it was the plan of God ...
satan didn't know that Jesus was God wrapped in flesh.
1 cor. 2:8 - " Which none of the princes of this world knew:
for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."
before Jesus' death, Satan had the keys of death & hell ....
Heb. 2:14 states the law of sin & death ... "the soul that sinneth, it shall die."
b/c Jesus had never sinned but was put to death anyway.
this broke the "terms" of the law of sin & death;
therefore Satan no longer held the keys ....
Romans 8:2 says, "the law of the Spriit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin & death."
showing Jesus now has the keys of hell & of death,
rev. 1:18 says,
"I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."
all this to show .... the amazing plan of God ...
now that Jesus has the keys of death & hell....
once you are born again into Jesus Christ, you no longer are under the Law of Sin & Death.
2007-08-02 04:53:22
answer #1
answered by t d 5
They had listened to Jesus Christ. They were afraid, very afraid of him. They felt that his teachings took away their personal control and power over the people.
They wanted and conspired to kill him so that they would once again regain control of the people.
At this particular time Jesus Christ had many followers and the temple rulers did not see it in their best interest to arrest Jesus while he was teaching in the same temple as they were. They had many opportunities to arrest him and Jesus states that they did, yet they wanted to do it under cover of darkness.
Now Judas was chosen for one reason, he had a heart of selfishness. Jesus knew that when the timing was right, Judas would betray him. ITs about the heart, and Judas did not think ahead and he became sorrowful after he did it, as his meal ticket was gone. He did not stick around long enough to see that the people did turn against Jesus and he would have been able to go on and not be an outcast, but he did not know this at the time, he felt despondent, but not repentant (repentance to Jesus, not the temple rulers).
2007-08-02 11:46:32
answer #2
answered by cindy 6
Judas betrayed Christ. It was GOD's master plan, but Judas didn't know it. He would have done it regardless whether Christ put him up to it or not. Yes, he loved Christ, but Judas never truly accepted him as the Christ. If he did, Judas never would have accepted the money.
BTW, just my thoughts on the "Book of Judas." Complete and utter fallacy. It was probably written by Judas' mom or something. There's no way to prove that Judas ever wrote the thing. I don't know how he could have written it between playing disciple and being the traitor that he was.
2007-08-02 11:53:06
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Judas did love Jesus. Yes, this was part of the plan that GOD instituted to save man from complete distruction.
BUT...what people forget is: Judas had a choice. And when satan got through with him, he left him, and that is when Judas regained his 'mind' and realized what he had done and was ashamed.
Don't forget that after the sin of Adam and Eve, man continued to sink deeper in his sin because satan was given the earth's domain and was able to run freely - seeing who he could devour. Because God knows all things, He knew that Judas would be the one to 'listen' to satan and would be the one to give Jesus up. If it was not Judas - it would have been someone else. We still have a choice. God never takes away our own will - we are just allowed to continue in that and eventually, suffer our own consequences.
2007-08-02 11:41:41
answer #4
answered by THE SINGER 7
According to the New Testament, Judas did betray Jesus and Jesus did know what was going down.
But just because Jesus knew doesn't mean that Judas had no control.
Think of it like this: suppose a parent was watching a kid put dirt in a pail, add water, then bring it over to his clueless sister and pick it up: the parent knows the kid is going to douse his sister, but the parenet didn't force him to do that.
If you put it in a theological, fancy way: omniscience doesn't imply causality.
That just means that just because Jesus might have know what Judas was up to, doesn't mean he caused Judas to do it.
Of course Judas was an important part of the plan for Jesus to die for us, but who's to say it had to be that exact way, or that Judas was only carrying out some kind of destiny? The bottom line is that Judas had the free will to refuse to betray Jesus, but he chose to do it.
2007-08-02 11:39:51
answer #5
answered by Acorn 7
The book of Judas (which recently made the news) further goes into the fact that Judas did not betray Jesus, but rather was part of Jesus's plan. Jesus himself was aware of his fate, did nothing to stop it, and, by doing so, died on the cross for our sins. So, really, Judas helped Jesus become the Savior. We should really revere him as much as we do Jesus, in that respect.
2007-08-02 11:39:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If Judas hadn't betrayed Jesus, Jesus couldn't have died to save everybody's sins. And yet they still stuck Judas in the bottom circle of Hell where he gets chewed on by the Devil all day. Kind of a raw deal if you ask me.
2007-08-02 11:38:09
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I have always thought that seeing God set this plan in motion that all the players should be exempt from guilt seeing they were being manipulated by God. Judas really got the smelly end of the stick.
This is my opinion as a Pagan who isn't afraid to question anyone's religion, including my own.
Bright ones
2007-08-02 12:21:00
answer #8
answered by humanrayc 4
Jesus knew Judahh's heart,, and yes I think he used him because He did know what was in his heart,, Juda was also stealing money,,
2007-08-02 11:41:44
answer #9
answered by dolphinchic 3