i think something you should try to realize is that the Church is God's plan for us. and that his love is what is important. you will find hypocrites and judgemental people in ALL walks of life.
do not put your faith in the people you go to church with, but in God and his divine plan for us. Many people have left a life of faith because they lacked the support of other people....we should not be relying on people, because people can always fail...God will not fail. Trust in Him.
We were never promised that a life of faith would be easy. the opposite is true, in fact. We were promised that we would be rewarded for STAYING faithful through opposition. Its times of trials and tribulations that test our faith...staying faithful through these trials builds perseverance. and thats what's important.
2007-08-02 04:43:47
answer #1
answered by p.diggity 2
People judging another persons belief is normal. Yes I have felt judged and looked down on quite a few times because of my faith in God. I realize that those people don't completely understand what it means to go on faith and although they can be cruel about it. I have on the other side seen religious people who have also been overly judgemental and hurtful. That has nothing to do with the belief in God but more the way people hurt each other about anything. And actually I feel sorry for them because they don't have that feeling of love from God that I feel especially on really bad days. And some day I hope they will find it.
2007-08-02 04:48:25
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I consider myself a Believer - not so much 'religious' however, I cannot ever recall a time when someone attacked my 'religious beliefs" or the "denomination" for which I practiced. I grew up a "Baptist" and all the rituals that went along with the Baptist teachings. As I began to discover the "Word" movement, I began to see a lot through my study that the Baptist conveniently 'left out' or did not teach. I wanted all of the gifts that God promised and no longer attend a "Baptist" (traditional) church. I have nothing against anyone's choice - however, I have been taught and believe that we are not here to 'argue' the Word, or try to convince people of 'our way'. We are only to be witnesses - and tell people of the good news of Jesus Christ and how He loved us and gave Himself for us and His commandment only is that we go and love others the same way. That means that I cannot judge anyone. My only job is to love that person and show compassion, to forgive anyone for anything they have done to me, do not hold grudges, but keep the faith and joy and be peaceful with all men.
If I were to run into someone who 'attacked' my faith or belief, I would simply pray for them, offer them my blessing and move on. I am taught that people who do not understand will often say things that are untrue, silly, callous, hurtful, but Jesus loves me so much that I cannot allow what others say affect me. I have to continue to have the love of Jesus in my heart - at all times. When we respond to others who make these kinds of remarks, we are allowing satan to have entry into our hearts. Because what happens is, someone will say something ugly - and look what happened to you - you left the church you belonged to -and you might have been happy there - but satan does not want you happy and he will do w hatever is necessary to make sure that you are offended by someone or something - and that only helps to decrease your faith - not increase. You cannot allow others to dictate how you are blessed and to challenge your belief. That's why you can't argue with people. Just pray for them and move on.
I am sorry that this happened to you because there is no telling what kind of anointing and blessings God has for you - and you should find some place in the church body where you can study and grow and be happy among people who think and believe as you do. They will help you to be strong. True Believers do not judge each other or others who are unbelievers. We are only supposed to pray for them and love them. That's all.
2007-08-02 04:55:38
answer #3
answered by THE SINGER 7
My question is do you all find you are criticized by people for your faith as i was? Yes--was and still am and will be even after I die. By family, friends, neighbors, strangers, even people within the congregation at times.
Do you feel the hurt when someone "attacks" it? I used to long ago, but not any more. We are told in the Bible to expect people to hate us. After all, the world hated and killed Christ. How can we expect better treatment as his followers? When I learned that, it made all the difference. We have peace with God through Jesus Christ. It took some maturing in my faith to get past being hurt.
I hope you will study your Bible and pray. I once heard a pastor say, "If God doesn't feel near, guess who moved? It wasn't Him." (or something like that) Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.
p.s. I don't really consider myself a religious person as your question says. I see Christianity as a relationship with the Creator and Redeemer. The term "religious" means (to me) strict adherence to a set of rules and traditions and requirements to appease God. Grace and forgiveness is what Christianity is all about. That is life changing.
2007-08-03 11:48:06
answer #4
answered by Connie 2
You loose your faith due to a religion boasting about having an enlightened attitude and then doing something really opposite to that ideal.
I don't need anyone to justify what I believe in, which is why it is called a belief. Someone has to believe it and I am that person.
The world would be a better place to live in if all the religions that state that they are ambassadors of peace would realize that you can't say your religion is better than the religion of the people you are working out an accord with. That would be like saying if you kiss my butt, then we can work together.
