The Sun hits it's lowest point in the sky on Dec 21st when Polaris aligns with 3 other stars making it the brightest star in the sky, particularly on that day. On December 25th the Sun begins to rise again in the sky each day, foreshadowing the coming of Spring, life and rebirth.
It's no coincidence that other deities like Horus were also born Dec 25th, had 12 disciples (12 sings of the Zodiac) and died around Easter only to rise from the dead 3 days later. A metaphor for the equinox in spring. The story of Christ repeats itself in many other religions that were around before Christianity.
Ancient peoples worshipped the sky, the stars, and especially the Sun. The Sun God, or in this case, God's Son. Jesus's time marked the change of the Ages. The Earth and Sun lined up to mark the beginning of the Age of Pisces, symbolized by the fish. In 2150 we will be in the Age of Aquarius. Jesus said he will be with us until the end of the world, or the Aeon, or the Age.
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