate for something else they don't have, lol!

2007-08-09 16:38:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

So all those poor people who died in the holocaust went to hell?

According to them Hitler is a better person than a Jew, since Hitler was a good practicing catholic. The same with the SS and other bad people.

You wonder why the Muslims are mad at you now, remember the crusades?
they were minding there own business and then evil crusaders had nothing better to do but go and kill some people!

2007-08-09 16:37:46 · 28 answers · asked by Our blood will touch the ground! 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Why is the God in the Old Testament so angry and murderous and how do you compare that God to the one in the New Testament who is "all-loving"?
There's quite a difference between the two and I'm curious to know why the big personality change?

2007-08-09 16:37:26 · 10 answers · asked by ? 5 in Religion & Spirituality

As the kiss of heaven's diamonds shimmers
Softly on my thoughts,
Aplay in the eyes of a lover,
Lost in lust and longing
Joys of sorrow-filled tears
I am tenderness itself,
A kiss poke words of
Infinite, Eternal Truths
Of Loves, Deaths, Lies,
Forever is the cycle,
Spiral Life, to Die,
And I, as profoundly
Sweet as I am cruel,
For I debase the high
Majestic one for whom
I've speared my heart
That she may drink
The blood therein,
And I, who've died
Inside her many
Times before, touch
Again my Virgo.

2007-08-09 16:36:00 · 2 answers · asked by me 2 in Religion & Spirituality

The last ten years of research seems to support the prevailing theory among researchers and doctors, that gender dysphoriea [Transsexualisum] is not a mantel disorder, but rather a birth defect. Much the same as being born with a bad heart valve.
There is an anatomical difference between a male and a female brain. It possible to hand a medical student a human brain and ask the student; "Is this brain male or female?" and by checking certain structures IN the brain the student can say that the brain is either male or female. But the student may not be able to say if it's from a man or a woman it MAY be from a gender dysphoric person.
The most compelling and thorough research was performed postmortem on the brains of 18 Male-to-females. In ALL 18 cases the brains were anatomically female.
IF this research turns out to be right… Will you reevaluate your personal position regarding transsexuals?

2007-08-09 16:33:58 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Nowhere in the Bible does it state that God is Omnipotent so why do Christians say that he is?
It says in the Old Testament quite frequently that God was angry with all the sinners and the sinning but if he was omnipotent he would already know they were going to disappoint him, wouldn't he?

2007-08-09 16:31:56 · 25 answers · asked by ? 5 in Religion & Spirituality

“Fearlessness may be a gift but perhaps more precious is the courage acquired through endeavor, courage that comes from cultivating the habit of refusing to let fear dictate one's actions, courage that could be described as 'grace under pressure' - grace which is renewed repeatedly in the face of harsh, unremitting pressure”
- Aung San Suu Kyi -

Good night :)

2007-08-09 16:29:34 · 15 answers · asked by Shinkirou Hasukage 6 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-09 16:29:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I don't think these people realize that we have to put people first. They sit their and bash Vick for dog fighting while last night thousands of people in Africa probly died from hunger or preventable diseases. Believe me, i'm an animal lover too, but i never lose sight of what really matters... people. Another thing is, i don't understand how some people can have more compassion for some lost kitten wondering the streets than someone who's in agony starving to death somewhere in Africa... this world is really going to hell, man.

2007-08-09 16:28:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

He never respond my mails.

2007-08-09 16:26:39 · 22 answers · asked by Ratazinger 1 in Religion & Spirituality

estly and we will take it. But the only course to marriage at the moment is make vows many don't believe in. For example, you may agree to love your partner for life, but that should not imply that you cannot have another partner sexually, which is not the same thing as love. A physical act to relieve tension or obtain pleasure should be welcomed by the other partner, who wants the best for his loved one.

2007-08-09 16:26:07 · 21 answers · asked by americanhero_aa 2 in Religion & Spirituality

is it okay

2007-08-09 16:25:43 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I don't take into consideration other people's opinions, but they do hurt me & make me feel depressed, but I don't believe what they think. & I hate when people pass on a negative & unnecessary opinion & demand that it be the truth.

2007-08-09 16:25:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

These Christians seem so sure of their own religion they completely ignore any logic or common sense! They simply stick their fingers in their ears and sing, "La La La, I can't hear you!"

Now the hilarious part, just look at how many Christian sects there are! If you're so sure of your religion, how is it that you Christians so desperately separate among yourselves? There are Catholics, Protestants, orthodox and etc. I sincerely think you Christians should settle among yourselves before you tackle other's beliefs! You are embarrassing yourselves! Oh, and don’t want to hear the excuse that it’s only the minor parts you disagree on…if it’s really only the minor parts, then why is there so much conflict among you? In Orthodox they believe there were two Gods, the evil and good one in the OT and NT respectively, this doesn’t sound minor in its difference!

2007-08-09 16:23:45 · 19 answers · asked by 恐龙 1 in Religion & Spirituality

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