Bright blessings
2007-08-02 05:15:08
answer #5
answered by humanrayc 4
I do not like my faith being attacked but It is inevitable so I am not hurt. I know that UI fail to live up to my faith and my defence indeed the only defence is that at least I try. We all of us Christians know that we get it wrong because we are human. You say you have left it because of people judging you. Do you not do that every day of your life in one way or another? i.e. I don't trust him. I think he is wrong. that is a bad thing to do. Tings like that
I'm sad that you have or appear to have lost your faith but would suggest that you look at yourself and not other people for the moment. Be brave you might not like what you see.
May God Bless you and you find hm again
2007-08-02 04:49:10
answer #6
answered by Scouse 7
I used to go to churches like that too. It turned me off to religion for many years.
At the age of 44, however, if found what I believe to be a "true" church. This church recognizes that all humans fall short of the glory of God, so if I do happen to "mess up" I am consoled, and encouraged to keep pressing on.
I have never felt such joy before coming to this church. I am doing the Lord's work happily. I enjoy serving my congregation in whatever ways they might need. I enjoy crafting my own path to salvation, with guidance from our Elders. I enjoy the preaching, and the teaching.
I am now well over 50 years old, and have recently been invited to serve the church as a deacon. I am now at a point where I can confidently teach bible classes, and counsel people.
God wastes nothing. Even my own experiences outside the church come in handy from time to time. I can empathize with statements like yours, and point these people to better ways.
My church is a Church of Christ. We get criticised often because we try to emulate the "First Century" congregations as described in the Bible. (We do not have instrumental music in our Worship services, for example. We use our God-given instruments, our voices, to praise God...)
But, now that I understand God's ways better, the attacks are meaningless. I feel sorry for those folks who bash our church because they have no understanding. I pray for them to see a sample of God's power and truth, so they might see the error of their ways.
2007-08-02 04:54:14
answer #7
answered by Barry F 5
I think it's sad that so many people have been turn off by religion because of the people that are in some Churches not being Christ like,,, I think those type of people have caused alot of people to lose their Faith in God,, and he will deal with them in his own time.. I understand it is hard to find a good church,, but don't give up..So many people blame the good Christians because of the ones that are bad Christians,, don't give up on God because of wrong people"s doing's and saying 's,, put your trust in God not people,, people will always fail you,, where God never will...
2007-08-02 05:02:58
answer #8
answered by dolphinchic 3
well I'm from Acoma Pueblo in New Mexico.HAving to co-exist among two faiths is hard.I see myself more as a spiritual person rather then a follower of an organized faith.My family do go to church and I do believe in God but I do not believe you have to have a church to worship. People critisize me about my own personal faith about not needing a place to worship like my indiginous faith. But there is really nothing you can do. I see it as I have no right to judge someones faith but I do believe that people can have their own ways of expressing it. Many people in the Church believe that worshipping a spirit in the water or wind or any other thing is praising a fake god.But for me these spirits are more deities. People who are from the same god but helpers like saints. People judge but one day they will be judged in heaven before god. So don't sweat it follow your heart and your belief to the fullest so you to will be rewarded int he next life.
2007-08-02 04:46:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
unfortunately in some churches you will find that the members persecute you more than outsiders. These are people who are hearers of the word only and not doers. In many churches some of the people on the front pew and even in office will be the ones to bust hell wide open. Be encouraged the bible says in John 15:20 if they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you. It is also written in Romans 12:14 bless those that persecute you. In reference to your faith everyone is given a measure of faith and faith is like muscles in the human body so to speak. If you want to develop you muscles you have to exercise them and the more you exercise them the larger and more defined they become. Exercise you faith you may start believing for small things and as you see God bring those things to pass you will begin to believe for bigger things and he will also bring those things to pass. Hope this helps. Be Blessed!!
2007-08-02 05:23:03
answer #10
answered by lover of the lord 2
No matter what religion you practice people are going to judge you and your religion... People just feel that you're not right if you're not practicing the same religion as them. I know I feel that way sometimes.. I have a cousin who is Muslim and often we argue about our different religions... I love him, but I don't agree with his choice to be Muslim... and he feels the same way about me. But no matter how much someone may criticize me and my choice to be a Christian, I would never stop believing and having faith in God. And the Bible says that people will attack you because you've chosen to have faith in Christ and you just have to be strong about and keep up the faith.
2007-08-02 04:46:22
answer #11
answered by *Shayla* 4