Isn't there a law that says that nothing new can be created? In order for something new to come along, something else must be changed? Silica into glass, being one of the simpler examples. A more complex example is burning paper. The paper is lost, but ashes, carbon dioxide, water, and smoke arise. The ammount of "stuff" always stays the same.
So, if this is true, then spirits can't come about. I mean, a baby can. You take a sperm and an egg, combine them, and you feed it an nourish it and it grows. The things the mother eats are eventually turned into ATP to nourish the baby, but where does the baby's spirit come from? If it just "comes about" wouldn't that break that law? Wouldn't that imbalance things, maybe even tear a hole in the universe (just being overdramatic).
After all, the laws of nature are unbreakable. No matter how hard you tell yourself you will survive a jump from a high building, if you jump, gravity will push you into the ground HARD.
What do you guys think?
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Religion & Spirituality